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chapter seven: indirect.

jisung eventually went on a short hiatus.

the members were sad and a bit disappointed to the so called fans who dislike and forced him to explain why he always ask for kisses when it's actually normal between them. they know how jisung always ask from jeongin but why when it comes to hyunjin they got so worked up?

for the whole week hyunjin couldn't concentrate in doing anything. it's been a week since jisung returned to his hometown and he already missed the squirrel cheeks.

almost done.

he shook all his thoughts and continued doing the painting in the company's room. this was his second drawing that day since he had nothing better to do.

the first painting was a rose. he put it aside and worked on the second one. his hand just glided the brush on the paper without hesitation, mixing the colors and watched silently as the paints spread on it, forming a figure.

a smile appeared on his face. usually he'd just complete one painting a day but today he just had the urge to do more. he swore to himself not to ditch it halfway because it resembles someone.


maybe it doesn't look much like jisung, but the clothes does. the shirt he painted was the one jisung wore during their levanter shooting jacket. jisung just looks so fluffy in it that hyunjin wanted to see him wear it again.

after he was done he wrote his name next to the leg.


the sudden ring from his phone startled him. he massaged his chest and sighed before picking it up. "hello?"

"hyunjinnnn i miss youuuuu."

hyunjin chuckled at the kissy noises jisung made. every once in awhile he'd call the older when he's bored. and of course, because he missed hyunjin.

"what are you doing?"

"just finished some drawing, why?" he examined the painting he'd just done.

"i wanna see!"

"not now, later when you're back."

jisung pouted at the other line. "you're so mean but okay. anyway! let's go out tonight."

"huh? tonight? are you returning already?"

"no silly. i just want to walk around. i have nothing to do alone here."

"oh," hyunjin packed his things as he realised the time. it was almost 6pm. "just text me the time and where. i'm leaving the company now."

"yay! see you in bits! bye!"

with that the younger hung up. hyunjin carefully placed his drawing in a file.

maybe tonight i can give him this.


jisung's hands shook uncontrollably. he put down his phone on the bed and let out a long groan.

"what am i supposed to do now?!"

earlier he had told minho his feelings towards hyunjin through a phone call. the older laughed after hearing that and said that both of them were freaking oblivious towards each other. that's when he found out hyunjin liked him too.

to say he did not die a few minutes before calling hyunjin was a lie. he was near to dig his own grave.

seeing the time, he quickly texted hyunjin the time and place before taking a shower.

an hour later he found himself waiting in front of the dorm. he held himself back from going in just to surprise hyunjin. the location he sent was just an excuse.

the moment hyunjin walked out, he jumped on him.

"yah! who are you— jisung?!"

"kiss!" he wrapped his arms around hyunjin's neck with a huge grin. the older let out a dramatic noise when he could see clearly jisung's face.

"you told me to meet at the restaurant!"

"it's just an excuse. surprise!" jisung got off and spread his arms wide. the smile on hyunjin's face widened before engulfing him in a big hug.

"i miss you." he whispered while snuggling his face in the neck.

jisung giggled while patting his head. he could hear hyunjin's heart beat and he was sure the guy could hear his too but he cared less.

let's hope minho hyung didn't lie.

they took a taxi to prevent from people seeing them together. jisung was still in hiatus and if fans saw them they'd probably post on their social medias so the best is to ride something, though walking is more enjoyable.

it only took them five minutes. by the time they arrived at their location a group of students walked out, leaving the place empty. jisung sighed in relief. lucky for them hyunjin wore a bucket hat while jisung wore his favourite snapback and a face mask. it would be less recognizable.

"so! now that i'm here can i see the drawings?" jisung eagerly asked. "one week of not seeing yours is weird when i see them everyday."

hyunjin chuckled as he showed him the rose he painted earlier in his phone.

"only one? you said some..." jisung took the phone and pouted while examining the drawing. no doubt, it was hard to find any flaw despite him just learned it a few months ago. hyunjin's dedication was out of the world. he's a fast learner when he's into something genuinely.

"there's another one but i didn't take a photo of it."

"why?" he showed him the puppy eyes.

hyunjin took out a file and gave it to him. jisung quickly took it and froze when seeing the painting. "this is... me?"

"mhm. you."

when jisung didn't give any reaction hyunjin started to get worried but then he noticed the pink blush spread on his cheeks. the taller giggled, "you can keep them."

the waitress came, giving their orders. hyunjin reached for the drink first and took a sip.

"this is yours though."

he shook his head. "i painted you, so it yours."

"no, i mean..." the blush went darker. jisung timidly pushed the glass next to him to the front. "that drink... is mine. this is yours."

hyunjin's eyes widened.




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