You Better Run Fast!

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Rileys POV:

I clasp my hands together and bite my nails as I wait for Kate to start announcing the names of the 12 people on the nationals team. I'm so anxious I don't know what to dk with myself.

"and the 12 dancers are..." she starts, pausing to increase the tension. I don't know how much longer I can wait!

"Michelle, Emily, Eldon, Thalia, Tiffany, Stephanie, West.." She begins to slowly list the names. But the closer and closer she gets to the end of the list I get more and more nervous.

Please, please, please! Just call my name already..

"Daniel, James... And last but definitely not least..." she pauses briefly, obviously to drive all us others crazy.

This is my last chance... If she doesn't call my name.. I don't know what I'll do.

I've worked so hard for this and I have been pushing myself so much to make sure I was perfect. That can't all be for nothing..?


"beth..." she announces, stealing my smile and replacing mine with a frown. This can't be happening... There's no way...

I look at my friends around me and they all send me sympathetic looks, I then turn to Beth and see her jumping with joy.

Tears dwell in my eyes and many blades slice away at my heart, leaving it in pieces.

I blink once and the tears slowly start to run freely down my cheeks. I quickly try wipe some away and dart towards the door. Leaving everyone questioning.

Sitting on the closest bench, I pull my knees to my chest and curl into a ball, letting my tears fall onto my bare skin. I cry and cry until I physically can't any longer. Wondering where I went wrong.

That's when it suddenly hit me.

I jolted up and kicked the bench I was originally sat on. Sensing the sudden anger beg to be relieved. My foot aches but I ignore it. Kicking it again and pushing it aside, then later falling to the floor.

I fucking knew it! I knew she'd take My spot! She just has to have everything I do!

I cry some more until a familiar voice calls my name.

"Riley?" there soft voice immediately some what centers me. I wipe away the star tears and look straight ahead.

"I'm down here..." I sigh reluctantly, it was only a matter of time before someone came out to look for me.

"ah there you are" they say before sitting down beside me. They wrap an arm around me and I don't hesitate to lean into there side, rest my head and cuddling up to them.

"Riles... Everything will be alright babe" he reassures while softly stroking my arm. I sniff and feel the emotions return.

"James, thanks, but how will everything be alright? I've just got cut from a team I've been on forever and been replaced by the girl I hate..." I explain growing lightly frustrated.

"you didn't deserve to be kicked babe, your one of the best dancers I know, and I'm not just saying that because your my girlfriend, I'm saying it because it's true, but just because you did unfortunately get cut, you shouldn't let that stop you. Don't let it get to you and bring you down. Did you give up when Emily turned her back on you? No. And look how that turned out. Your bound is even stronger now! Or even when you lost your hair piece on stage at regionals? Did you give up? No. And with that, we won! And there are so many other examples" I look up at him while he speaks, letting occasional tears roll.

"Riles, I know you will find a way out of this dilemma, you always do. And ya it may sting like hell at the moment but it won't last forever. Not making it back on the team doesn't mean your not good enough, or that your not talented, it just means you have to get up.." he quickly then helps me to my feet and cups my hands in his.

"and power on. You need to prove them all wrong, show them what they threw away. Because their idiots for not seeing your talent. But they won't see anything if you sit out here in tears, will they?" I shake my head slowly. Gazing up into his eyes.

"and... on or off the team.. Your still my one and only love, you'll forever be a gleaming ray of sunshine in my eyes, my shining star, And I'll stand beside you forever. Even when things get tough ill-"

Before he could finish I quickly capture his lips with mine, kissing him softly yet passionately. He immediately kissed back and moves his hands so there resting on the small of my back. I wrap mine around his neck as he pulls me close. Are body's are pressing against each others as we kiss each other lovingly.

A tear falls from earlier and he uses one of his thumbs to wipe it away. I smile softly and pull my lips away from his but still let him hold me close.

"do you feel better now?" he inquires while playing with a bit of my hair. I think for a moment before something clicks. Then I smirk up at him.

"ya, But... I remember clearly that I'd warned you about what would happen if Beth took my spot... So..." I grin while resting my hands on is chest. He looks slightly confused but then he realises what I'm on about, he gulps quite loudly.

"I'll give you a 5 second head start" I giggle as he scratches the back of his kneck. He obviously thinks I'm joking, that I'm not going to chase him.

But I meant every word in that music room.

"I'm serious" I then say, raising an eyebrow slightly.

I begin to count and he starts legging it down the corridor. I roll my eyes and giggle while continuing to count. By the time I hit 5 I raced in the same direction. Following him into studio A where he ran, thinking he would be safe.

I run in and spot him immediately, he seems pretty terrified and it causes me to laugh. I see the others expressions to, some look confused, others don't look phased and the rest are just rolling their eyes and laughing while I chase after my boyfriend.

"only Jiley" I then hear my friends say in sinc. I laugh at there remark but quickly focus on James who was heading out the opposite door. Running back off into the corridor.

I pick up my pace and eventually catch up to him. Once I knew I was close enough I jumped and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"gotcha!" I scream while laughing. He screams as well but out of terror. I then wrap my arms around his torso from behind and wait for him to fix his breathing.

"I honestly though you were going to kill me!" he whimbers jokingly while turning in my arms. I look up at him, smiling brightly.

"I apologise" I laugh while cuddling up closer to him. He wraps his arms around me and lays his forehead on mine.

"eh, your smile is worth it" he says causing me to blush like crazy. He chuckles and leans down to kiss me. I meet him halfway and kiss him back.

You know what... As long as I have James, I know I'll be alright.

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