I'm Sorry Babe (pt 2)

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James POV:

I walk into the rehearsal room. Seeing the guy I hoped would be in here. He looks up at me and places his guitar down beside him. As I see him all my anger and frustration starts to build up inside. I clench my fists by my sides.

"you have some explaining to do" I say coldly. I feel the erge to punch something but instead dig my nails into my palms.

"about?" his smug expression causes me to almost lose it.

"alright, alright fine. We kissed" he admits sheepishly

"I know..." I say through gritted teeth

"look... I'm sorry"

"ya you should be, you shouldn't of kissed her!" I start to snap as I slowly step closer to him.

"I'm not sorry that I kissed her" he almost seems to chuckle.

"I'm sorry things are complicated-"

"how is it complicated!" I yell wanting nothing but to slap him hard across the face.

"it's complicated cus I love her-"

I'm just about to swing a punch when I'm stopped by michelle calling out my name. Sounding really freaked.

"James!" she screams running up to me. I quickly turn to face her and her eyes were bloodshot and her checks were stained.

"what's up Michelle!?"

"it's Riley... She... She..." she stammers starting to tear up again. As soon as I hear the name 'Riley' I'm already darting to were I had left her and Michelle earlier on.

"where is she!" I ask in a panic. She wipes away the tears and points down to studio A. She states how she ran quickly into the office without saying anything to anyone as they pasted.

"right wait here!" I order before rushing over to the studio. Michelle waits a few feet away shaking like mad while I run in in search for Riley.

I look around the floor but she's no where to be found, then I turn to see the office door locked. I rush over and look through the glass. And what I see
Makes my heart stop.

Without another thought I quickly grab the doorknob and continue to shake and try my hardest to get inside. Fortunately I was able to get inside but stood frozen still at the sight before me.

Tears streamed down my face as I looked down at the floor... There she was...

It took a while to realise I wasn't dreaming and as soon as I snapped back to reality I ran over and crouched down beside her. I carefully picked her up and laid her head on my lap. Her body was cold to the touch.

As I held her close I quickly notice the bottle of pills that was spilled beside were she was lead. At this point I was feeling so many negative emotional I felt numb and paralysed.

"Michelle!" I call out, my voice cracked, I had to scream to get her attention but I couldn't... No matter how hard I try I don't seem to be making much noise. Finally after a while she heard me and I ordered her to call 911 right now with no delay.

"O- OMG! Ok... Uh" she stutters running off to the cubbies for her phone. She starts dialing the number and speaking to the person on the other side of the line while I hold my lifeless girlfriend.

I look down at her and my heart shatters, I quickly then loose all the pieces as they get dragged into the black void below. I can't believe what's happening... I just can't believe this would actually happen...

And its my fault...

I pull her closer to me, tears still streaming down my cheeks with no end in sight, I try talk but the only thing that comes out is a quiet whisper which even I could barely hear.

"I'm sorry babe..." my whisper is covered by the sound of my cries. How could I be so stupid.

I said somethings I know I shouldn't of. I know how my words can hurt her. I know she hasn't been in the best place mentally for some time now. I know how much she relys on me and has ever since we started dating...

I knew all this and still said those things... How could I be so fucking heartless...

My tears dampen her blue T shirt, one I had picked out for her after she accepted the position of studio head, creating darker patches beneath me, which so happened to be where her heart is.

I place my hand on the spot and can't feel a single beat. My cries could be heard from miles away at this point, I rest my forehead on top of her head, her skins extremely pale and she's absolutely freezing.

"there's an ambulance a few minutes away..." michelle whispers, still in complete shock at what lays before her. She's just watching her best friend fail to hold up her own head while her boyfriend sobs into her hair.

It felt like hours until the paramedics arrived and took Riley from my arms.

As soon as she was out of my reach I couldn't help but break down completely. I felt myself start to shake and I couldnt even get a single word out when a paramedic started questioning me.

After they'd got the answers they needed, mostly from Michelle, they pushed Riley at the office and out of the building on a stretcher and into the ambulance.

"are either of you related to this young lady? We can only take one of you" a paramedic says quickly to us.

Michelle doesn't say anything but pushes me forward. I don't even have a chance to think before I'm rushed onto the ambulance and sat down on a open seat beside the stretcher.

I see her hand slide off the bed and I cup it in mine. her skin is even more pale now and dry. As I hold her hand and stare down at her I mentally beat myself up...

How dare I do this to such a amazing girl...

"Im so sorry... so fucking sorry babe" I whisper into her hear in an almost inaudible tone.

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