f o u r

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chapter 4: head.

it was weekend. jisung thought he could take a little rest after a packed week. he still need to go to the studio later that night to help chan and changbin composing their songs though.

after showering and having breakfast he returned to his room. he took his pillow head that have sticks connected to the front on both sides as a phone holder. he made sure he was comfortable before opening a cheetah documentary on youtube.

this is his daily routine whenever he's free. wake up, shower when needed, breakfast and returned to bed with some random animal videos on youtube. for him this is the best moment where no one can disturb or nag at him for not doing anything. since it was weekend, the other members were probably still sleeping or went for a morning walk.

good for them but jisung prefers staying indoor instead of going out.

initially he has the whole day planned out with minho but actually the guy has a photo shoot scheduled today. so it was all cancelled. but it's okay, there's more days to come.

eventually jisung fell asleep while watching the documentary. imagine if he's sleeping then the phone falls on top of his face– that'd be hurt.

luckily, that didn't happen.

he groggily woke up an hour later and felt hungry again. he decided to make a simple meal but when he reached the fridge, he didn't know what should he do. you could say... his brain is shutting down again.

"oh, hannie is here."

hearing his name jisung turned his head to the side to see hyunjin walking in with a tripod and a camera.

the guy giggled, "oh god, stays he just woke up."

"ah... vlog?" he asked sleepily. hyunjin nodded.

"you want to say hi?"

"later, i'm hungry." both of them burst into laughter. hyunjin then went to jisung and included his face in the camera. "stay hiii"

"hannie here is hungry but when i walked in he stood here like a statue," he cheerfully commented. "what are you making?"

jisung scratched his head. he stood there frozen before sheepishly grinned. "i don't know either."

"haishh i was hoping for you to cook something." hyunjin placed the camera on the fridge and took over jisung's place. he began to take out some ingredients and put them on the table. "let's just make kimchi stew. i'm hungry as well." then he picked up the camera, "so stays! here's the plan i told you about! you rarely see me cooking and most of you said i can't cook. ehem, i actually can, learned from lee know hyung and maybe even better than him."

jisung scoffed at the remark so hyunjin pushed him off the camera. "so let me put you on an angle you could see us~"

"oh, i'm included?"

"yes. you wanna eat, you're cooking as well."

"let me just wash up."

when jisung entered the bathroom, hyunjin looked around before approaching the camera. "isn't he cute?" he chuckled. "hannie just woke up but i found it cute when he's in a sleepy manner. you know why? because he's quiet, not yelling like he always do every minutes."

"i swear i actually need to get medical ear check ups sometimes. hannie is always shouting, especially when it comes to kisses," hyunjin scrunched his nose as he started to chop off the pork belly. "he said my kisses heal everything. that is sweet but weird. if you kiss a wound then would it disappear just like that? i wonder..."

"i'm back." jisung's voice interrupted his talking.

hyunjin then continued, "then stays, if you're hurt do i need to kiss it for you?" he said that with a straight face but then a shy smile appeared before giggling, "just kidding."

jisung threw him a disgusted look.

they worked on the kimchi stew for more than half an hour. jisung's stomach grumbled multiple times. he whined. "i'm seriously hungry."

"did you not eat?"

"i did, but when you woke up you'd feel extremely hungry."

the taller male nodded, "true. it's almost done."

jisung cheered as they watched the stew in the pot. he swore he was near to drooling before hyunjin pointed out about his opened mouth and nagged if there's a fly going into it. the younger pouted and licked his lower lips when he continued to watch it getting cooked. "how minutes more left?"

"maybe in three minutes it should be done."

"yes!!" he twirled in the kitchen. hyunjin panicked when his hand almost hit the pot so he grabbed it to stop him.

"be careful, you're in the kitchen."

"i'm just happy because it's been a long time since you cooked for me!" he jumped in his place and his hair bounced up and down.

hyunjin chuckled. he then brought jisung's arm to wrap around his torso from the back, "don't move." that made the younger guy froze. his face planted on the black shirt.

oh my, dear hyunjin please don't feel jisung's fast heartbeat.

to ignore his own feeling, jisung chuckled at the action, "don't you think we're recreating some movie scene?"

"i'm doing this for you not to jump around like a kid."

"we're like a married couple."

hyunjin let out a loud laugh, "you hear that stays? we're married now."

"long time ago actually. we're revealing it now," jisung continued. "jyp oppar will be mad if he found out."

"HAHAH but stays know how to keep quiet, right?"

no, stays are loud asf. just like stray kids.

jisung tightened the grip around his body and leaned his left cheek on the shirt, facing away from the camera. hugging hyunjin is like hugging a warm bear. he provides the warmth. no wonder changbin always ask hyunjin for hugs after being rejected by jeongin.



the younger waddled to the right a little to stay away from the pot. then he turned hyunjin around with his lips puckered. "kiss."


"come on, this is what the couples in the movies always do while waiting for the food."

hyunjin just stifled a laugh and pushed his head back. "the camera's on."

"you can edit that out, though," jisung suggest as he whined again. "just one!"

"not on the lips, gay." he rolled his eyes before leaving a quick kiss on jisung's head. right after that he removed jisung's arms and turned off the stove.

jisung was a giggling mess. little did he know, his soft giggles made hyunjin's stomach flutters in a way he can't explain what was it. "it's ready."

"yay! thank you jinnie!" the young male took two bowls and skipped his way to the dining table. hyunjin's kisses really made his day better.

"jinnie, if the soup spilled next to my lips will you kiss it—"




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