Elrond Gets His Clock Cleaned

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We reached a clearing in the forest and quickly set up camp and made a huge fire pit. I walked up to the new campers Jason Leo Piper Hazel and Frank.
"So guys I'm assuming you have special powers and stuff by the fact that you guys you know defeated the giants and stuff. Been there done that. So what are they? I like to keep up to date with everybody's powers because well they're pretty cool and I typically lead the group of us. Kind of a unanimous vote there. Only because I've been alive longer than Chiron but anyways powers?"
They lookedat me shocked that I was that old but quickly recovered.
Jason started," I'm Jason Grace former praetor of New Rome son of Jupiter. My powers are the ability to fly control winds and lightning. You know normal stuff."
I nodded," Useful. Seen your type a few times. Awesome in my opinion."
Piper spoke up," I'm Piper McLean. Daughter of Aphrodite. I can fight and charmspeak just about anyone."
I nodded," Sorry girlfriend not me. I'm somehow immune to charmspeak but that's awesome."
Leo then said," I'm Leo Valdez. Son of Hephaestus.I have very serious Adhd. Oh and I can control fire."
"You and me both man with the adhd thing and awesome with the whole fire thing. I love those kind of dudes."
Hazel spoke then," I'm Hazel daughter of Hades. I'm really good with precious metals and finding my way around underground. I should really be in my seventies right now but I died and came back to life."
"I gotta love you Hades kids you guys are freaking awesome. Okay and you Frank."
"Um well I'm Frank. Praetor of New Rome. I can turn into any animal and I am the son of Mars and-"
"You're life is tied to a burning stick?"
"Yeah how'd you know?"
"Cause I knew the last person who had the piece of firewood and I knew your ancestors. I can sense that you are descended from Poseidon and I can smell the burnt wood. You've used it haven't you?"
He nodded.
"May I see it?"
He hestitantly pulled a bag out of his pocket and poured out the contents. I gently took it from his hand cradled it in my palms studying the burnt end.
"You must keep this safe Frank. People on middle earth do not know about electricity and therefore use fire to light their path. If you would like, I could help you. I notice that you have tried your hardest not to get this wet thinking that if you did you would drown. But not if I do it for you. I have lived for many years and know how to help you with your drowning issue. I have experimented with this and believe it will help you greatly. Would you like me to help you?"
He nodded once again and I wrapped my hands around the piece of wood and summoned water and encircled it around the water after trapping air inside it to keep it from actually getting wet. Then I hardened the water so that it would stay there but still quench any fire around it. I smiled when it was done and handed it back to him.
"Try it out on our friend Leo here," I told him.
Leo put his hand forward lighting it on fire and as soon as he touched it was automatically fire free.
Frank gaped at it," Th- thank you."
I waved my hand," No problem. That will protect you from most any type of fire even magic fire. Now Leo. You want to help me start a bonfire?"
He nodded and we quickly gathered wood as it was getting dark. He set it ablaze with one blast of fire and all of the demigods sat down around it and after sacrificing to the gods ate. Afterwards we sang songs like grandma putting on her armor.
"Grandma puts on her breastplate first and straps it very firmly. Then she puts her leg gear on makes sure her hair is curly. Next comes her arm guards to protect her from her arrows. Cause sometimes she will shoot herself occasionally in battle. Soon it be her helmets turn and she carefully puts it over her dry and stringy hair which will soon be tangled(running out of lyrics here😁). Now after three hours of preparing she's finally done over caring about her hair and things. Grandma has slowly put her armor on. It really takes forever for her to don. Though this song doesn't rhyme a lot we understand that grandma needs some help with putting on her armor. Armor armor armor the armors finally on but what good does it do against a foe to look gorgeous with it on. Oh well. Now she's in battle. Her armor serves her well but poor poor grandma forgot her metal boots and gets pinned to the ground with her own bronze arrow. Now her hair is covered in sweat and blood of the enemies she cut down just as slowly when she gets dressed. Now she's healed and good but now we have to wait for next week when she has don her armor once again. Woo hoo!"
We all laughed and high fived. Then I spotted a flash of long blonde hair creeping towards us in the woods. Quickly I got up and walked to him. Sneaking quietly around him so that he didn't hear me I creeped up on him. Then I quietly spoke," Looking for something Legolas?"
Legolas's POV
Valar, I just couldn't stop thinking of that girl. She was just beautiful and able to defend herself better than anyone else in Middle Earth. Not a single girl had ever affected me in this way. I had always been fine with being around a beautiful elleth trying to seduce me into loving them and only them but I had a whole lot of self control. She hadn't even tried to even touch me really. All of those other elleths always wore a bunch of makeup and she didn't wear any. They wore dresses and she refused to. She was different but gorgeous in the process. Aragorn walked into the room catching me staring dreamily at the wall.
He laughed," Ah my friend. Tara's got you wrapped around her finger doesn't she?"
"How do you know?" I asked sighing and not even bothering to argue the fact that I liked her.
"You stare at the wall the way I do when I think about Arwen," he replied.
"How am I supposed to win her of all people. She has to have someone else courting-"
He cut me off," Never."
I looked at him confused.
"She's never fallen in love ever that I know of. An elf tried to last time she was here visiting and ended up pinned to a tree with a knife just below his genitals in case he tried to jump off just because he tried to kiss her. You've fallen for the hardest woman to ever win Legolas but out of every person in the entire Middle Earth I believe that you will be the one to do it. She's different Legolas and you have to understand that. She'll fight and she'll get injured right beside you. She's very easily offended as you have seen but even more so when she doesn't know you. She acts almost as if she does know you even though I'm fairly sure that she has never known you before now. With a normal woman Legolas you wouldn't even have to try to win their hearts but with this woman you have to try hard. Harder than ever. But with her you must act like yourself don't act like someone you're not. Be normal and she'll grow used to it. She's a good person. Now to say what I was going to say when I first came in here. Since you are one of the only men who is on good terms with her at the moment we voted that you would be the one who would go to tell her that we leave tomorrow. Oh and they aren't really being quiet so you should be able to find them fairly quickly. I walked out of my room next to Aragorn and was suddenly overwhelmed by the extremely loud voices of them singing strange songs. I grew used to it quickly though and walked in the direction that the sound was coming from after saying goodbye to Aragorn. It didn't take long for me to find them. I could see them in the distance singing a song about a grandmother putting on armor for some reason. Very interesting lyrics too.
"Looking for something Legolas?" A voice asked behind me said quietly making shivers go down my spine and making me jump.
I recognized her voice automatically and spun around. I smiled at her and opened my mouth about to tell her what I had come to tell her. Then I heard one of her friends call her and she held up her finger telling me to hold on one moment. Her friend yelled something in a different language and she yelled something back. That's when I noticed all of the music had stopped. Her friend yelled something urgently and waved her hand beckoning her over. She glanced at me then sprinted over there. I followed slowly hoping I was welcome.
Tara's POV
I ran over to the campfire to see a burn on Percy's leg. He was holding it and groaning. He pointed at Travis and Connor who were grinning.
"Will. Heal my brother while I go fry those jackasses."
He looked at me and nodded scared. I didn't get this angry this often normally but when you hurt my little brother you basically die. I chased after Travis and Connor who were screaming their girly screams and grabbed my knives and sent them flying towards them. I guided the knives(they have water in the hilts so that I can) towards them and with deadly accuracy hit them both in the hands and sent them flying into trees. They started screaming in pain and crying.
"Babies," I said. "I've told you two before that you do not ever ever do these kind of things to me and especially to my brother if it could get them extremely injured. Correct? Have you suffered enough or shall I hurt you a small bit more hm?"
I was about to cut their shoulders when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me away. I grabbed an arm and twisted it behind the person. They didnt groan in pain though so confused I turned around and saw Legolas. I let him go quickly. I switched to speaking in elvish quickly.
"I apologize now leave and let me hurt these two idiots," I said quickly.
"No I will not allow you to hurt these two anymore than you already have. I realize that they hurt your brother but you have had your revenge and have hurt these two enough. Let them go and take them to be healed," he replied understandingly.
"This is not the first time they have done this. Do you wish me to restrain myself when they deserve much more?" I hissed.
"I understand that they have done this but I can assume that you got your revenge each time and you don't need any more against them. Now release them and restrain yourself enough to take them back. Then you can come with me back to Rivendell so that you may take your anger out on something other than two living breathing young men."
I growled," Fine but you had better have something ready for me to destroy when we get there."
"Of course Lady Tara. Now let the young ones go."
I growled and flicked my hand and the daggers went flying back into my secret spots and I grabbed the unconscious twins and dragged them back to the fire and threw them at Will's feet.
"Heal the idiots."
He nodded and I walked back over to Legolas.
"By the way we leave tomorrow," he whispered in my ear which for some reason sent a tingle down my spine.
"All y'all's we leave tomorrow I'll meet you here. Be packed up and ready to go," I turned to Legolas. "Now take me to what I get to destroy."
Legolas's POV
I took her the dining table as I thought that it would be the one thing she wouldnt be able to break. How wrong was I. She first grabbed the table by the sides and managed to flip it over without almost any trouble then she got on top of it and grabbed a hammer from somewhere on her person and started pounding the table to rubble. Once she had had enough she sat down on top of the broken shards of the table. I walked over to a pull cord in the corner of the room and pulled it opening the entire roof up. She looked up and smiled as she watched the stars. I walked over and sat down next to her. She leaned back until she was lying on the floor on her back. Then she grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back too. I grinned. She made me so happy. She pointed at a certain constellation in the sky.
"A few years ago a friend of mine, Zoë went on a quest with my brother two girls a satyr and I. She was a hunter and so was one of the other girls. We were in a deserted place when the other hunter died while saving us. We eventually reached our destination which was where Zoë had once lived with her sisters and she was injured by the dragon protecting a tree with golden apples which had been given to Hera as a wedding gift from mother earth who trust me is not as nice as she's told to be. She's a real nasty goddess. Anyway Zoë had attempted to calm the dragon enough to get past it. She instead was bitten by one of its many heads. Her side was bleeding terribly but she continued with us anyway. Her father Atlas waited for us at the top of the mountain. We were greeted with weapons drawn and we responded quickly. Zoë though injured took on her father and was struck down. After being freed from her trap on the mountain Artemis went to her fallen hunter knowing there was nothing she could do to heal her. When Zoë died finally Artemis put her up in the stars as a constellation of a hunter shooting her arrows. There she is. Still living as an eternal group of stars."
I looked at her," I'm sorry she died."
She shrugged," You know? I've seen so much death that it just seems natural to me now. The first time I had a friend in the other world I was so sad when she died but it happened more and more and more. Most of us demigods get used to it unfortunately. We still feel emotion and are sad about their deaths but we don't cry about it and we get right back to business. I hate it when friends die but I know now that some people die and some people live and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I wish there was sometimes though. I've had brothers and sisters die and was sad about them more so than others but oh well. Anyway *yawn* thats just about the story of my life. Nobody knows the full story only me. Elrond thinks he does but no one truly knows what I've been through. I-"
She suddenly went silent and looked over to see she was asleep I smiled and began to get up and leave her when she shifted suddenly and wrapped her arms around my torso. My eyes widened but I smiled rolling my eyes then put my arms around her waist and pulling her closer so that her head was on my chest. She nuzzled her face deeper into my chest and I chuckled lightly. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Good night sleep well," I said in elven.
Then I slowly fell asleep my head resting on her shoulder.
Thalia's POV
As soon as she left I immediately said that I was going to follow her to make sure that she would be okay. Soon I saw the two of them in a dining room all alone. Tara was viciously destroying a table and he watched her with a slightly shocked look on his face as if he had no clue what she was capable of. Then she told him about Zoë while lying next to him watching the stars. Then suddenly she fell asleep and he attempted to get up but ended up getting pulled down by the sleeping Tara as she wrapped her arm around his torso. He looked surprised but wrapped his arms around her waist and laid down next to her. I watched in shock as he kissed her forehead and eventually fell asleep next to her. I ran back to the others telling myself that I was not going to tell the others to keep them quiet about it. I wouldnt even tell Percy because I knew he would freak.
Tara's POV
For once in a lifetime I had a peaceful sleep. No dreams at all. I woke up suddenly to voices.
"Well would you look at this?" I heard Aragorn say.
I realized that somebody's arms were wrapped around my waist and furrowed my eyebrows confused. Then I remembered that Legolas and i had been lying on the table or remains of the table and looking at the stars.
"Hmm?"Aragorn said to himself," Shall I go get Arwen."
I nuzzled my face deeper into Legolas's chest managing to wake him up," If you do Aragorn I swear to the gods that I will kill you."
Legolas slowly began to get up without realizing that he was still holding onto me.
I tapped his forehead," Hey you're squishing me."
He immediately looked down and loosened his grip enough that I could slip out of his arms easily. Ah simple. I blew a kiss at him walked up to Aragorn and punched him then bowed and walked away to wake the sleepy demigods. Ah the little things in life that are so entertaining. Such as watching all of the demigods wake to water in their face. Soon I walked back to the kingdom with a bunch of demigods behind me all talking and discussing recent things.
Arwen rushed up to me suddenly," Father wishes to speak to you."
"Ok. Watch my friends will you?" I replied before pacing off.
I met Elrond in his study.
"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked.
"Yes," he said. "I want to tell you that you will not be going on this quest. It is far to dangerous for a woman and as your father I command that you stay."
I quickly and defiantly responded," You are not my father nor my king nor do you have any rule over me. I am free to do as I choose. Not as you choose. You may think that you are doing what is best but I promise that is completely necessary for me to go and that there is no stopping me. Even if you physically tried to stop me you would not be able to."
I turned to walk out the door but he grabbed me by my hair. I quickly grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back until I heard his arm break.
"You are weak and foolish to have challenged me. You do not want me as and enemy Elrond. I work out everyday and can quite literally break just about anything in half. I could have pulled your arm out of its socket. And you. Judging by your flabby muscles it has been long since you have last exercised. You are spineless and pale. Just because you are royalty does not mean that you must have servants do everything for you. Your once tan skin is now whiter than snow. You do not go outside often. Most of all you act like one who once had control of something but recently lost control of it and now tries to control it through physical abuse. I am that thing and you know it. Now I do not wish to speak to you for a long time. I can hold a grudge for and even longer time period than elves can so you go back to your little hidey hole and stay there until you deteriorate from not using your limbs to their full potential. Goodbye Elrond of Rivendell I'll not see you soon."
I stalked out of the room leaving him nursing his broken arm.

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