Boromir Decides to Get Injured

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Gandalf and Aragorn went up. Then Legolas then a dwarf by the name of Gimli. Then a man by the name of Boromir. Then four hobbits ran out behind pillars and bushes and joined as well. A soaking wet Elrond was about to proclaim them the Fellowship of the Ring when I jumped down and landed in a kneeling position with my hair covering my face.
"I think you'll need me on this mission Frodo," I said starting forward before Elrond stopped me.
I looked at him. He was soaked from head to toe and I opened my hand and took all of the water off of him and started playing with it.
"Thank you. You may not go," he said.
I promptly threw the water back in his face and pulled an arrow out and knocked it in my bow aiming it at him. He flinched and I grinned.
"He's right. I will not allow a woman to join this quest," Boromir said.
I turned quickly and shot my arrow pinning him into the wall. He began to say something again and I screamed over his voice and began throwing knives at him. Purposely not hitting him though. I threw them again and again. I grabbed one more and flung it at his face but before it could hit him I caught it with water and right in front of him caused the water pressure to increase to a point where it would kill a normal person crushing the knife.
"Oh come on Tara Cotta you never invite us to go on your little parties," I heard a familiar voice say behind me.
I whipped around and saw the hunters and all of my friends from camp.
"Guys!" I shouted happily running over to them. I was surrounded by a huge group hug. There were six new people who stayed away from the group.
"Oh yeah Tara a lot happened while you were gone. Old guy over here sped up time in our world that could only stop speeding up when we got transported here. So yeah. Three of the guys are Roman. That's my brother Jason. His girlfriend Piper who's Greek. The two other Romans are Frank and his girlfriend Hazel. Then there's Greek demigod Leo and his not so immortal anymore nymph-goddess girlfriend Calypso," Thalia rattled off.
"So we're coming with you on this mission no matter what these vlaccas say," Percy said.
"Aw Percy you're attempting to learn Greek again?" I said teasingly.
He chuckled rolling his eyes.
"Women are weak and meant to be housekeepers," we heard Boromir shout.
I looked at my girls and knew we were all thinking the same thing. We all unleashed our weapons of choice and advanced on him the others backing away from us nervously.
"Punk you just got yourself on the wrong side of the wrong people. We will tear you to shreds," Clarrise said from the back of the group flexing her muscular arms.
"Yeah buddy. You mess with the girl you mess with all of them. We work as a team," Annabeth said.
"And you definitely don't want to mess with these girls," Travis said.
"We did that before and man it did not turn out well for us. We were in the infirmary for two weeks and then weren't allowed to get up out of bed for a month. Gods that sucked and really hurt," Connor said.
They nodded and we glared at Boromir then nodded. All at once we decided what we were going to do to him. It was simple but just like what we would normally would do to somebody. I took my arrow out and replaced it then drew two small knives which all of us girls had. Boromir began to struggle and Clarrise and her siblings came up and pinned him down so that the archers could pin him to the ground with their arrows. Then we began to sketch on his chest with knives. Deep enough that it would scar but light enough that it wouldnt make him have to miss going with the fellowship. I sketched the first letter on his chest- G. He screamed in pain as blood welled up on his chest. Thalia came forward and sketched the letter I. He screamed and writhed arching his back. Then each of the hunters came forward writing R-L-S A-R-E. Annabeth came forward and wrote- S. Katy Gardner from the Demeter cabin unlatched her grip from Travis and walked up with a hard look on her face. I grinned knowing that normally she was all about peace and happiness. She pulled out her silver knife and vines grew around it and her hand. She slowly carved- T. He bit his tongue to try to keep from screaming but it didn't work. His chest flexed and squirted blood into our faces as he squirmed more. She wrinkled her nose and placed her hand on the floor summoning more vines and wrapping them around his torso. Many more of my girls came up and carved letters into his skin. Finally Clarrise came up to carve the last letter into his skin- N. then with a feeling of finality I pressed the tip of my knife into his flesh carving a period.
"Can I get an Apollo girl over here please?" A girl sauntered over. "Heal him just enough so that he can still feel it sting but enough that it doesn't bleed anymore."
She smirked at me and nodded and placed her hand on his chest closing her eyes. Suddenly her eyes snapped open golden and she chanted in Greek.
(Let this man be healed but still feel pain and be scarred for life)
Apollos POV
One of my daughters asked to heal someone and naturally I granted her wish listening in on her words.
(Let this man be healed but still feel pain and be scarred for life)
I recoiled in shock then relaxed. Ah someone made the girls mad again. I almost feel bad but then again those girls can fight off anything.
Tara's POV
I wiped off Boromirs chest to show the words- girls are strong especially without the help of men. I stood up and all of the other girls did as well. I smirked at the disgusted and surprised looks of all of the men and elves around us. Even Gandalf and Elrond were surprised at our antics. Legolas's elves raced at us to pin us down and we looked at each other then flicked our knives back into their secret spots then lunged forward as one. We tripped all of the elves and pinned them to the ground with vines. I brushed off my bloodstained hands.
"Now then. Anyone else want to challenge the fact that we're coming?" I asked.
Legolas spoke," You just took down my most well trained warriors in one move. I think you should come."
"Great!" I said happily then waved my hand to the demigods to follow me. "C'mon guys!"
I ran forward and jumped over the railing with them right behind me. Whooping and screaming we ran through Rivendell till we reached the forest.

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