Chapter 1

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"Let's just do it! We so deserve it. Come on." The redhead says, both her hands on the blonde's shoulders, nudging her to click the button.

"I want to, but..." the blonde trails off as she stares back at the screen, "what about the fellowships? What about the path? " she exclaims.

"Arizona, we've been working our asses off non-stop. We really need this," she says heartfeltly, wanting to ease her friend into the decision.

"I don't know, April." the blonde, still hesitant.

The redhead looks at the blonde while she stares at the screen. Sitting on the kitchen stool, her fingers motioning around the trackpad, stalling.

"Okay, listen, it's two weeks. It'll be something we'll remember for the rest of our lives. " April says as she paces around the table, dragging her fingers along the table.

"Aaaaah, Okay. Okay... I did it! Oh my god, I can't believe I did it. " She repeats, in a high pitch, almost as if she were afraid of what she had just done.

The blonde stands as she comes to terms. A smile grows on her face as she runs at April, tackling her with a hug.

"We're going to Italy!" The redhead exclaims.

"We're going to Italy!"


The plane ride took several hours; the girls took issue with the reclining of the couple seated in the row in front of them. That annoyance quickly dissipated as the blonde sat by the window, staring in awe of the city light as it illuminates the night sky.

"I hate this part of flights. The landing always scared me. " April states before grabbing Arizona's arm and shutting her eyes.

"I like it... it makes it feel like you're on a rollercoaster." she giggles as the plane drops and stalls repeatedly.

The plane intercom going off. "Hello, this is the Captain speaking. We are now arriving in Rome, Italy. The time here is 7:45, it's 16 degrees Celsius, and we will be ready to exit the plane shortly. Thank you for flying with ItaliaAir."

The two girls perk up in their seats, gathering their belongings. Peering out the window, swinging their feet. Waiting patiently for their turn to exit the plane. Walking down out of the aircraft as the humid air rushes at them.


"Woah, look at this place." The blonde says, staring at the ceiling as she falls back into the bed.

"I'm so glad we didn't skimp on the hotel. " April smiling as she face plants into the pillow. The redhead turns her head noticing the sudden mood change of Arizona. Looking directly at her, still laying on her stomach as she watches the blonde sitting up.

"You won't leave me like you always do... right? " Arizona sighs while she looks at April, raising an eyebrow. Warning her.

"No, I won't. I promise." April sits up and shuffles closer, putting out her elbow for Arizona to tap it with hers.

This had been something they've done since medical school. It was a way to high-five without using their hands, which were usually bloody. She taps back, both of them sitting in a comfortable silence while they settled into their hotel room, but the constant grumbling of their stomach suggested a late-night stroll.


"Imagine going back to Dominoes after this... I couldn't... actually I will refuse it. Respectfully." April still with a mouthful of fresh pizza spilling out.

"April... come on." the blonde tapping on the redhead's arm, getting her to behave, letting out a little chuckle.

She loved April, she was like a sister, a very frustrating one. She had so much love for life but not as much for structure and rules. Which is why the two of them worked so well together. Arizona was the complete opposite; she valued the rules and sticking to them. It gave her order in this mess of a world.

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