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chapter 3: hands.

"hwang hyunjin!!"

"what?!" the blonde abruptly got up from the couch and went to jisung at the door. "what what?! what's wrong?!"

the squirrelly male pushed him in and locked the door. "kisses!"

instantly his face expression fell. "seriously?"

"come on, don't you always give me kisses everytime before practice?" jisung puckered his lips only to be pushed away by hyunjin's palm.

"no thanks. now that you're here let's start." he put his phone on the cabinet and turned on a relaxing music for warm up. jisung just pouted at that as he followed the older's steps.

he had his white shirt and his favourite joggers on along with the dancing shoes that seungmin bought for his birthday last year. can be said it's his favourite matched outfits.

today hyunjin was supposed to teach him the choreography of a break dance since he was on another schedule the other day. he tried to ask for minho's help but unluckily the older planned to film his vlog.

so hyunjin was the only option.

to say he was not nervous was a lie. it was not his first time dancing with hyunjin but still it gives him a mixed wave of excitement and nervousness. what if he screwed up? what if he messed up the dance and hyunjin got annoyed? what if the guy was done with him?

jisung was known as the member who often forgets the choreography. even the fans know it. sometimes if he messed up in a group dance the other members would whine especially hyunjin.

though hyunjin is always focus on his own dance, the blonde is also aware of other members' steps. he has the eyes of an eagle. everything can be spotted easily. so jisung really hoped he won't disappoint hyunjin during this short lesson.

after a few minutes of warming up hyunjin started his lesson. jisung tried his best not to get distracted. because of his professionalism, he managed to push all of thoughts of hyunjin being his crush. even so he couldn't help but admire the way the main dancer dances. it is mesmerising.

no one can dance like hyunjin does.

his stage presence, facial expressions, body composition and his dancing skills are immaculate. jisung has the idea that hyunjin will literally forget everything around him when he dances.

not only him, but his long blonde locks is also a dancer.

in fact, hyunjin's long hair added everything. elegance? checked. prince features? checked. sexiness? oh, absolutely. checked. seriously, what this guy doesn't have in himself?

han jisung, obviously.

if only you know why i ask you for kisses, hyunjin...

"did you get it until here?"

jisung nodded as he stood up straight again.

"good. let's begin from the start."

working with hyunjin was not hard as he thought. like minho, if he cannot catch up with a step he'd slowly teach him again. in a span of an hour jisung already got the rough steps of it.

"one and two and three and four and five, six, seven— ah. you got it wrong."

"hm?" jisung looked at the mirror then to hyunjin to compare their position. "what's wrong?"

"your leg and arms." hyunjin pushed his one leg in using his foot and went behind jisung. as cliché as it sounds, the blonde held his arms using both his hands from behind. practically can be seen as hugging from a certain angle. jisung silently gulped as hyunjin move his right arm lower then the other, and made his left arm static in front of his chest.

"it's like this."

that's when jisung can breathe normally.

hyunjin went to his previous place, completely oblivious of how red jisung looked. "then spread your arms like earlier with this leg up, remember?"

"y-yeah... sure of course." he muttered.

"from the start."

and so they began from the start with hyunjin counting. as they were nearing the part where jisung got it wrong earlier, suddenly he went conscious.

oh my god please do it right do it right do it right– yes!!—


"oh shit." hyunjin retreated his arm and giggled loudly when jisung flapped his arms like a bird's wing. the squirrel cheeks cried with an exaggerated facial expression as he tried to reduce the pain.

hyunjin accidentally hit his hand and it hurts as hell.

"you were too close to me."

"yah! you were the one who moved from your position!" jisung pointed to hyunjin's shoes. "i just stayed here." he ended with a pout.

the taller giggled again before taking his hand and blew it. "does it hurt much?"

"very much."

hyunjin blew again.

"kiss it." of course, it's han jisung. every minutes are taken for granted. what jisung wants, jisung gets.

well, maybe he won't get kisses from jeongin.

hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows. "do i really have to kiss each of your wounds or pain area?"

jisung shrugged at the question. "what can i do, your kisses heal everything." he only received a dramatic disgusted noise from hyunjin. "aaahhh pleaseeee kiss it!"

his voice was loud, too loud that hyunjin was sure anyone walked by the room could here it. he hushed the sulking squirrel and rolled his eyes. "just this once."

"no promises."

with that, a gentle kiss was pressed on his hurt hand. jisung's smile widened but he quickly hid it when hyunjin looked up to him.


"that's mean."



also, if you see me updating two times each chapters it is because wattpad messed up with the notifications + unpublished it. i have to do it twice for you to get the update notice or you can't open it.

i'm sorry ㅠ~ㅠ

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