Chapter 5

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Just like that, the pair of Americans were on their second week of the trip abroad. The first week was more eventful than they would've ever dreamed about, both in a good and a bad way. The blonde never mentioned what happened in the bar for the rest of the first week, not needing to relive what happened and how helpless she felt. But it wasn't too hard for her to forget when Carina was around, the blonde thankful to have met her at the bar the first night they got to the city. The redhead, on the other hand, still casually hooked up with the Australian she met that night, slowly but surely and very clearly becoming more infatuated with her new friend. The pair had fallen hopelessly into somewhat monogamous relationships the day they got to this city.

Arizona was sure that they would have slept around and relived their college and med school experience, but sure enough, they met their vacation flings. 'Was it just a fling? This is going to end soon.' The blonde thought to herself as she felt her chest tighten, finding it hard to breathe. Looking over at the brunette, both were wrapped around her. Arizona moves out of her hold, slightly shifting to face her.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

"I think we should talk." The blonde says before sitting up, the OB following suit.

"Are you okay?" The brunette asks, concerned.

"Yea... I was just thinking." The blonde pauses making the final decision to bring it up, their bubble was untouched, but she would have to burst it so she could be sure of what was really happening. "I- What is this... this thing that we have? I love spending time with you, but I have a week left before my flight, and once we get back to the states, everyone will be busy, and I'm- what are we doing here?" The blonde rambles out, not giving the OB a chance to but in before she had finished.

"Bambina, breathe. Please." She says, putting both hands on the shoulders of the blonde, calming her down.

"I'm okay. Carina. But I'd feel better if we could figure out what you and I are doing and what this means to you. We haven't really talked about what this is at all or much about the feelings. I know you said there wouldn't be competition and stuff. But this is the vacation, speaking. Once I get back, that's the real world."

"Wow, So once you leave, you're going to forget about me?" The brunette asked with furrowed eyebrows looking at the sweet blonde.

"No, that's not what I meant. But we should talk."

"That's what we're doing right now."

"Right, so what are we doing? Is this just a summer fling?" The American asked with a serious face, looking straight into the Italian's eyes.

The OB chuckles. "I really enjoy spending time with you. We'll be working in the same state, so we can work something out." She says, which was responded to by a grimace from the blonde. "Unless you don't want to... that's okay too, we can just be sex friends." She says as she lifts her hand off the blonde, pulling back, afraid of what is going to happen next.

"No, I don't want that."

"You don't want to work it out once we both get back to Seattle?"

"No, no, I mean I don't want to be just sex friends with you. I couldn't."

"So, how is this going to work?" The Italian asks.

"We keep doing what we are for right now, and when we get back to Seattle, we can find time and work it out."

"So, does that mean..." The Italian trails off as her fingers linger, grazing the blonde's pale skin.

"Does that mean?" The blonde questions, trying to figure out the rest of the sentence.

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