Will You...?

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Rileys POV:

I wonder in the venue to collect my badge and find James. But as I scan around the rooms I don't seem to spot him or his band mates anywhere.

Lost and found have been on tour for atleast a month now and this was there final show. Starting at 7:30 and ending at 11:00. So it's gonna go on for a good 3 and a half hours. It's been great watching them play each night but it means James is extremely busy and I don't exactly get as much quality time with him as much as I would at home. But it's ok... I'm happy him and his band are doing so well.

If he's happy then Im happy.

I continue to explore the building. It's been a good half an hour and I don't even think I've covered half the ground. This place is HUGE!

thankfully I soon spot his friends relaxing backstage. I sigh in relief. I honestly thought I was going to get lost. And who knows if I would of been found...

Get it...

Lost, and found...

Haha... Ya, Anyway...

"hey guys" I smile as I approach the group. Turn to me and smile before quickly snapping back to what they were doing. I raise an eyebrow at them for a second before choosing to not question it. There probably just busy.

I mean they don't have long before they are wanted on stage. So I just ignore it and ask them a simple question.

"do you guys know where James is? I haven't been able to find him" I ask politely. Sensing there sudden frustration.

"probably doing a quick run through before we preform" his bandmate luke replys simply. Not turning to face me.

"oh ok, do you know where-"

"doubt he'll want you desturbing him" another male, known as Theo, suddenly cut me off in a cold tone. I was slightly taken aback at there attitude.

"alright well, I suppose I'll go get some fresh air before you guys get on stage" I sigh, spinning on my heel and facing the door. The mumble an 'ok' as I head out.

What was up with them?

It's also odd that I can't go see James. I normally always see him before he preforms. He tends to call me his 'good luck charm'. But I guess I won't be able to see him tonight until after.

Stepping out the venue I'm hit with a refreshing cold breeze. My hair blows sideways but I just quickly pin it back at start to walk towards the steps.

As I walk I pass the line of fans aching to get inside. A red velvet barrier is keeping them in a line, and thank god its there because there'd be people everywhere otherwise. While walking I can't help but hear people shout.

The only shouts I can hear clearly and the shout towards me. For example:





and other shouts that aren't as pleasent.

I shrug everything off and continue my way to the bottom step and sit down. Pulling out my phone from my bag and going through my notifications before I see the line begin to move. Implying that I should get inside.

Within no time I'm stood in the front row as the band file onto the stage, making the crowd cheer. I wince slightly at the noise. I thought I'd be used to the noise now but nope.

I look around the stage and spot James sat at his drumset. Smiling away as he waits to play. God I adore that smile. It still feels off that I wasn't able to speak to him before the show but I shouldn't let it get to me. He looks so excited to start performing so ill just drop it.

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