Die For You

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"Stop shouting at me Hayden ,  it's not my fault that he is still calling her" I yelled through gritted teeth

"What did he say on the phone Kasie?"

"Not much , just that he wasn't scared of me or you" I said giving up on our argument that had been going on for the last 10 minutes , I'm sure that Hayden was somehow trying to blame me for Seb calling all the time. I slumped down on to the sofa crossing my arms over my chest sulking.

"Look Kasie I'm sorry , i didn't mean to lash out at you i know that you hate Seb just as much as i do"

"More" I said still angry at Hayden

He moved across the room and sat on the sofa next to me , not giving me any room to move , i was wedged between him and the arm of the sofa. I had called Hayden and told him about Seb calling Raven and he was over at my house faster than a whippet.

He moved closer to me placing an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to his body , i placed my head on his arm and closed my eyes.

"What are we going to do Hayden? , we have to help Raven ,Seb is destroying her life" I had now gripped some of the material of his top in my hands , even thinking about Seb gets me riled up, god i hate that mother fucker with a roaring passion.

"I honestly don't know Kasie , but i promise you one thing  we will think of something we always do" He huffed placing a small kiss on the top of my head , i looked up to him to see that he was smiling i smiled back at him .

He started moving his head down towards mine , his eyes burning it to mine , but then darting down to my lips , Fuck no he's gonna kiss me , what am i going to do i can't kiss Hayden that's like incest he's like my brother , fair enough i do gawp when he takes his top off but come on i can't kiss him and that day when we went to the beach , oh my glorious heavens he has one fine ass body , i would definitely lick his abs anyday.

"Ineedawee" I blurted out , running to the bathroom , i saw the shock rush over Hayden's face as i ran out of the room , was it because he was about to kiss me and realised that he didn't want to or that it was wrong. Or was it the fact that i had ran away like a ass , bolting for the bathroom.

I sat on the edge of the bath running my fingers through my now very messed up hair. "What the hell , what the fricking hell" I whispered to myself , wondering if mine and Hayden's near kiss did just happen or whether it was just my imagination , because believe me i had a wild one.

When Hayden was going to kiss me all i could picture was Dan's face if he ever found out , it was full of hurt and pain and i couldn't do that to Dan because i still love him no matter what either of us say or do , we will always love each other but our love is forbidden. I wish i could take back that night that i slept with Ashley , if i hadn't of seen him at Costa none of this would of happened i would probably be with Dan somewhere laughing and joking , not sat on the edge of a bath that is killing my arse and thinking about how my life is fucked up to the max.

My thoughts were interrupted when i heard a small knock at the door, "Kasie I'm sorry please come out" Hayden's voice was soft and i knew that he felt guilty for trying to kiss me , but it wasn't his fault i had probably sent out the wrong message to him by grabbing his top in my hands and pulling him closer , boys are useless at reading signs properly.

Slowly i made my way to the door unlocking it , i opened the door to see Hayden stood there with a piece of paper with the words 'I'm sorry Kasie , i wuv you'. This made a huge grin appear on my face , i wrapped my arms around Hayden's neck pulling him in to a tight hug , i could tell that he was surprised by my actions as i felt his body tense , but then relax once he wrapped his arms around my waist.

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