Blondie and I Fight

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"How did it go? What did he say?" Arwen said as she rushed up to me apparently not noticing that I was pissed.
"Let's just say that he has a newly broken arm and needs to go outside more," I replied before stalking up to my group.
I spoke in Greek," Somebody give me something to punch now."
They nodded and held up a large bronze shield. I hit it hard and broke it in half. I nodded my thanks still pissed and glanced back enough to see Arwen and Elrond's astonished faces.
"Anybody up to going to the training grounds with me," I asked.
Everybody nodded and cheered.
I glanced back at Elrond," You are not and never will be my father."
He looked crestfallen.
I held my head high," My father is the god of the sea and is the best father I could have ever asked for."
I turned around and began to walk away at the same time saying," I wouldn't listen to you even if you were my father. I've always had a rebellious side."
With that I led my friends to the training course.
When we got there I asked loudly," Hey guys want to listen to some good music?"
I smiled and turned on some work out music on my iPod and turned on my stereo. Yeah I liked that kind of stuff. We got to fighting with our weapons of choice for that day. I decided on my hand gun today which was specially modified to shoot celestial bronze. I had a rifle and shotgun with me as well but today felt like a hand gun day. I shot the bullseye of the target flawlessly each time. Two other girls were on either side of me shooting as well. Ah I loved this. Doing dangerous things with my best friends.
Legolas's POV
Out in the distance I could hear something loud and annoying to my ears. It almost sounded like a war. I ran towards the sound. It was the training area. I looked and saw three girls shooting something at a target. One in particular stood out. It was Tara. I crept a bit closer though the noise hurt my ears. Then Tara looked up and saw me. She smiled and beckoned me over motioning for the other girls to stop firing their weapons. Immediately my ears felt better. I could hear swords clanging together and looked at her friends. My eyes widened at their moves and how quickly they moved. And the fact that they wore no armor and they weren't using training swords which would only leave bruises not cuts and injuries. She snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Yeah I know we don't use armor or anything. Not a lot can hurt us. Not even a sword cut. Now I'm assuming you came because of the sound of the guns. Oh gods what am I talking about. You've never seen a gun before have you?"
I shook my head not having any clue what this "gun" thing was.
"Well you probably don't want to fire one because it would literally blow an elf's eardrums out and we don't want do we?" she said.
I noticed the music suddenly when the ringing in my ears had finally gone down. Suddenly a loud beeping filled the air.
"Op! Sorry guys I put that on there so that I would remember to switch places. Continue whatever you were doing. I'm switching to my daggers. Come on Legolas join me. Do you do swords or daggers?"
I responded by pulling out my long twin daggers.
"Wow someone who does the same exact thing as me. Twin daggers baby yeah! Hey guys! Who wants to see me beat blondie over here?"
"Sounds interesting to me," a voice said.
I whipped around to see the whole fellowship behind me. They completed the circle the demigods were making and joined in exchanging bets with them.
I heard murmurs of," An elf wouldn't let a girl beat him. Legolas will win." From the fellowship.
From the demigods though I heard," Oh this blondie will be too easy for Ripper. Shred him girlfriend! Tara will win. Simple as that. Dramatic music please!"
Gandalf stepped into the middle as a very quick beated song came on. Tara's head snapped up and she grinned. Her foot started to tap to the beat of the music. I discerned the words All I do is Win and then lost the lyrics as it went too fast for me to understand. I saw demigods in the crowd dancing and singing the lyrics just as quickly as the music.
Gandalf walked up to me," You better win Legolas. I got twenty coins on you winning and I don't intend to lose them."
"No worries. She won't be able to beat an elf with as much experience as me."
"I have a feeling that she has just as much experience as you Legolas if not more."
"No she won't beat me don't worry," I replied certainly.
The demigods heard this looked at each other and laughed. Hard. I didn't understand. It was really easy to see that I would win.
Gandalf stood in the middle again and said loudly," The rules are-"
The demigods all said together," No maiming and no killing. Not that that has stopped Tara before. Otherwise we fight with any injuries whatsoever."
"And to think that I was going to suggest using practice swords," Gandalf mumbled under his breath. "Begin."
I drew my daggers and thought this should be easy then realized that she wasnt in front of me. I whipped around and saw her standing behind me her daggers drawn and held loosely in her hands. Then she smiled at me and I shook my head to clear all thoughts of she and I together. Instead I attacked. She dodged easily and then dodged again and dodged again and again easily. Then I realized something. She was toying with me and making it seem easy. Finally she made contact with one of my blades and it nearly flew out of my hand. Then I realized she wasn't breathing hard at all. I wasn't really either but more than she.
Suddenly a big buff girl at the front of the crowd shouted," Hey Ripper. Show him the Slammer."
I barely got my blades up to keep both of my shoulders from being sliced. But she flexed her muscles and slowly pushed me down until I was on my knees. I stared up at her in awe. How was that possible? She was a woman and barely weighed anything probably. So how? While I was asking myself these questions Tara took the advantage and slipped her knife under my chin. Easily. Again. How?
"I think I win. Thanks for the idea Clarrise. I like that one. Now I think we need to begin this quest. Am I correct?" She said and began to walk towards the gate closely followed by the demigods.
She turned back to us," Well? Aren't you coming?"
We followed her giving each other wide eyed glances. The fellowship began handing coins over to the victorious demigods who laughed and joked as I stood there astonished. I watched Tara laughing and high fiving her friends.
"Hey Legolas! You coming," she shouted.
I nodded and trotted after her. How the hell did she do that? Aragorn waited.
"Yeah. I'm not really sure what to say about that except that I just lost money."

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