All about me!(prologue)

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Well as you've already heard I won't tell people about my past but I'll tell you the basics. I was born in Rivendell after my mother Celebrian had fallen in love with my father Poseidon and had me as a result. He left her after telling her that he was a god and I would be a demigod and once I came of age I would need to go to a different Earth where I would be needed by others of my kind. Arwen had been born before me so technically my mom was cheating on Elrond but as it turned out he didn't really care just as long as I was classified as his daughter in Middle Earth and she didn't do it ever again. I was different from other elves from the start. I was clumsy where most were graceful. My hair liked to turn golden in the sun. I was a fighter. I couldn't read the common tongue and had a hard time reading elvish. And last I had a really hard time paying attention. Soon my mother on her way back from visiting her parents Galadriel and Celeborn was ambushed by orcs and terribly injured. She made it back alive but barely. Eventually giving up on healing her Elrond sent her on a ship to Valinor granting her eternal peace. I carried on with my life sadly but with my sister. For an elf, coming of age is 150 while with other races it is fifteen or something like that. My sister and I were best friends. When I finally came of age Gandalf transported me to the other Earth and I learned Greek easily found out I was blessed by two goddesses and learned to fight in the Greek way. I was soon the strongest fighter out of all of the demigods due to elven moves and reflexes and moves that I had made up myself. Every once in a while I would visit my sister Elrond and my grandmother and grandfather. I never fell in love and was offered several opportunities to join the hunters of Artemis. But one I was already immortal and I was just waiting for the right person. No not a god either. I was happy alone for the moment. I had had several brothers and sisters until they died and the Big Three swore their oath. People(men especially) tended to judge me for being a woman and fighting. I had the easy ability to defeat mortals(and men who thought I was weak) using daggers of steel enchanted to never be damaged or rust. I guess you could say that I was pretty. They sure seemed to think so. About a thousand years later I met my half brother Percy Jackson who was by far my favorite of all of my siblings other than Arwen. I had met Aragorn and he was like a brother to me. Good thing too because he was very important in Arwen's life. Now Luke is bad and we're about to go into battle with him. Yay!

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