My name is Blurry Face

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Hey guys it's been awhile so i'll just get right too it.

Later that day the girls went to Kaitlyn's house where they usually go after school. They went to the game room and started talking about god knows what.

K: Tess when are we going to go party?

T: Later tonight I believe so.

K: Why would they be so stupid to have a party on a Monday?

T: You of all people shouldn't be talking...

K: I'm going to play music now so you forget that (laughs nervously)

T: you do that young one.

K: I'm older than you! (turns on itunes radio)

T: hahahaha you wish mate. OH MY GOD THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!

stressed out by twenty one pilots plays.

The girls start dancing and look horrible Kaitlyn being worse than Tessa and they also start getting ready for the huge party thats going on. They both kinda match but look totally diffrent while they both wear crop tops and shorts. Tessa wearing vans and Kaitlyn wearing converse. Both wearing hats Tessa with a beanie and Kaitlyn with a cookie monster snap back. After they are done getting prep-ed they head to the party.

At the party!!!!!

The two girls enter the house together ready to party and take embarrassing videos of everyone getting drunk because they are super responsible when Tessa spots two people making out against the wall.

Ewwwwwww gross these people have absoulutley no class at all. She thought. Once the girl left the boy against the wall Tessa was stunned to see Alex standing there completely upright and had no sign of being drunk and he knew exactly what he was doing. Kaitlyn was to busy to be dancing and Tessa knew she had to take her out of there before Kaitlyn saw because she knew the Kaitlyn really liked him and would be extremely sad and she didn't want that to happen again to her long time best friend.

T: Kaitlyn we need to get out of here.


T: (great she had something spiked) Come on honey bunches

K: Tell me why mate!

T: Because I dont want this bull dozer to kill the pretty flower

K: (laughs like shes drunk) hahahaha Tessa there arent any flowers here silly! What are you thinking? (she keeps laughing and starts walking towards the wall Alex started to make out with the unknown girl)

Tessa looks around for her tipsy friend because she lost her in the crowd of drunk bodies which are way to close for comfort. Tessa sees Kaitlyn but it's to late. She is only one step away from Alex and as if all time stopped Tessa saw her friend scream. Only no one heard her but Tessa and she ran as fast as she could to her friend. By the time she got over there she had knocked out the girl who had turned out to be one of the preppy cheerleaders who talked to Eva and all her friends. She was lying on the ground and now Kaitlyn was pounding Alex into the ground, and she also was screaming at him. Tessa couldn't stop herself from smiling. Kaitlyn had finally stood up for herself and now she was what Tessa was assuming her now ex-boyfriend. Kaitlyn kept punching and screaming, screaming all the pain and anger out and what she didn't know is that all of this fighting had gained attention of everyone and a crowd had formed. Kaitlyn gets up after Alex is on the floor and everyone claps. She looks around and finds Tessa. She puts her arm around Tessa's neck and they walk out like they own the place which tonight they do. After they drive back to Kaitlyn's house they go to her room so they can clean up and go to bed. After Kaitlyn gets on her bed she just sits there for a minute. Tessa goes to her and just does a side hug, letting Kaitlyn cry on her shoulder. She sits like this for some time letting Kaitlyn just keep crying because she knows how bad this hurts for it had happened with her not long before and Kaitlyn had let her do the exact same thing. After Kaitlyn was done crying and was just sniffling she stood up got her computer and went on to face book. She changed her status to single and smiled.

T: Why are you smiling?! You just broke up with your boyfriend who i'm pretty sure you may or may not have loved.

K: Because.... it's official now.

Tessa just looks at her best friend and laughs. Leave it to Kaitlyn to just laugh but she knows the truth. Kaitlyn's trying to run away like she always did and she knew she was but couldn't help it.

K: Come on dude we have school tomorrow and I need you to help me look like a bada** cause that is what we are now going to be.

T: Now there's the Kaitlyn I know and love!

The two girls laugh together and hug once more. Tessa asks Kaitlyn if shes okay and Kaitlyn assures she is and that tommrrow Alex and everyone in that stupid school won't know what hit 'em, cause tommrow they are going to change their whole demeanor and show that whole school what happens when they mess with the new bad girls of the school.

Sorry it's so short guys. This was a last minute update but I hope y'all liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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