Chapter 2

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The blonde shuffles in the bed, sinking further into the soft mattress. Turning onto her side, cocooning herself more with the duvet, eyes still shut. The tucked cover was tightly secured around her neck to allow only her head to peep out. The chirping of the birds and intense light shining on her face made it difficult to fall back asleep, as she let out a groan.

She opens one eye, peeking around, unfamiliar with her surroundings. Thinking back at what had happened last night, she hears a faint humming coming from the other room.

She was at someone's house. Arizona sits up, noticing the high ceilings with slightly off-white walls accented by the dark wood fixtures.

Scanning the room, noticing the dark wood floor and her clothes scattered. She looks down, finally realising she was absolutely butt-naked. A panic grows inside her. Did she sleep with someone last night?

The blonde grabs her blouse next to her on the floor, buttoning it up halfway when she notices the bruising down her chest. Confused but also slightly turned on at the thought of what might have happened last night.

She gets out of bed, scanning the room, trying to locate where the humming was coming from.

She turns the corner to find a very naked woman in an apron, her back facing towards Arizona as she stands in the kitchen facing the stove.

"Hi?" the blonde says shyly.

"Buongiorno, Bella. How'd you sleep? " The Italian turned to face her. Blatantly checking the blonde out as she walked closer to the kitchen island, in nothing but a half done-up blouse barely covering her ass.

"It was... a good sleep." The American responds, trying to remember what had happened. "Did we... I'm assuming we did. Since I'm covered in..." she trails off as she looks down at her heavily bruised chest and back up at the sexy Italian.

"Yeah... we did." The brunette said as a smirk appeared on her face, proud of the marks she had left behind. "I hope you're hungry..." she says, changing the subject as she turns back to the stove, making two plates.

"I made french toast." holding both plates in her hand as she spins on her heel around, revealing the perfectly plated breakfast.

"That looks... amazing." The blonde says as she walks over, leaning on her arms against the island. She returns her eyes back to the brunette when she finds her eyes elsewhere. "Hey, my eyes are up here." She says while laughing at how lost in thought the Italian was.

"Sorry. I mean... I was just admiring my work." The taller one smiles as she wiggles her finger point at the American's exposed chest through the shirt.

"Try this." as she holds up a forkful of french toast in front of Arizona. Giving a slight nod for her to take the bite.

"Mmmm, okay. That is..." closing her eyes, letting her head roll back ",...really good." Refocusing her attention back to the Italian, aware she was watching her every move.

"You said that last night too, you know? "

"I did? Well, if it was as good as this french toast..."

"You don't remember? "

"I remember drinking and then coming back here. That's about it."

"If you finish your breakfast quickly... then... maybe..." The taller woman says as she leans over the blonde, gently grazing her ear. "I could remind you."

Arizona's eyes widen, hearing the seductive tone of Carina. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Carina's breath by her neck made her tingle.

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