Chapter 7

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April: "Where are you?"

April: "I'm starting to get worried."

The redhead looks at the time, 1:35 am. "She's been out too long. I have no idea where she is." Ethan listened to his girlfriend as she paced around the room, worried about her blonde best friend. "We should've left with her."

"April, she left without us." He says, emphasising us. "She needed time to cool down. You have to calm down."

"NO, no, don't tell me to calm down." She starts yelling entirely directed at Ethan, making sure he understands his place in this. Her intense eye contact scares Ethan into keeping his mouth shut while she talks. "My best friend got into an argument with her girlfriend, storming out of the hospital without saying anything to me, her best friend! We have not heard from her in almost 5 hours. She's alone... in a strange city." April felt her neck vein strain as she screamed in pure frustration over this situation.

"I know, sweetie. I'm sorry. I know you're worried. Trust me, I am too. But she's a big girl, and she can take care of herself. If she doesn't come back by tomorrow morning, we can both start worrying. She probably needs time to get away from people for a little while." He says, pulling April in by the waist, stroking her arm. Settling the redhead's nerves, even though a million worst-case scenarios are running through her mind at this very moment.

"Thank you." A gentle smile graced her face. For a second, just one second, she felt calm before she pulled away to grab her phone. "I'm going to call Carina." The phone rang twice before the Italian picked up.

Carina: "April? Hello?"

April: "Okay, you don't get to speak right now, not until I say what I have to say."

Carina: "Okay?"

April: "You told me you weren't going to hurt her, that you cared so deeply that you would never think of hurting her. But now you have, I don't exactly know what you did. But trust me to have Arizona walk out on you. You must've damn well killed her." April clenched her fists until the knuckles turned white.

Carina: "April. I-"

April: "No, I'm not done. I have not seen or heard from her since she stormed out of the hospital. Carina, you have no idea what I will do to you if anything happens to Arizona. I won't hesitate." Letting out a breath, a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Carina: "Are you done? Can I speak now, or did you just call to yell at me?" The Italian asks a tinge of worry in her voice which quickly calms.

April: "I'm done."

Carina: "I never meant for it to happen, You're not going to believe this, but I hate myself even more than you hate me right now. I've tried texting and calling her, but she never got back to me. I was going to give her some space before you called to yell."

April: "Just, Why-What happened? Between the two of you."

Carina: "This afternoon when we went to see my dad. He basically told me, 'I was a disappointment.' I walked out and paged a friend, Gabriella, actually. Then I slept with her at the hospital before dropping Arizona off."

April: "Are you freaking kidding? You cheated on my best friend? "

Carina: "I know, I screwed up. But you can yell at me later about it, let me help you find her. I can deal with whatever happens afterwards. You're not the only one terrified and worried for her. "

April: "Fine. You're lucky I'm more worried about her than furious at you. Come to the hotel. We can go look for her."

Carina: "Okay. I'm sorry."

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