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chapter 8: tummy.

"it's already late. just sleep over."

hyunjin glanced at the time on his phone. it was near midnight. the two lost their tracks at the night park and even took a small break at the riverside. there was so many things to catch up after one week of not meeting each other.

returning to his dorm this late was a bit scary. jisung's house located fifteen minutes of car ride away from the dorm. the taxis' no longer on service and as an idol he might get into danger.

after a few minutes of being convinced, he gave up. both males quietly got into the house as jisung's family members were already sleeping. they looked like thefts.

as soon as the door room closed hyunjin dramatically let out the breath he was holding. jisung chuckled, "do you want my shirt to sleep on?"

"yes please. i need this for tomorrow." he said as he took off his jacket, leaving him in only his white shirt. jisung rummaged his closet to find his biggest outfit for the taller.

"here." he threw a maroon oversized shirt with dark choco shorts. "i'm going to the kitchen for awhile. you can change and wash up in the toilet next to my room."

hyunjin nodded and with that jisung went to the kitchen. as soon as he turned to the right, he leaned on the wall with his hand placed in his chest.

oh my god.

the squirrel resembled guy closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he tried not to scream. hyunjin, his best friend and crush was in his house? going to sleep in the same room probably on the same bed? hell yes. jisung had been waiting for this but nervous at the same time. he and hyunjin had never slept on the same bed. they just cuddled and hyunjin would leave after the younger fell asleep.

because the guy dislikes skin ship. he'd get uncomfortable.

jisung felt stupid for not thinking about it earlier and straight up invited him to sleep over.

he reached for the cup and poured himself water. his fast heart beat won't stop pacing in an unusual manner. somehow it fears him.

it's okay, just sleep and tomorrow he will return to the dorm.

instead of going to his bedroom, he washed himself first in the bathroom. purposely taking a long time not to see hyunjin for the time being.

after getting himself together he went into his room to see hyunjin sat at the corner of his bed while scrolling his phone. "um... you may take the bed."

hyunjin looked up with a questioning look. "oh, you don't like sharing bed? i thought this is wide enough for us."

jisung nervously fidgeted with his fingers. he pursed his lips before awkwardly turned to his closet, mentally cursing himself. he didn't know why suddenly he was being nervous with hyunjin in the same room.

the younger was about to lift his shirt but suddenly he went conscious. all the hate he got came to his mind and he let go the hem of the shirt he was wearing.

i can't change it here.

"ji what's wrong?"

"huh? ah... nothing's wrong. i'm just gonna change this in the bathroom." he picked his pajama, earning a frown from his best friend. before jisung could leave he grabbed his wrist.

"you can just change it here? i mean we've kinda seen each others' every day...?"

he shook his head, "n-no it's okay."

it was not okay. hyunjin knew he shouldn't force jisung but something inside him told that he was completely uncomfortable out of sudden, as if something happened throughout his hiatus. however he let the guy change inside the bathroom, giving him space.

when jisung once again returned he pulled the younger onto his lap. jisung let out a surprised squeal and his eyes widened at the sudden action. "w-what?"

"is everything okay?"

the guy nodded.

"you know you can tell me everything, right?"

jisung formed a tight smile and his eyes became glossy. without another word exchanged he hugged hyunjin's neck, burying his face onto it and silently sobbed.

the older had seen this coming. he gently rubbed jisung's back while whispering comforting words next to his ears.

"they don't stop," jisung's quivering lips moved against his skin. "they keep saying my body isn't ideal and too skinny, jinnie. i don't know what i have to do anymore."

"it's hard to keep them away even when there's so many people out there praise me. the negative ones always got the best of my emotions and i don't think i'm ready to return. i'm afraid, jinnie."

hyunjin shut his eyes close and placed his chin on jisung's shoulder. he tried not to cry when listening to jisung's fragile voice and broken sobs.

"let's lay down, yeah?" he whispered and jisung nodded. hyunjin moved him carefully on the bed as if he was a porcelain doll that could easily breaks down. then his hand roamed around his clothed tummy, trying to calm him. "shh it's okay."

"i-it's not."

"jisungie, that's just an excuse to bring you into this state. do you remember how stays always coo over your cute cheeks?" hyunjin pinched one of his squirelly cheeks gently. "they found it adorable, it's your charm."

"and do you know how they swoon over this arms?" both lightly giggled at the question as hyunjin ran his hand down his covered bicep and arm. "it shows that you're healthy for balancing your eating and working out schedule."

"and last one, don't you remember how they freaked out over your abs during victory song? even i found it attractive," hyunjin joked, making jisung blushed and the guy put his palm on his tummy. "there's nothing less about you that you need to be insecure about, ji. it's all perfect. it will take some times to gain your confidence again but don't let the comments bury it deeper."

all of hyunjin's words are comforting. they instantly reduced jisung's tears and broken sobs.

"you don't look ugly," hyunjin leaned down, planting a chaste kiss on his neck. "you look extremely gorgeous in front of my eyes, in front of the others and stays."

jisung could feel the cold hit his skin when hyunjin lifted up his shirt a bit. before he knew it he felt those plump lips pressing on his tummy and the butterflies inside exploded.

the older smiled against his skin before pulling away, "i appreciate every single thing about you, ji."

the simple one sentence unexpectedly brought tears to his face again. he covered his eyes using his arm and hyunjin laid next to him, hugging the crying boy sideways.

"don't cry or i'll cry too." hyunjin pouted as he tried to pull jisung's arm.

the younger shook his head. "t-thank you hyunjin."

"everything for you, you big baby." he giggled and nuzzled his head at the crook of jisung's neck. then he felt jisung turned around to face him and a pair of arms hugging his torso. the smile on his face widened.

he might not be a fan of skinship, but when it comes to jisung he suddenly loves it.

before jisung close his eyes to sleep, he heard a faint whisper.

"i love you, silly."



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