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I stared at her for a good long moment before I spoke..

"so basically what your saying is we're bonded by blood even now im dead" she nodded her head clearly traumatised by the idea..

"how long have you known"

"since we did it .. Shortly after it was done the prophecy was found by a late relative"

"well I bet your family was in up roar"

"yes and when the werewolves found out they wanted you dead"

"wow wow wow werewolves exist"

"of course they do"

"so tell me are they hot like Jake out of twilight cause if there anything like that I'll happily lie at there feet" I smiled a sly smile I new she wanted to laugh as well ....

"you already no who they are"

"forgive me but I can assure you I haven't spoken to a werewolf yet... ive bumped into some hunters but that's about it .. Trouble seems to follow me while im like this"

"trouble will follow you everywhere now"

"and what's that supposed to mean"

"your strong Emma and you don't know it yet... im not even supposed to be talking to you"

"you're my best friend why cant you speak to me"

"cause your evil... tainted and a very powerful vampire that can take over a lot of things and hurt a lot of people"

"take over what things" she stood up rather fast automatically I grabbed my head she chuckled darkly clearly amused by my wimpyness....

"im not going to use the spell don't worry"

"good cause it hurts like hell" she smiled and grabbed the door handle

"grab what you have to and go I cant see you anymore"

"but what do I do now"

"you keep out of trouble and please try and be a good vampire"

"believe me i tried its not as easy as it Lisa"


"when you say I know who the werewolves are who are they"

"you will have to find that out for your self ive already give enough information to you" I nodded my head not exactly pleased with the answer but I really didn't want to be arguing with her now not with her creepy witch crap...

once she was gone I grabbed enough clothes to last a life time and shoved them in a huge bag ... I left some out for me some dark jeans and a nice fitted green top... I looked me up and down most of the blood had gone now and my hair looked a little better I seriously needed a shower when I got home... I grabbed my bag taking one last look at the house I grew up in the house that never felt like home oh how I hated this rotten place and the people in it... and that was including my mom... I didn't bother looking back as I jumped out my window and this time I did it with ease ... becoming a vampire was probably the best thing that ever happened to me something I wouldn't admit to anyone,....

I jumped in my new stolen taxi and drove off towards my home making sure to take a detour through the back streets instead of through town .. If I got pulled awkward questions would be asked about the dead taxi driver in my boot.. It was getting dark now ... I was just going past a wild house party when something caught my eye .. Beth.. I screeched to a halt the girl I was once close to ran around the lawn with a boy I didn't no they were chucking water over each other ... god I missed them days .. I got out my car and ruffled up my hair making me look a little better boy this was going to be one hell of a shock for her... I marched right up to them with my new found self I was a lot more confident... the boy looked up first nothing but shock in his eyes what was his problem he didn't even no me... Beth straightened up her back still to me I grinned tapping her on the shoulder...

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