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chapter two: nose.

"movie night!"

jeongin brought two bowls of popcorns he just baked with minho earlier. felix was already wrapped in the white blanket like a burrito, minho was helping jeongin, changbin was on his phone, seungmin making his own drink in the kitchen, hyunjin just finished shampooing his beautiful long blonde hair, jisung curled up on the couch waiting for snuggles while chan,

he was at the company.

normal, that was normal. jisung was not sad at all.

which was a lie.

"chan hyung never joins us..." he muttered lowly but somehow they heard it. felix pouted while nodding.

"i hope someday he will."

"channie hyung is returning in one hour. maybe he can join us." jeongin tried to cheer up his two sulken hyungs but was interrupted by changbin.

"he will probably go straight to his room to rest. or maybe continue working."

jisung whined as he lightly kicked the empty spot next to him. as he was doing it hyunjin stopped him. the older guy settled down next to him while drying his hair with a wireless hair dryer. "sit still."

"what if i don't?"

"you know that you're small, ji? i could just throw you out here with one hand."

jisung lowered his head into the blanket with another long pout. he adjusted his position so that he was leaning on the armrest. he was hoping for felix or minho to sit next to him to get his snuggles but with hyunjin... maybe next time.

"what are we watching?" he heard minho asked.

"mission impossible." jeongin replied. jisung sunk on the couch more. he wanted to watch some animated movie but the majority wanted the action one so they went for it.

it's gonna be more boring.

throughout the movie he only heard crashing sounds, the oohs and ahhs from his band mates and sometimes silence. he did not focus on the movie at all. at times he'd check his phone and message his fans on bubble — that's it until hyunjin spoke up only audible for both of them.

"don't your eyes hurt?" the living room was dark. the only light source was from the kitchen. jisung just nodded at the question as he typed in some message in the bubble chat box.

"i'm talking to stays."

"tell them we're on a date."

the younger scrunched his nose and furrowed his eyebrows in disgust. "no."

hyunjin stared at him in disbelief. again, his drama mode was on. he put a hand on his chest before clutching it tightly. "it hurts."

to his disappointment, jisung only replied with an eye roll before turning back to his phone. when he thought the younger was ignoring him he focused on the movie again.

little did he know, jisung's heart flutters at the suggestion. on a date with hyunjin? oh, he would like that so much. he just didn't expect that coming out from hyunjin's mouth that easily considering how the guy always rejecting his kisses. jisung admit it, the kisses demand are annoying.

hyunjin might stay away from him just because of that.

but what can he do? he cannot straight up go to hyunjin and say hey buddy, i like you so let's date. though they always call each other romantic nicknames on-air, that doesn't mean hyunjin likes him and they do it when off camera.

yes, sadly, hyunjin does that only when he's shooting. he only did it off camera sometimes, but only when he feels like it. another reason why he thinks hyunjin might finds him annoying. but oh well, the whole group knows how he acts with each members so it is considered as normal.

flirty with minho and hyunjin, crazy with felix and changbin, clingy to jeongin, cracking along with seungmin and lastly being a comedian to chan.

so when he asks for kisses in front of the members, they would not tease him as they thought he meant in platonically.

when in fact, jisung likes him.

as the thoughts were drowning his mind jisung fell asleep without him realising. the phone on his hand fell on the couch, earning hyunjin's attention.

a small smile appeared on his face. hyunjin took his phone and placed it on the table. when he was about to adjust jisung's position, he heard a not so welcoming noise.

jisung's snores.

hyunjin feels like crying.

since when did he snore?!?!

frowning, the long haired put a cushion in between their heads but failed. lucky for him only both of them were on the couch so he could scoot away a little.

however, that did not work as well. the other members seem did not see his struggles as they were laying on the floor like a tuna in a tin. the snores were also drown by the movie's noises but not to hyunjin.

after countless attempts to make him comfortable, he did the last decision.

he pinched jisung's nose, blocking the air out.

one, two, three—


he let go.

poor squirrel cheeks tried to breathe properly and gained attention from minho. he raised a brow, "is everything okay?"

"hyunjin blocked my nose!"

minho's eyes immediately turned dim. he shot a glare towards hyunjin and the guy shivered in his place. "he– he was snoring!"

"doesn't mean you can block my nose!" jisung cried. he then got up from the couch and went into his room, not forgetting to slam it.

"apologise, hyunjin."

"o-okay..." he nodded at minho's orders before following the younger into his room.

jisung on the other hand was burying himself in the blanket. he couldn't believe his crush did that to him right after he thought how fascinating hyunjin is. he silently sobbed.

"does he want me to die?" he whimpered.

when he heard the door opening, he quickly faced the wall.


"go away."

instead of doing that hyunjin laid next to him. he then snaked his arms around jisung's waist which made the guy froze. "i'm sorry." hyunjin muttered as he planted his face on the blanket. "that was such a stupid thing to do. i'm so sorry."

there was a deafening silence in the room. only jisung's soft sobs could be heard that made hyunjin felt guilty more. "do you forgive me?"

after a few seconds he finally got a response. jisung turned around to him and mumbled, "no."


"promise me you won't do it again."

hyunjin eagerly nodded as he held out his pinky but jisung didn't do anything.

"kiss it for me to feel better."

as expected.

different from his other reactions, hyunjin softly smiled and left a gentle kiss on his nose. with that, jisung giggled.


"much more better."


💃 uhmm i'm pretty sure i uploaded chapter 2 but wp unpublished it. sorry!

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