n i n e

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chapter 9: lips.

another week passed.

jisung finally got to return to his dorm after two weeks of staying with his family. however the group was having their holiday vacant schedule so the company hadn't announced the end of his hiatus yet. they wanted to let him rest for a few days.

he arrived at the dorm around six in the evening and found minho was making dinner with seungmin. jisung cooed at the sight. he found out they were dating long before hyunjin did.

"daddyyyy mommyyy is the dinner readyyy???"

seungmin almost drop the spatula with a loud gasp while minho had his eyes widened. he literally ditched the pot and threw himself on jisung. the guy laughed.

"jisungie's here!" minho jumped, almost suffocating jisung.


"i miss you so much ji." he pouted before kissing his cheek and let go. jisung's eyes widened at the action. "nah seungmin's fine with it."

"you're sleeping on the couch tonight." said guy pushed minho off and hugged jisung. the squirrel resembled guy laughed as he hugged him back. "are you doing better now?"

"much more better. hyunjin told me to log out my twitter account and block the numbers so i did." he grinned and seungmin sighed in relief. he was the most worried member after hyunjin about jisung's condition. after hyunjin's sleep over the other day he didn't stop attacking the older with questions.

how's he doing, is he eating well, what did they do throughout the night, does his abs still maintain their shapes along with his cheeks and all.

really, he feels appreciated by the fellow virgo.

moments later he met up with a hyper felix and a crying jeongin. changbin and chan were staying at the studio for awhile.

meanwhile for hyunjin... jisung knows well he sleeps twenty five hours during their holidays so it's no surprise.

after unpacking his backpack and getting a warm shower, the dinner was ready. he drooled over the couple's cooking and immediately took a seat in front of seungmin.

"did anyone wake hyunjin?" minho asked.

"i'll go." felix volunteered.

jisung gulped silently. after that night things went a bit awkward with hyunjin. he didn't know if the guy meant it platonically or romantically. until this day he was dying to know but couldn't bring himself to ask directly.

his eyes averted to seungmin who was pouring the soup into the small bowls before passing them to jeongin. and then there's minho staring at his boyfriend with an unsatisfied look.

"so i'm not forgiven yet?"

"there's no proper apology."

the older rolled his eyes.

jisung smiled at the sight. those two always bicker before they got together and there's no difference when they are already dating. but all of them know deep down they still love and care for each other.

he wished he could be like them, honest with their feelings.

"you're so heavy oh my god!"

"ahh lixxxxx!"

"wake up you sleeping walrus. dinner is ready and jisung is here."

at the mention of the name hyunjin immediately stood up straight and wide awake while jisung looked down to his plate, embarrassed. he was lucky that the couple in front of him were in their own world while jeongin snickered at the two.

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