The Rumour

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Dan's P.O.V

Two days it has been , two days of total heart wrenching agony my wife the love of my life gone cruelly taken away from me.

Everything of hers is here not one thing moved from where she left it her clothes still in her wardrobe , he makeup still scattered over her dresser and in the bathroom , her perfume still lingers in the air , everything is still here except her. Why did she have to be the one who got taken? ,why couldn't it be some murderer someone who actually deserved to die? , someone who actually deserved to be put through the pain that Kasie went through?.

Josh had stayed at mine since her death , he informed me when people rang wanting to know if i was ok , i guess they though that merely a few hours after Kasie's death i would be fine and skipping down the garden path belting out a musical number.

I didn't want to hear from anyone , i didn't want to hear them say sorry and pity me because no matter how much they did that it won't bring Kasie back it won't make her magically come back to life  and float back in to my arms and let us live happily ever after. No because life's cruel and it can't let anyone be truly happy.

I was sat on the floor with my back on the bottom of the bed , i moved my hands across the floor when i suddenly hit something hard and cold , i moved away a little to examine what it was.

Once i picked it up i saw that it was the box that Kasie kept all of her and Ravens friendship things in and on the top of the lid it had a note saying "Read Me xoxo" I could tell that it was Kasie's writing instantly , i tore off the lid to see that there was a neatly folded letter placed on the top of all the things that lay within the box.

I carefully picked up the letter , slowly unfolding it and scanning my eyes over the carefully written words that were spread evenly on the paper.

"Dear who ever is reading this

I just want to say that while you are reading this i am probably going to be dead , but i have to say that the 18 years that i have spent on this planet have been fricking amazing and i have loved every minute of it , even the bad times because it made all the good times i had stand out so much more like mine and Raven's friendship book , it holds so many memories and it will carry on doing that because i Want more memories put in it until no more can be squeezed in to it.  And like me marrying Dan , never in my life did i think that i would ever meet Dan let alone marry him and i just want to say thank you Dan for accepting my weird abnormal behavior and for that i love you even more.

But this letter is just to say that i love all of you , all the people who have cared for me and about me  , the people who have made me laugh and cry so thank you - Raven , Dan , Josh , Chris , Max , Matt ,Andy , Ashley , CC , Jinx , Jake , Sammy , Mum , Dad , My two beautiful little sisters Layla and Hope , Hayden and the rest of my family friends , without you all i wouldn't of gone as far as i did in my life i would of probably dropped out of high school and became a hobo.

I will never regret the things i did , only the things i didn't do. I know that your probably all crying and majorly upset about my death SO MAN THE FUCK UP AND STOP WASTING PRECIOUS WATER!!.

These are a few of the things i want at my funeral-

Pink coffin with white butterflies trailing up it

Pink , blue and silver flowers


Both You Me At Six and Black Veil Brides to play at the after do (Not the sad songs)

Everyone MUST get drunk and have fun at the after do

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