Chapter 11

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"Should I be worried? It's been a week of this already." Panic laced the blonde's voice.

"Zona, maybe she's just busy. You saw her relationship with her father. Maybe she's getting caught up in that?" Her best friend says as she hops onto a train in Greece, hand in hand with her summer love.

"Maybe, or maybe she's just getting bored with me and doesn't care enough to reply properly."

"I mean... Is that really that horrible? I- I know you have strong feelings for her, but you aren't together anymore. Maybe take a step back?" The best friend says knowingly, albeit hesitant, afraid to say what she honestly thought about the situation.

"This is when you tell me, 'Oh noo don't be silly, she would never... Bleh.' Not 'maybe you should fuck other people'." A light chuckle radiating through the phone.

The blonde was sure she had feelings for the Italian, but she would be lying if the thought never crossed her mind. It almost just seemed like a petty attempt to make her feel better. Maybe if she slept with someone or went on a date, she would clear her head from the hazy dazy summer love. Her whole life in Seattle paused when she went to Italy, and now that she's back, she owed it to herself to understand how she felt... about everything. Maybe her feelings for Carina was really just a summer fling?

"HEY! I didn't say that... but I'm just trying to be realistic, and I want you to be too. You know that I'll support you with whatever you do, but..."

"But I get wrapped up in the small details, and when I let my walls down, I fall hard... really hard. I know this April." Arizona rolled her eyes, knowing herself too well. The blonde was scarily self-aware.

"Listen, call her tonight. Talk to her about it, sort it out."

"Yep, that was the plan. Ugh... I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about all this. I just- everything is all fuzzy and..." Arizona trailing off, she couldn't find the words to describe how she felt. All she knew was nothing was set in stone; Carina could be ghosting her.

"Don't kill me for saying this, but what about Amelia?"

"What about Amelia?" The blonde repeats, her confusion settling in.

"Why don't you go out with her? She's constantly checking you out, and you two have this weird sexual tension thing going on."

"What weird sexual tension. What- April. I- I appreciate where you are coming from but-"

"Just think about it. Maybe just as a rebound... to cleanse the palate."

"Like sexual sorbet?" The two fell into a light laugh before the redhead had to leave, leaving the blonde to her own thoughts.

'Would it really be so bad? Maybe I should just get back out there.' Arizona thought to herself as she lay on her couch lazily with the TV in the background.

April: Trust me, It might do you some good. Love you. TTYS

Arizona: I'll think about it. Have fun, stay safe. I'll ttyl :)

As the American exits the chat between her and her best friend, her eyes can't help but drift to Carina's name. She decides that it'll be better if they talk to each other sooner... rather than later. This way, she'll have time to move on. Although it's not something she'd want to do, April was right. She'll have to move on.

Arizona: Hey, are you free to Ft? Feel like we should talk.

The text lit up the Italian's phone. She wasn't expecting this, but she also saw this coming. She had been distant, it had been her fault they weren't communicating, and she was aware of it. She was painfully aware of it all.

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