Don't Leave Without Me (Pt1)

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James POV:

It's finally here! Today's the day! Today is the begin of something huge!

Today me, West and Eldon are travelling across the world! To London England to compete at bangers and mashups. I'm so excited! Its one of the biggest hip hop competition in the world and we got invited!

I am of course sad about leaving my friends and family, including Riley, for some time but Ill only be a few weeks. A month and a half to be persific. They'll survive while I'm away and we can hopefully celebrate our victory, fingers crossed, once I'm home together.

Glancing over to the clock I see I have an hour to get to the airport. Its a 30 minute drive so I have 20 minutes to say goodbye now. Leaving me an extra 10 to waste on traffic or to get a quick shawarma before I leave.

I wonder into Java Junction and see all of my friends stood around waiting for me. A smile grows on my lips as they greet me joyfully.

"James!" a few of them say to catch the others attentions. I chuckle and let them pull me into a big 'good luck' hug. Once they pull away I look around the room. I don't spot Eldon or West so I suppose they've already said there goodbyes are at the airport.

"we gonna miss you big bro!" my little sister, piper, says as she pushes through the small crowd. I pull her into a quick side hug.

"ill miss you all too pipes" I reply back with a smile.

"but I'll only be a few weeks, we'll be bringing back that trophy in no time!" I chuckle slightly at that last bit. As do they.

After talking for a few minutes I look at my watch and notice I've only got 10 more minutes. Wow doesn't time fly.

I scan the crowd looking for the one person I really want to say goodbye too. But as I look around, I don't see her? That's weird. Why isn't she here?

"hey uh, do you know where Riley is?" I ask, a slight bit of concern peiring behind my words. They turn to face eachother and then back to me.

"no, I mean she texted saying she'll be a few minutes late but that was quite a while ago" Michelle informs me calmly.

"maybe she's heading to say goodbye at the airport?" a hear a voice I don't quite recognise say. I contemplate what they said for a moment. I mean they could be right. Maybe Riley wanted to say goodbye to me without the large crowd. It does make sense.

"ya your probably right.." I sigh in response.

"right I better go, bye guys" I say politely before grasping the handle of my suitcase and dragging it behind me. Maybe Rileys waiting with the two boys. And if she is I want to get there quickly so I have enough time to talk and say goodbye to her before I'm needed inside the airport.

I suppose no shawarma stop for me.


I make it to the airport with enough time to spare to properly say goodbye to Riley. I park my car and dart inside. Seeing West and Eldon sat waiting for me. I also see Thalia beside Eldon saying her goodbyes.

"hey guys, sorry I'm late" I apologise as I set down my stuff. Looking around the room for Riley.

"it's alright man we still have time" West says coolly.

"what are you looking for?" Eldon then asks once he's finished kissing Thalia. I turn to him and sigh quietly.

"Riley. I thought she may of came here to say goodbye but I can't see her" my voice is low as I slump into a spair seat. I don't think she's here.

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