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chapter 6: forehead.

"is he okay now?"

hyunjin nodded while slowly closing the door. his other group members were at the living room meanwhile jisung has been put to sleep. he had a terrible headache after so much crying so he had to take the medicines. now the side effects of it kicked in, he felt sleepy.

it was just eight in the evening and the atmosphere in the dorm was tense. after jisung's break down earlier all of his members cancelled their plans to look after him.

the love he's getting–

*sighs, googles how to be han jisung–*

"he forced himself to read the messages."

chan sighed, "i've bought him a new number."

"we should tell the manager about this." jeongin suggested but minho's reply crushed his hope.

"nah, jyp only cares about his money," the guy rolled his eyes. "has he ever pay attention to this? remember the hate chaeryeong got?"

all of them fell silent. hyunjin looked down to his fingers as guilt slowly conquered him. "if... if i didn't mention about the kiss he wouldn't have to go through this..."

"you guys always kiss in the national tv shows, though. no one has ever attacked him before this," changbin said while his eyes glued on his phone screen. hyunjin blushed at the remark. "it's none of your fault, either jisung. they cannot tell us what to do or what not with each other."

"but still, i should be aware knowing that some people would hate it."

"guys," seungmin's alarmed voice interrupted them while he scrolled down his timeline. "they are asking for... an apology?"

"bullshits, for what?" minho raised his voice as his hand unconsciously slammed the table.

"for offending some of them..." seungmin muttered. "ah, 'cause both of you are guys, apparently."

"let's just ignore them." chan spoke up after a being silent. "i will speak to manager-nim. jisung has not been eating well too."

"should... should he go on a short hiatus too?" all heads turned to felix. "n-no! i mean... at the dance practice earlier... the teacher scold him so bad. i don't think he should continue practicing in this condition."

"just a short break. but if it's getting worse maybe they will put him on hiatus." minho muttered.

seungmin looked up to hyunjin who didn't speak anything for awhile. the corner of his lips curled up, forming a small smile. "jinnie, can i ask you something?"

hyunjin slowly nodded his head.

"do you like jisung?"

"what?" he blurted out with his eyes widening. he then looked around to see the members have snickers on each faces. "i- i mean, of course he... he's a friend-"

"you know well i didn't mean in that way."

blush crept up his cheeks as he tried to hide his face behind his long locks. he was shy but at the same time fear crawls inside him. he'd never told any of the members about him liking guys and afraid if they snitch him.

but they wouldn't, right?

"if i do... would you guys be mad?"

the silence once again took over which increased hyunjin's nervousness. but then he heard minho stifling a laugh while looking over at seungmin.


"seungminnie hyung wasn't lying when he said you're too oblivious," jeongin snickered. "he's dating minho hyung."

"he– what?!" his eyes widened at the new information as he looked at minho who was at the dining table. then his eyes moved to seungmin at the end of the couch. the couples literally sat twenty feets apart from each other, how would he know it? not only that, they never show affections in front of the other members and minho constantly dissed seungmin when they do live streaming.

turns out they were dating?

"for how long?!"

"one month already. you don't know anything?" chan giggled at the clueless guy. hyunjin frantically shook his head.

seungmin returned to his phone, "of course not. his world only evolve around him and jisung."

"w-was it that obvious?"

"both you and jisung are the most oblivious people i swear." seungmin sighed but then felix nudged him. he immediately shut his mouth.

"ah, seungminnie you exposed too much." minho teased and he earned a glare from the younger. see? how could they be dating each other–

maybe it's just hyunjin who doesn't realise anything. yeah, they were right. he likes jisung and could forget everything when the guy comes into his mind. especially when he asks for kisses.

jisung doesn't know this. but if hyunjin could, he would give the squirrel resembled guy kisses everyday on his favourite spots of jisung. the rejections are all because of him malfunctioning. doesn't jisung know everytime he pouts the urge to kiss his lips is tempting?

"i heard something." changbin turned his head to the closed door. "is he awake?"

"i'll check." hyunjin instantly got up from the couch. his members were whistling and teased him for it but he ignored them and ran to jisung's room.

that was embarrassing.

he closed the door behind him as soon as he got in to see jisung was sitting on the bed, drinking from his bottle.

"do you feel better?"

the younger shook his head. the hair was sticking out here and there and the big shirt exposed his lightly tanned shoulder. hyunjin silently gulped at the sight. he made his way to the bed.

"do you need more sleep?"

jisung nodded while closing his eyes. "the headache is killing me." he muttered with his hoarse voice.

"do you want me to kiss it better?"

jisung furrowed his eyebrows, unable to express his shock. "what?"

"you said my kisses are healing." hyunjin giggled as he ran his hand through jisung's hair. this time he could see clearly the latter's eyes. "maybe the headache will gone after i kissed it?"

a small laugh escaped his lips. jisung closed his eyes and smiled while leaning towards hyunjin. without hesitant hyunjin hugged his neck and kissed both sides of his temples.

"i feel much more be–"

then he planted his lips on jisung's forehead. the younger froze on his spot.

w-what is happening...?

"how many percent did i help you?" hyunjin asked with a childlike smile. he noticed the pink blush that appeared on jisung's cheeks and couldn't be more proud.

"s-sixty, i guess." he avoided the eye contact.

the smile on hyunjin's face widened. "that's not enough."


"let's just sleep. that will make you feel real better." hyunjin laid on the bed.

jisung internally sighed in relief.

actually, both of them needed kisses. but jisung doesn't know that.




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