Meet the Puppies!!!

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Tara's POV
I ran into the forest and found a meadow. There I transformed back into me and sat down wrapping my arms around my knees and resting my chin on them. I heard a whimper suddenly and looked around and saw a bush rustling. Then three wolf puppies tumbled out. I cautiously walked up to them and spoke in wolf:
Hello puppies. Is your pack nearby?
No, they squeaked.
Our pack was killed by the yucky beasts. I think they're called orcs, said one with white fur just like mine.
They still looked nervous so I turned into a wolf and gave them a wolf grin.
It's okay young ones. You may live with me if you wish. I will protect with my life. I promise. Now come here. I said soothingly to them.
They rushed over to me with yips as they stumbled. I curled around them and turned back into me.
It's okay young ones I will not hurt you. Now sleep.
They finally went to sleep and I eventually fell asleep with them.
Later that day I woke up with them still sleeping in my arms.
Wake up little ones. I yipped out gently.
They woke up slowly and began to stumble around.
Come here. Now I must go home so I will take you with me okay. Do not be afraid. Nothing will hurt you. But I will carry you there. Come on.
I held out my arms and they scrambled into them. Then I ran back to Rivendell. As I walked in finally I saw Elrond come running towards me Arwen and Aragorn at his side. I simply turned my head away as if I had seen something and ignored them carrying the pups with me to my bedroom. Yeah I was still angry at them. I walked into my gorgeous bedroom which on the outside had a small yard with a solid fence. I had planted a garden and a pretty lawn in it. Normally though I would sleep in Arwens room as there was a bed in there for me. So this would be the pups room and bed and I would sleep in Arwens room as usual.
Do you have names? I asked the pups. I forgot to ask.
They nodded.
I'm Flint because I am as gray as flint. Said the gray male.
I'm Talon because when I was little an eagle almost got me and left me with a scar and one of his talons. Said the black male.
And I'm Freya which means snow in wolfish. Said the white female. My name is Tara I said. I don't really know why I was named that. I'm going to sleep in my half sisters room instead of in here so you guys have the room to yourselves. I leave the backyard door open so that if you want to go outside you can. I'll check up on you after dinner. Okay?
They all nodded and I walked to the dinner hall. Much to Elronds disgrace, I was not wearing a dress as I did not care for them. They were impossible to fight in and were quite annoying. Unless of course it was a short dress with skinny sides. I might wear it then. Anyways while at dinner Elrond told us that the others for the council would arrive tomorrow. I didnt know who else would be coming but I did know that there would be the rest of the elven kingdoms and dwarves and of course the dwarves. I had forgiven Arwen since it wasn't really her fault. We walked to her room arm in arm. I got into my bed and she got into hers and I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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