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I stood looking at her and the hundreds of people that had turned up to witness this, none of them spoke or even moved, but neither did I, this was the moment when finally fate would decide who was to live and who was to die and this bitch wasn’t going to fight fair.

I watched as everyone gathered around her was I on my own through this didn’t I have no back up, the way she kept her stare on me made me smile all the more didn’t she trust me.

“well… well… well if it isn’t Leah and her Cavalry!”

I cocked my head to the side taking in her features , she was pretty id give her that.

She watched me not saying a word she just stood there realisation crossing her face.

She finally opened her mouth a smirk on her face.

“Who these? These are just here to witness me end you once and for all, if you didn’t kill everything you touched maybe you would have back up but you killed everyone who wanted to help you.”

I let out a cold laugh , it was almost like she thought she could beat me. I knew only to well she was nothing but a mere human that could do party tricks id show her.

"girly id be more scared of the Easter bunny turning evil, now why don’t you hop off back home and hide under your bed like a good little girl"

I took a look around me and saw many people I recognised, including the bar man from witches hollow, you would think after all the money id gave him he would be on my side, I followed my gaze to her boyfriend James, he looked angrily back it me , if looks could kill, and finally my gaze fell on Scott he watched carefully not one hint of anger crossing his face more like disappointment, I knew only too well he would protect me no matter what he was my maker after all.

“You think you’re so great don’t you Emma but you’re not, your pathetic even as a human you were pathetic and look at you now standing here in front of these like you’re not bothered when really you are and you know it. Your scared Emma you just don’t want to admit it.”

I felt my jaw tighten as she said those words how dare she, she knew nothing , about me!

“you want to talk about pathetic darling, your the one who hides behind your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend I mean he wasn’t even man enough to finish Scott off”

“Why on earth would you want James to finish Scott off? Last I heard you were all upset because he screwed you and then called you a mistake.”

Oh she wanted to get personal did she I’d show her personal.

“you jealous bitch? Cause last I heard your so called soul mate had to get some off your best mate”

I watched James’s face he didn’t looked pleased about me bringing it up but I found it funny as her face showed a lot of hurt at the memory of it.

“Emma please tell me this is a lie you wouldn’t lower your self to be with him would you”

I turned fast to see Kyle walking into the clearing face mirroring nothing but hurt and pain at the subject, I wanted nothing more than to lie and say it wasn’t true but I couldn’t.

“it was a mistake it meant nothing”

He looked me in the eye clearly disgusted by me, and instead of coming to my side he went on to leahs.

I wanted to crumple down then admit defeat but I wouldn’t id make him watch her die before my feet.

I felt more than alone now I felt betrayed, the one person I thought I could count on had abandoned me when I needed him most I felt the anger pulse through me , I looked angrily at Leah wanting nothing more than to rip her pretty little throat out.

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