Talk! Shout! Scream!

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Rileys POV:

I enter studio A all dressed up ready for the internationals party. We're celebrating our big win and it's a dream come true. Every since I was a little girl I dreamt of competing there and here we are, we're the internationals champions!

I'm wearing a short floral dress that stops half way down my thigh, it's got one laced strap on my left shoulder leaving my right bare and my cleavage is showing slightly.

I scan the room in awe, its so beautifully decorated, but jolt when I suddenly feel to hands placed on my shoulders. I jump startled and turn around to see who it was.

"omg you scared me!" I screech pushing them away softly. They just chuckle.

"don't even worry about it" he says casually, shrugging his shoulders and stepping beside me.

"you know, the more you say that the more I worry" I giggle letting him pull me into a quick side hug. When he pulls away he's spotted by some of his friends, who usher him over to were they were talking.

James and I have been pretty good friends since we started at the studio together, I was 4 and he was 5 when we met, and we get along great! So great in fact that many would question if we were dating. Those comments definitely make me laugh, we definitely aren't dating but I can understand we're people get it from. We get along great and flirt with one another at times.

And I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything towards him..

"OMG Ri!!" I here a high pitched voice squeal from behind me. I spin on my heel to see a taller girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes, she was wearing a short pastle yellow skirt and a plain white blouse. It took me a second to remember who she was.

"OMG Kelly!?" I say in shocked. Pulling her in for a hug. I haven't seen her in so long!

"out of all the places I didn't expect to see you hear!" i laugh slightly. Kelly isn't really into dancing as much as me, from what I remember she was the type to try out for many different sports teams. Football was her favourite when we were younger.

Kelly is my friend from primary. We were great friends and our parents had trouble keeping us apart, we'd spend hour and hours playing and talking to each other, but then her parents got transfered and she had to leave. I haven't properly seen her since. Except from seeing her face on Instagram posts and stuff like that.

"ya, I'm actually down here for a week or so to visit my boyfriend. He actually goes here, so I came to surprise him" she explains and I'm taken aback slightly. I never knew she was taken, specially by one of the guys from TNS.

"You never said your dating anyone! Tell me who!?" I plead and continue to until she reluctantly gives in. I grin happily.

"he should be in here somewhere, you should know him... Oh! There he is!" she says suddenly pointing over to the corner of the room. I turn and see James walking over to us with a small smile.

I'm sorry!? There's no way...

"hey babe" he greets, pulling Kelly into a tight hug. My jaw falls open.

"you to.. You to are.. dating..?" I stammer slightly. Looking between the two confused. Kelly giggles and places a kiss on James cheek. They both nod and turn to me. I just stand silent.

I look at the pair in disbelief, how did I not know about this? I know them both so well. But the weirdest thing is, I can feel a sharp pain in my chest. The pain causes tears to dwell in my eyes and I quickly excuse myself. Running off into the corridor and sitting on a near bench. Letting the tears fall into my palms.

I cry for quite a while, feeling embarrassed and hurt, embarrassed because I'm literally sat in the corridor of the studio balling my eyes out and hurt because of what I just learnt. Though I don't know why I'm so hurt...

I mean, there both my friends, I should be happy... Shouldn't I?

"Riley.. Are you alright..?" a soft voice catches me off guard. I jump up and wipe away the tears quickly. Looking down to avoid eye contact.

"ya.. I'm fine.. What do u want?" I ask quietly. Noticing his sudden concern. I try my best to look at him, but he tilts my head, he knows I've been crying, I mean, I bet my cheeks are stained and my eyes are bloodshot.

"your not fine girly, what's wrong?" he asks taking a step closer. I look straight back down and put my hands behind my back. But when I don't answer he steps closer and uses his fingers to lift up my chin, meaning I have to face him.

"Ri you can trust me" he reassures looking down at me. Are faces are only inches apart. I suddenly feel my heart beat speed up as I stare into his eyes.

"I just.. Just didn't know you were... Taken.." I say slowly, trying my hardest not to cry anymore.

"why does it matter if in taken or single?" he quiries raising an eyebrow at me. I quickly try look away, not exactly having an answer.

Why does this matter..?

"Ri an answer would help" he laughs slightly. Moving his hands so there resting on both my shoulders.

I open my mouth to reply but a loud sigh replaces my words. I here him groan quietly, though I could still here, and he moves his hands and steps back.

"well.. I tried" he sighs crossing his arms and looking at me. I hang my head. He turns to walk away and just reaches the corner when I stop him.

"wait..." I try shout but I barely manage a whisper, fortunately he hears me.

"omg Riley, I'm not staying if your not going to tell me anything" he complains, clearly agitated. I look up slightly, Seeing his chocolate eyes flash with anger.

"for fucks sake Riley either you talk or I'm out!" he raises his voice making my jump slightly. I'm now stood straight with tears threatening to Spill.
I try my hardest to speak but it's like I've forgotten how to. He gets more annoyed by the second and I blink to let the teats fall...

Just talk Riley!

"fuck you, stop wasting my time!" he groans turning around again. I start to cry aloud but he doesn't say anything. Just starts to walk away.

Come on Riley! Talk! Shout! Scream! Do something!


"I love you!" I suddenly scream, placing my hands over my mouth shortly after.

What the fuck did I just say..

He suddenly snaps his head back and looks at me, staring deeply into my eyes from a slight distance. I stare back, quickly getting lost.

I think about what I'd said and it hit me, I love him... I've always loved him... Ever since I first saw him 13 years ago..

"I love you so fucking much!" I cry aloud, causing him to freeze in shock. I expect him to flip out at me, or to walk up to me and slap me, or to say something negative, But he doesnt. He just stands there. His breathing suddenly goes uneven and he shakes his head. I wipe away the stray tears and wait for him to speak.

But he doesn't, we just stare at each other. For quite some time.

Though I suppose the moment took me by surprise, because I suddenly lost control of myself. I started running towards him and press my lips against his. And honestly..

I feel like I'm in heaven...

He quickly kisses me back once he's registered our situation and let's his hands roam freely around my back, pulling my closer to him in the process. I wrap my arms around his neck and enjoy the moment.

I've never put so much emotion into anything more in my life...

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