Chapter 10 - The Time of Angels

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The Time of Angels, part 1 -

So, she went three hundred years back in time in exactly the same place, only to have the Tardis materialise around her in the same moment.

"Parked us? We haven't even landed", she heard the Doctor complain.

"Of course we've landed. I just landed her", River argued.

"Right on top of me", Astrid waved in complaint.

River grinned at her. The Doctor looked between them confused, "But it didn't make the noise."

"What noise?", they asked at the same time.

The Doctor started wheezing, like the Tardis did when he landed her, and Astrid giggled at him.

"It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on", River told him.

"I'm hoping that now you've heard it from yourself you're hearing that she sounds just as uncomfortable with it as you just did", Astrid added.

River pointed at her in agreement, "Where did I leave your message?"

"Right out there", Astrid pointed to the door with her thumb.

"Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise", the Doctor got back on topic, "Come along, Pond. Let's have a look."

He was about to walk past her but River stopped him, "No, wait. Environment checks."

"I was just out there", Astrid told her.

"Oh, yes, sorry. Quite right. Environment checks", the Doctor spoke over her and opened the door, poking his head out, "Nice out."

"We're somewhere in the Garn Belt", River read off of the scanner, "There's an atmosphere. Early indications suggest that-"

"We're on Alfava Metraxis, the seventh planet of the Dundra System", the Doctor interrupted her, "Oxygen rich atmosphere, all toxins in soft band, eleven hour day and chances of rain later."

"I was just here to relax a bit", Astrid started telling them, "I just got out of a hassle between some rich people and FOTO, got caught up in the mix and just brought the Ood home, and then I came here to lay in the sun and get high off the air."

"He thinks he's so hot when he does that", River told Amy quietly.

"Urgh, River. No", Astrid grimaced.

"I'm sorry, why were you doing that at all? You were supposed to be at University", the Doctor scolded her.

"Dad, I graduated, like, ten years ago. I've worked since then."

"You have a job?", he furrowed his brows.

"Oh, yeah, Stormcage guard. I can shoot a gun perfectly", upon his shocked expression she added, "Not that I ever would. I don't shoot guns, it's just part of the uniform."

She intended to gesture down at herself, before remembering that she obviously didn't wear the uniform, but instead a thick coat, over her leggings and tank top, that she'd pulled over when she'd gone to the Oodsphere.


"How come you can fly the Tardis?", Amy asked River.

"Oh, I had lessons from the very best", she replied with a smirk.

"Well", the Doctor dropped into the jump seat with a smug smile, "Yeah."

Astrid snorted and River confirmed her mocking thoughts, "It's a shame you were busy that day. Right then, why did they land here?"

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