Little Death

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CC's P.O.V

"Bitches gonna holla" I sang to myself as i walked out of my room heading to the kitchen to make something to eat , my stomach kept on talking to me saying "Feed me CC feed me!" . Yep you got that right that was one of my many talents i could understand stomach and right now it wouldn't shut the fuck up shouting at me , it was honestly like having a child i had to feed it all the time .

When i got to the kitchen , i saw my phone flashing i skipped over to it like a little girl , swinging my imaginary pigtails around. I checked my phone to see that i had a message off Andy

Andy to CC- 'Hey man wanna come pick up Raven and Kasie wiv me?'

CC to Andy - 'Sure man , wat time?'

Andy to CC- ' Half 3'

CC to Andy - ' C u then'

I had a good 6 and a half hours to waste until i was going with Andy to pick the girls up from college with him. Kasie was studying Hair and Beauty , while Rave was studying Piercing.

They said that when they leave college ,they're going to open a shop and it will be the best shop in the whole world according to Kasie , that girl did come out with some random shit sometimes , like one day we were all just sat in the front room when she started singing Jackie Q super tight and thrusting thin air , then a second later Raven was doing the exact same thing , yes it was funny but mainly weird and random. Either way i love both those girls like sisters and if anyone and i mean anyone ever hurts them then i will slowly kill them and i mean slowly , like i would literally take the piss out of killing them slowly.

I made myself a quick sandwich and slumped in to the front room , placing my feet on the coffee table and sitting on the black leather sofa , i grabbed the remote and turned on the TV scanning through the music channels , when i heard one band they were amazing , i have to say that they were my favourite band in the whole world and it was one of their best song's and being a guy i have to say that drummer is smokin.

I started to sing along to in the end and kept on admiring that sex god of a drummer , oh wait that's me , damn i'm just to funny sometimes i'm surprised i don't wet myself sometimes at just how funny i am.

3 hours later

"Why you going to the college now"

"Because i want to see Raven and Kasie" He said sounding a little frustrated

Andy had suddenly called me asking if i wanted to go to the college for a while , before we went back and picked Kasie and Raven up

"Fine come and pick me up then"

"Thanks man , I'll see you in Five" Andy said happily , hanging up the phone

Kasie's P.O.V

"They wanted you to pierce someone's cock" I asked Raven , shocked at what she had just told me but also a little amused at how scared she looked about it all.

"Yeah , but i couldn't do it the man was like 50 and plus i would have to hold it in my hands" She said , shivering at the thought about having to touch the old man's cock

"Ewwww , men at that age shouldn't even be getting that done"

"I know right" She said disgusted

Just then both me and Raven let out a little scream , in the middle of the front lounge thing at our college. A pair of hands were covering my eyes and i was starting to freak out , so was Raven by the sounds of it.

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