Her Sister (mature)

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James POV:

I notice Emily a few steps ahead and I speed up my pace, trying to catch up to her. She hears my footsteps and turns, smiling at me.

"hey baby" I mumble as I kiss her cheek. She giggles and hugs me. Dropping her books by accident as she did so.

I laugh at her clumslyness and turn around to pick them up for her. Givening them to her and draping a lazy arm around her shoulders as we start to walk.

We reach her next class but just as I'm about to walk away she pulls me back.

"hey James?"

"yes baby" I reply, spinning on my heel.

"do you want to come over tonight? We can watch a movie or something. You know, since my parents are away" she winks at me. I smirk.

"sure baby" I kiss her quickly before dashing off to my next lesson, which unfortunately was on the other side of the school. But I don't mind. This won't be the first or last time I'm late to class.


I hold the bunch of roses fermly in my left hand as I knock lightly on the door with my other. Emily had texted me her address and I'm secretly praying I'm at the right house. I've never been around hers before so I could be knocking on some strangers door.

Thankfully it's Emily who opens the door. Wearing a tight red vest and black shorts, finished with a small touch of makeup. I have to admit she looks hot.

"hey" I say while holding up the roses, which are her favourite colour, red. She gasps and takes them from me. Immediately placing them on the small glass table by the door.

"I love them" she smiles.

"hopefully not as much as you lov eme" I laugh, which she copy's. She then drags me into the living room and reaches for the remote. Flicking through channels and movies.

It's been atleast 10 minutes and we still haven't chosen anything to watch.

"how about that?" I point out. She stops and looks at what I picked. Then she smirks as I place my hand on her thigh. Rubbing it and sliding my hand higher. She giggles and leans in to kiss me but were interrupted.

I suddenly here the door open and I jolt back. Removing my hand and positioning myself on the other side of the couch.

"ugh! Riley! I thought you were out with michelle! " Emily groans as she turns to the door way.

"I was but she bailed! She decided her new boyfriend was more important" a girl complains as she stands with her arms folded. She's a little shorter than Emily and her hear is brown with blonde tips, resting at her shoulders. She's in a tight black dress which shows quite a bit of her cleavage and finishes at her mid-thigh. I know it seems bad but I can't help but stare.

But soon her eyes meet mine...

"James!? Hello!?" Emily snaps me out of my daze. It felt like we'd been staring at each other for quite some time. The girl, who I assume is called Riley, giggles and I feel my heart being to race.

"heh sorry babe, what did you want?" I say scratching the back of my neck.

"I don't want my boyfriend staring into the abise the entire time he's here that's all" she laughs. I sigh, sort of in relief. Though I don't know why.

Her sister walks off and heads upstairs. Emily had ordered her not to bother us so she'd shut her door and I can here faint music playing. I shake my head and let Emily cuddle up to me.

That was werid...

"ugh we don't have snacks!" she suddenly groans. I remove my arm from across her shoulders and sit up as she does. She jumps to her feet and pauses the show.

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