Chapter 6

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The brunette slammed the front door to her empty house, a house that she hadn't been alone in since she had met the blonde that night at the bar. There was an eerie feeling, unclear whether it was because of the lack of her girlfriend's presence or if it was the guilt that made her feel the way she was feeling. The slumped-over OB walked to her room, chucking on some sweats and sat on the couch. Turning the TV on, she couldn't care less about the show that was playing. She just needed something to drown out the noises, the shame. 'How was she going to fix this? Is she going to have to tell her girlfriend?' She knew that either way, it would be a lose-lose situation. Telling Arizona would only hurt her. Carina was lost in thought as the occasional tear stained her shirt. Before she knew it, it had gone dark. Exhausted, being trapped in her own mind, unable to come out of a cage locked by her own actions. The only light in the house comes from the flatscreen in front of her playing a soap opera. Just as she was about to give in to sleep, another object illuminated the room. It was the Italian's phone on the coffee table, an arm's reach away. She leans forward, just barely getting a hold of it. It was a text from her favourite blonde.

Arizona: "Hey, I'm sorry I know you need space right now. But April and I are at the hospital right now. We're okay, but it would be amazing if you could help us. But no pressure if you can't."

Carina: "Hi, of course. I'll be there in 10-15 mins. Is there anything you need?"

Arizona: "No, we're all good. Besides you, I don't need anything."

Carina: "I'll be there soon. I promise."

The brunette rushed out of the house, grabbing her car keys and a purse. Not bothering to change. She'd be considered crazy if anyone saw her in the streets like this, but she didn't care. She sped her way to the hospital, not knowing how urgent this situation was. It must've been important. They had no other reason to be at the hospital. 'How-What could've happened?' Thousands of questions flood her brain as she pulls up at the hospital, parking in the staff parking lot. Rushing into the ER looking for the American duo.

Scanning the room, brown eyes meet blue, and they both walk towards each other, meeting in the middle. The brunette wrapped her arms around the shorter blonde in front of her as they greeted each other.

"What happened?" Carina asks, pulling back from the hug. Silently eyeing the American.

"Ethan cut his foot on a shard of glass when he and April were at the beach. It's fine, but it was deep, and he lost a lot of blood."

"Where is he now?"

"He's with April. April was frightened and asked if you could come in case there was any miscommunication."

"I'm glad you texted. I'm happy to help with whatever. You're not hurt, are you?" The OB asks, scanning the shorter woman up and down, patting both her arms, giving her a makeshift checkup.

"No, I'm good. Unlike that dumb Australian." Her comment prompted a small chuckle from her Italian counterpart before her face fell again, clearly bothered and still upset about something "you still upset about what happened this afternoon?" Arizona asks as she swings her arm around the Italian's waist.

"What? What do you mean? Nothing happened this afternoon." The brunette panicked as she responded to that question, completely blanking the events in the lab. Pulling away from the American, confused before she realised that she was referring to what had happened with her dad. "Sorry, Bambina. I - It just slipped my mind. But yes, I'm okay. It's not the first time he's belittled me and berated me about my speciality or just me in general. I'm used to it."

"Okay, well, you know that I am here."

"I do, thank you." A small grin on both their faces as they make their way to find the redhead and her Australian idiot.

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