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"I want the yard 'ta be clean! Keep it up! I ain't lettin' our guests arrive 'ta a mess!" She remarks, desiring everything to be perfect.

Carrying the sticks to the location, they agreed, he drops them there. Lifting his gaze, he waits for Chi-Chi's next task for him. "So what now?"

Eyes drifting to the pile, she shakes her head. "Yer not done."

"HUH?!- But that's plenty of wood, Chi-Chi!" Goku argues, having enough of the minuscule tasks she assigned him. "C'mon, Chi! Let me find some meat or somethin'! I've found enough wood for now!"

"For now. - That's exactly what I'm talkin' 'bout, Goku-sa! We got 'ta be prepared! I ain't gonna have ya huntin' for wood in the middle of our family get together an' then disappear on us!"

Ready to bicker with his wife, the Saiyan stops in his tracks. It wasn't worth arguing with her. She wouldn't drop this, especially when she wanted to make the moment right, having Gohan, Videl, and Pan over. Walking away, he determined that going out for more wood would be best. It wasn't like it would take him all day either.


Having been an hour or so, the petite wife checks on her husband. Taking out her simplistic phone, she dials Goku.

Voice-mail - figures. The man never prioritized answering or responding to her calls!

Ending the call, she dials Gohan - nothing. Where was everyone? Had she done something? No - she was overthinking and knew perfectly well that the two lacked in responding immediately.

Supposing she would reach her daughter-in-law, she holds her breath after pressing call.

"Hello? Chi-Chi?"

"Videl! I was just checkin' on ya... I've gotten everythin' planned for tonight, but I didn't know when 'ta expect ya."

"Tonight? What's tonight?"

"..." Speechless, the female is already fuming by the ears. Goku hadn't spoken to them like he said...had he even listened to her in the first place?! "Goku-sa said that he talked 'ta ya 'bout comin' over...."

Silent, the female quietly thinks it through. She had recalled Gohan talking about his father inviting them to something, but she never asked what it was. "Oh. He talked to Gohan. He had something planned before your husband asked. I'm sorry, Chi-Chi. "

Having no words, her lips press together. How could everyone go without telling her anything?! Didn't they understand that she had a life too that she craved their time?! It was all she wished for - longed. "I see... that's alright." Voice tightening, she swallows.

"I'm sorry, Chi-Chi. I promise we'll set something else up with the three of you...I wish Gohan's schedule was freer too...it can be quite tiresome."

"It's fine. Don't worry 'bout it." She reassures the female, striving to convince herself that everything will be alright. "I'll let ya go...." Pressing end, she puts the phone down and exhales. No one ever had the courtesy to tell her this stuff! Now Goku was out wasting his time on firewood for what? Well, they could use it down the road. Still, it was disrupted her attitude.

Staring at the wall, she contemplated if she should even go outside and find her husband. Concluding that she'd start a fire and let her husband come back to her, she left him be. She didn't need to be the one getting lost out there and wasting their time together - it'd be a lost cause if she went out for him! He was who knows faster than her!


Arriving back to his wife, the Saiyan's mouth instantly salivates at the smell of his wife's cooking. "Chi-Chi! It smells great! Where's Goten?"

"He went 'ta hang out with Trunks. He dropped off the meat and went off cause Gohan an' Videl ain't comin'." She frowns, avoiding eye contact.

Brows furrowing, Goku scratches his cheek, trying to piece together what was going on with her.

"Guess I forgot 'bout that...ehehe - sorry, Chi-Chi! I know how important this was to ya!" Approaching her, he seats himself beside her. Placing an arm around her, he pulls her into him. "Please don't be like that...I hate seein' ya upset, Chi. Y'know more than anybody that I hate seein' ya upset out of anybody." Showering her cheek with kisses, he lifts her onto his lap - wanting her to receive all the affection she could from him.

Eyes glued on the crackling flame, she glances at her husband and then returns to the fire. "...I swear ya never think 'bout how yer actions affect me...why...why do ya just go around paradin' like nobody's time matters, but yer own?"

Face distorting, the onyx-haired man grips her jaw, forcing her to stare into his obsidian eyes. "Don't say that. Ya know that ain't true."

"It is." The female snickers, grasping his wrists harshly. She wanted nothing more but to get out of his hold currently.


Persisting to fight, tears escape her eyes. Couldn't Goku see how much he hurt her at times?! Why did he have to be so ignorant when it came to their family?! "LET GO!"

Sighing, the fighter loosens his grip. Refusing to let go of Chi-Chi, he hesitates to say anything. Did she not see how much she mattered to him? How much effort he put into making her and their family safe? He tried his best when it came to her, but nothing ever seemed to be enough when it came to her. "Chi-Chi...I love ya more than anythin' out there...an' ya persist 'ta slap me in the face with your comments. Do ya think I don't have feelin's when it comes to ya an' the kids?" Letting go, he helps her up and then gets up himself. He didn't have time for this. If she was going to be criticizing every little aspect of their life - him, he didn't want it.

Brought to her feet, she clutches his wrist. "Goku-sa..."

Yanking his arm away from her, the male grunts. "Not now, Chi-Chi. I need to be alone." Immediately blasting off, he glimpses behind him for a second. Chi-Chi had collapsed moments after he flew off. Goku couldn't deal with the constant negativity from her currently. He needed a place to free his mind and process everything. For now, he'd stay out of sight from everyone for the time being - no one would be influencing his thoughts, and he could mediate. 

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