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I stormed upstairs not sure why I was acting like a complete spoilt brat I mean id just been told my powers were there and that I could be a very powerful vampire.

And that the council wanted me for there own, and the werewolves wanted me out of the way just brilliant.

I wrenched open my door only to come face to face with Toby , I was so caught up in my thoughts I forgot about him.

I dropped the bag of food on the floor and slammed the door behind me.

“so yet again you leave me here alone with out food an water what a great kidnapper you are.”

“oh shut up” I sat on the bed with my hands on top of my head I was so god damn frustrated with my life who said being a vampire was easy.

“you look like you’ve had a bad day anything you want to share” I felt the bed springs move as he sat down next to me.

I turned my head slowly in his direction.

“ive had a pretty bad day that’s all”

“im a good listener”

I studded him for a while before I decided with the truth I mean he was only trying to help and I didn’t want to kill him , well not unless I was really craving his blood, but even then I don’t think id be able to do it for some reason there seemed to be some kind of connection.

“I have powers an I have some royalty that want me for there selves an some werewolves want me dead as well as another person wanting me dead that pretty much sums up my day so far”

He cleared his throat and smirked.

“can I have what your having”

“its not funny Toby there’s things happening that you would never or will never understand”

“oh come on werewolves that’s just stupid” he stood up pacing the room with his arms swinging by his side I didn’t have the breath to tell him he looked like such a dork right now.

“look haven’t you wondered why I kidnapped you”

“ever since I woke up at the hospital ive wondered who the hell you are to be honest”

“you have information about me which you already told me earlier but im still confused I don’t know who they are as much as you don’t”

“look im going to be honest with you now” he sat back down looking at me curiously.

“im not going to beat around the bush im just going to come straight out with it ok”

“well go on then”

“im a vampire” his eyes looked terrified for a moment before he smiled he was actually smiling what the hell was this world coming to.

“I no what this is who set it up, was it my brother.”

“what are you on a bout” he stood up chuckling to himself, he reached every gap in the walls, to the pictures what was he doing.

“look Toby I don’t know if your trying to find some secret door or a key to this one but would you please just chill out”

“im not finding no door”

“so what in gods name are you doing”

“im trying to find the hidden cameras”

now it was my time to laugh he was kidding right.

“Toby im telling the truth”

“w-what you are” he stopped dead in the room and stared me in the eye.

Eternal Blood (1)Where stories live. Discover now