On Our Way

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Soon we were on our way. The demigods and Tara were singing and dancing happily. They all skipped and laughed together as if unaware of how serious of a quest they were on right then.
Finally it seemed that Aragorn had had enough and he said," Hey! You know we are actually on a quest? An important mission? This might be one of the most deadly things you've ever done so knock it off."
The demigods all went silent as one then all drew their weapons of choice each of which had scars engraved in the metal. Then each one of them took their shirts off, pulled the legs of their pants up showing scars deep knotted scars. Tara walked to the front, her shirt off revealing a half shirt like thing. Her skin was tan but there was a large X mark across her stomach. Then she turned around and revealed hundreds of criss crossing scars all over her back. They went through a cycle showing scars to Aragorn. Then Tara came back and rolled up her leggings revealing scars up and down her legs.
She looked at Aragorn with a snarl on her face that matched the other demigods and said," We've been through wars with giants, dragons, poisonous drakons, hydra that can melt your face off, snake ladies, gorgons, griffins, earthborn monsters, titans. If you think that this puny quest will best those things then you should rethink your entire life because you have been through nothing compared to us. Many of us don't make it through our teen years. I've been through over a thousand and this is not even half of what I have received. We practically live within death. Every battle more than five people die painful deaths. It's hard for us to remain happy with so much death. Four of us here have literally been to hell and back. Me, my brother, his girlfriend, and Nico di Angelo. You should be glad we're happy because that means that danger is not near and the only thing we fear is succumbing to our fatal flaws or fear itself so take a step back and quickly or we can show you what true experience and seriousness feels like. Never ever say we haven't been through this much because we have been through too much and it is time we had some joy. So if you want to kill that happiness go ahead and you can see how violent we can be. Someday you will see what we can truly be like. Someday soon. Having us happy is much better than having us mad. Demigods to the rocks!!!"
She slipped on her shirt as she stalked away angrily. Then the demigods began trotting away towards the rocks at the center of the plain. I stared after her as she ran away towards our destination. When we got there the place was eerily silent but as we walked through the place we could feel the glares from the demigods throughout the camp and the whispers and growls. Tara sat on top if the highest rock keeping watch I assumed. I leapt up the rocks to join her. She looked up at me with a hard look in her eyes which softened a little once she noticed it was me.
"I'm sorry he said that," I said quietly.
"It's okay. It just makes me angry that he doesn't understand."
I sat down next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder. We stayed in that position for a little while until Tara moved, squinting at some little specks in the distance. I stood up and squinted at them too but soon Tara was distracted. Trying to keep one eye on her and the specks in the sky proved to be more difficult than I thought it would be so I eventually fully focussed my attention on the specks in the distance. I turned around for a moment to find Tara whispering something in a demigod's ear. The demigod nodded and went off. Several demigods came up to her suddenly, all of them dressed in silver colors. She quickly discussed something with them and pointed in the distance to what I had finally discerned as birds. They nodded and took off running in the direction of the birds. I watched them until they ran out of sight.
Tara's POV
The Hunters of Artemis came to me and quickly I explained why I had asked for their help," I need you to go see what those birds out there are. I believe they are spies but I am uncertain. The only reason I ask you in particular to do this is because you can move quickly and get back before the birds get here and you can disguise yourselves from them."
"We spotted them a while ago but did not think they had any effect on this mission but still, Tara I don't quite understand why you feel the need to explain yourself. After all you are older than any of us Hunters. You have a reason and typically it's a good one. Don't bother trying to explain your little predicament we'll go see what the birds are," Thalia said almost humorously.
I grinned and they took off at full speed. They would be there in less than three minutes and be back in less than six. If the birds were flying too fast they would disguise themselves and use a small communicating device disguised as a ring that both Thalia and I wore to tell me whether the birds posed any threat. I bounded back up to where Legolas was standing. Six or so minutes passed and the Hunters reappeared. Quickly Thalia bounded up the rocks to me.
"I have no knowledge of whatever birds these are but they are not good news. They have red eyes that literally glow out of their dark heads. They are unnaturally fast as well. I give them four minutes before they fly over."
Legolas peered at the birds harder. Then his eyes widened.
"Crebain from Dunland!" he shouted.
I inhaled a sharp gust of air as the Fellowship began to hide. There weren't enough places for the demigods to hide.
"Hazel! Quickly use the Mist to control the Earth! Create a large hole and cover it with a rock. Don't ask how I know you control the Mist just do it! Everybody get into the area I pointed out now!"
All of the demigods scrambled into the already- forming hole. Hazel began to close it when I realized that the chances of me making it to any hiding place was slim.
"Wait! Frank get out here and turn into a wolf!" I screamed hoping my plan would work.
I turned into a wolf and he turned into a wolf as well and laid down next to me as I barked," Puppies! I've been smelling you following us for hours! Come out and play and I promise I won't scold you! I will allow you to help with this as much as you can! Please just come and do this!"
They tumbled into the clearing snapping at each other playfully and tussling. Freya leapt at Flint and tried to pin him just as the birds flew over. They seemed to have no suspicion in the wolves below them and I knew that we were safe. I smiled a wolfy smile then everybody came out of their places and I drew the puppies away.
"Puppies I must say that I am slightly disappointed that you disobeyed my orders to stay where you would be safe but I am glad you came. You have a nice warm spot in my pack for our trip which is likely to go over the Carahadras mountains. Now come on."
I turned back into me then yipped to them," I even have people who can train you to fight and help you just as much as me. The Hunters of Artemis and their wolves."
I walked over to the other members of the Fellowship in time to hear them say," We must go over the mountains."
I turned to the demigods," I hope you packed for cold weather!"

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