To the Council of Elrond

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I woke up in the morning to Arwen shaking me and telling me to get up. When I groaned and turned over trying to avoid her she sighed and shoved me off the bed. I landed hard on my side unable to catch myself as I was very clumsy for someone who was a half elf. Someone knocked on the door and I tried to get up an tripped falling on my face.
"Oh hi come on in guys," Arwen said.
Guys? With an s? I pushed myself up and stumbled out to where the people were then tripped again falling on my face again.
"Hello Tara," I heard Aragorn said after bursting out laughing.
I raised my hand off the floor and said," Yo."
I heard someone strange laughing and edged my hand towards my belt grabbing my knife. Suddenly graceful I launched myself off the floor and held my knife to the strangers neck. I heard Arwen laugh.
"Whoa Tara it's okay. This is Legolas Prince of Mirkwood. You can trust him. He may be a little annoying sometimes but he's trustworthy."
I raised my eyebrow as if asking that she was telling the truth. She nodded and I grabbed the blondie's crown and took off. He ran after me yelling at me to stop and give it back. I then climbed up a pillar which was difficult but not that hard. I then stuck it on a ledge sticking out of the pillar, placed it there and slid down the pillar. I bowed to Legolas jokingly and ran off hearing Aragorn explain that this was my beginning of friendship prank. Basically instead of giving a present to seal the deal that we were friends I would prank you. Entertaining I know. Now off to Arwens room to tidy up a little bit. I took a quick bath washed my face hair and body with ocean scented soap which Arwen kept here especially for me. Happily I hummed as I scrubbed my back with the scrubber. Finally I got out and put on a pair of new brown leggings and a bright blue loose shirt. Then I took my time polishing my twin daggers and sword just in case I had to pull it out in front of everybody. It wouldn't look very nice if they noticed that they was still covered in monsters blood from the battle. I transformed them back into my hair tie and rings. I put my hair up quickly then happily skipped up to a blonde elf who just so happened to be walking past my door and launched myself over him in a flip and landed in front of him sticking the landing and putting my hands in the air.
"Ta da!" I shouted.
He chuckle and I ran up to him and pulled at his arm.
"Come on. You're moving to slowly. It's boring," I whined before hearing several bows being knocked into place and seeing several guard elves aiming at me.
"Hey Legolas do you care to tell your buddies that I will throttle them if they shoot at me," I asked.
He shrugged. Oh so it was payback time. Suddenly the elves fired and I whipped out my shield that I carried disguised as my belt buckle. I deflected most of them but caught the rest in my hands. I turned around and glared at Legolas who was gaping then exchanged my shield for my bow and quiver and quicker than even a skilled elves eye could see shot arrow after arrow hitting elves in the fine cloth on their shoulders pinning them to the walls behind them. I had only made the arrows be normal but I had one more and could basically turn it into a poison arrow or a sonic arrow or a bomb arrow and so on.
"What shall I do to you hmm? Should I blow your eardrums out or kill you slowly with poison or blow you to a faraway land?" I growled.
"I didn't tell them to shoot at you. Tara they just did-"
"Well that's too bad ain't it," I said about to say something else when I heard three yips from behind.
"Hi Tara oo do you have someone to test the sharpness of our teeth on," said Talon in the wolf language.
"Nah come on guys let's leave this elf to get his warriors unstuck," I said leading them away talking quickly to them in the wolf language. Happily I walked with my wolf pals to the meeting. I skipped into the corridor that led to the meeting place. I walked in suddenly serious and grabbing the pups in my arm until I realized that only Aragorn and Gandalf were there. Gandalf I had already forgiven for he really never had anything to do with thinking that I was incapable of defending myself. Aragorn ran up to me and began to beg forgiveness.
I rolled my eyes," Yes of course Aragorn. You are forgiven. After all I can't do anthing that involves staying near you for long periods of time if I'm holding a grudge."
He sighed in relief then asked," Where's Legolas?"
I laughed," He's figuring out how to get his buddies unstuck from the walls I pinned them to. My arrows are very strong," I put a finger on my chin thinking then added," and unlimited."
"Why did you pin them to the wall Tara.You do realize that he is a prince and with a flick of his hand order his army to destroy you," Aragorn sighed.
I growled," Yeah don't worry. His friends tried to kill me already that's why they're pinned to the walls."
He nodded and Gandalf walked up," I am assuming that this will turn out to be a quest and I know that you Tara don't want to go on a quest without your friends so I will allow you for the first time ever to bring your friends here with my assistance. They will not officially be part of the group we travel with but essentially helpon our quest as part if you."
I wrinkled my nose," That last part sounded really weird. But I'll go with it and instead say, Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Yay my friends are coming! My friends are coming!"
I ran around happily repeating that over and over again after setting the puppies down and they chased after me stumbling and yipping in excitement. Adhd moments. What can I say?
"Ever a child no matter how old she truly is," Gandalf said shaking his head.
Then Legolas walked in his eyes going wide when he saw me dancing around with the pups behind me. His buddies walked in behind him glaring at me. I smiled and waved at them.
"Hey I think you guys might have some holes in your shirts. Hey wait a second I forgot one of you," I said tauntingly.
Before any of them could blink I grabbed my bow and shot my silver arrow sending Legolas flying backwards and pinning him to the wall. Then I stalked up to him and easily took the arrow out of the wall and his shirt.
"And that my friend is why you don't mess with Tara," Aragorn stated dramatically.
I rolled my eyes laughing. I then turned and grabbed the pups as others walked and whispered to them," I want you guys to go back to your room because I don't want anyone to hurt you or you guys to do anything stupid. Got it. And you stay there until I come an get you okay?"
They nodded and scampered out of the room to theirs.
Freya's POV
As soon as we got back into the room I turned to my brothers importantly.
"Guys I have an idea," I said happily.
They perked up," What?"
"We need to follow Tara wherever she goes. We need to help her. Once she gets to an important battle we'll be fully grown."
They both nodded.
"We'll need to be really quiet and find a way to feed ourselves. Now are we all good with this idea?" I asked.
They nodded and we began preparing.
Tara's POV
I smiled then scaled a pillar as I knew people would not only look at me funny for being a woman there but also because I would be bouncing up and down in my seat. And so the meeting began. I was immediately bored out of my mind and started making water balls into weird things out of the water that I had summoned. Hey don't judge me I was bored. Eventually I looked down and noticed that a whole lot of dudes were arguing over who should take the ring. Gandalf looked up at me and mouthed would you mind shutting them up so that Frodo here can say what he's been trying to say. I nodded and snapping my fingers sending water across the room and drenching everybody except Aragorn who was sitting Gandalf and Frodo and of course me. Man they shut up fast and were all looking around like who did that. I was about to burst out laughing when Frodo piped up.
"I will take the ring to Mordor. Though I do not know the way," he said loudly.

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