love, anger, worry, fear and pain

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(A/N: this may be a bit graphic... just saying I warned u in advance)

Riley's POV:

I text Alfie and wait anxiously for a reply. My nerves have suddenly kicked in and I feel a sense of uncomfortableness. I drop my phone into my pocket and start to pace. The winter wind blowing my hair in my face and sending shivers throughout my body. I rub my hands up and down my opposite arm in attempt to warm myself up but I fail. Then I feel a coat be placed over my shoulders.

"Babe your so silly not to bring a coat" James chuckles before pulling me close. I roll my eyes and hug him back. As I bury my head into his hoodie he starts to sense my nerves. He places a kiss on my forehead before speaking up. "Riles there is no need to be nervous. If anything goes wrong I'm here to help you" he soothes me. I thank him with a smile and bury my head once again. But then. my phone vibrated. It was him.

Alfie: wtf would you text me? And I bet this is some form of joke🙄

I repeated it out loud to James and that tapped out a reply.

Me: just please... I want to talk to you
Alfie: ya right I bet ur boyfriends there to.
Me: we actually broke up you know that... remember...
Anyway yes or no?
Alfie: haha u broke up again🤣
Alfie: ugh fine see u in 5

"Ok he's on his way" I say with a shaky tone. I put my phone back in my pocket and start contemplate if this was ever a good idea. I play around with the rings on my finger until James grabs hold on my hands.

"Babe, chill, nothing is gonna happen. Worst case scenario he says no and we leave it at that. And I will be hiding behind here the whole time just in case" he reassures me once again. His attempt is sweet and it starts to take effect until I see Alfie walking up the path behind him. I motion towards him and James walks off around the corner. I turn and he mimes blows me a kiss. I take a deep breath in as Alfie looks up to see me.

"You wanted to speak to me" he says raising an eyebrow. I nod and put my hands behind my back to hide my fidgeting. "Ok what do u want" he crosses his arms and stares straight at me. I feel a wave of a emotions which doesn't sit right with me. I look down at the floor and shift uncomfortably.

"I wanted to ask you... if... you would return to The Next Step and dance with us..." I sigh. I can sense his suspicion and it's my job to convince him. So I continue. "We need you to help us win. Michelle is injured and Sloane got disqualified" I finish my sentence but keep my head low. I can't believe I was talked into this.

"So you want me to dance at regionals because you can't look after your friends and your dancers can't follow rules... correct?" I nod and start to feel shame dragging me deeper into the ocean. If I didn't feel bad about how I've been running the studio this season before... I definitely do now.

"Cant u get your boyfriend to fill in again. Sure he'd love to help his princess" he mocks intentionally. He doesn't know I got back with James and he assumes I'm lonely. That's clearly why he would say that to 'hurt me' for leaving him. I play along as best as I can and I think he buys it. "He's not my boyfriend anymore and you know that" I raise my voice slightly in annoyance. He laughs for a short while longer until turning serious again. I look up in attempt to be more confident and I pray that this ends soon.

"Yes or no! That's all I need" I snap unintentionally. But instead of him seeming mad a smirk grows on his face. I start to contemplate if I should either leave and signal for James help but I can't. not until I get a solid answer.

"Let's say I said yes, hypothetically, would I be able to get my Princess back?" He raises an eyebrow once again and takes a step forward. I don't say anything but step backwards but forget the wall that is behind me. I bump into it and he edges closer. "Why would I agree to that" I try to come across as confident but I fail and start to shake. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Well let's see. Your single, you came all this way just to ask me to come back and a beaut like you deserve a guy. Besides don't you miss what we had?" He winks at me and places a hand on my arm. I move sideways slightly but he follows. Now I'm starting to feel uneasy. "I don't miss you at all, to be honest never even thought about those moments since u left, and I asked you to come back to help your friends. Not me" I clarify while I try take his arm of my shoulder. He chuckles and pins be against the wall using both hands to hold me back.

"Really? You didn't miss this?" He moves one hand so it's placed on my upper chest and he starts to move it around. I shut my eyes tight and hesitate to open my mouth. I can't shout even if I wanted to. I feel my body getting hot and I start to panic.

James... help...

He moves his other hand and uses it to rub my thigh and lifts my leg up my breathing goes uneven and I feel like screaming out for James. I don't know where he is and I need him more than ever.

I try struggle and get out of his grasp but I fail miserably. Just as I think I couldn't get worse I fill his ruff lips touch my neck and at that moments I feel like giving in. Until I hear the voice that I've been waiting for.

"Hey you! Get your hands off her!" I hear a low voice shout not to far from us. My eyes remain close but soon after the shout his cold touch disappears and I fall to the ground in a pool of my own tears. I curl into a ball and wrap my hands around my legs and rock back and force.

I can't bring myself to open my eyes but I can hear the fight that has occurred. I sob into my skirt and soak it through. It feels like forever has passed before I hear footsteps of someone running. I wonder if I've be left alone and start to panic even more. I shake and i can't calm myself down. Then I feel a light touch on my arm.

I jump up in fright and lean against the wall with my head in my hands. Still crying histerically. That's until I hear the soft voice I never want to stop hearing.

"Babe calm down its OK... your ok, your safe now" at the moment I hear him I crash into his arms and hug his tight. I cry into his shoulder as he lightly rubs my back. "I'm so sorry babe" he whispers softly in my ear. After I feel myself calming down I pull out of the hug and look straight into his eyes.

"I forgive you... but can we go home" I pleade. I feel the tears building up once again and the previous ones that have now stained my cheeks. Looking into his eyes gives me a sense of comfort that I desperately needed. Tears start to roll down my cheeks once again but this time it's mixed emotions. Love, pain, anger, worry and fear.

He doesn't say anything but kisses my forehead and puts a light hand round my waste as he pulls me into his side. We walk through the dimly lit streets in silence to the airport to make our way back to Toronto. I lay my head on his shoulder and take a deep so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend.

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