Then They aren't real friends

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Hey guys I'm doing another chapter because I am really bored and this is my life, so tell me what you think and comment for what you want to happen.

Kaitlyn' POV

Tessa had asked me a question and it hit a nerve. Something I have always thought about just never really thought deep enough in it.

"Why did your friends except for Sean ignore you?"

That, that is what I kept thinking about but never really answered my own question. Well I guess this is the perfect time and person to talk to.

" I really don't know I mean I don't want to sound mean or really snobby, but i think they are just using me. I was never actually popular here but then I changed and I guess they are just using me to be popular. It's not like I want to be popular but I like this new me just not the way people act around me or how people think about me. I hate being the center of attention but I can't do anything about it because no matter what I do it somehow becomes a trend and I can never escape this."

There I had just answered my own question and Tessa looked so understanding. What she said next really surprised me and I guess it surprised her too on how easy that just ran out of her mouth.

" that's the same thing that happened to me when you left. I changed because you weren't there to help me stay on the tracks and I guess everyone thought I was so cool and just I don't know. We both know everyone at our old school were stupid and the didn't think for themselves, and I think that is why we where to popular. Because we where so different but we where always together and we always did what we wanted to do and we didn't listen to anyone else."

And that made sense to me know. I don't think I'm going to ever think of my "friends" again because Tessa had just opened my eyes a whole lot larger. I get I'm probably rambling on and on and on but that's just what I do. Anyway I was getting tired but then I thought of the one thing Tessa and I always Did and we where the best at it plus we never got caught.

"Hey Tessa, I want to do something that I bet we both haven't done in a while.

And what is that Kaitlyn?


Oh my firkin god Kaitlyn I was wondering if you changed to much, I guess I can get y back into the real you. What did you have in mind?

Well you know how Eva and Kathleen where ignoring me and that idiot/ stupid head Dylan where being total retards well I remember seeing silly string and hair dye at the PX earlier today and I was wondering if you are still in gym, cause you will not want to miss this. So here's the plan.

Tessa's POV

Oh my frikin god Kaitlyn's plan was the best she has ever had. So this is what she said. First we where going to out hair dye in the girls shampoo bottles and replace Dylan's with hair dye too. The girls would be neon green and neon red mixed together while Dylan's would be neon pink. Then sincerely the dance is that night we would rig their lockers with silly string and mix the silly string with the super glue so it won't come out. I know what your about to say. You can't open a spray can and put something in it well we can cause we will find a way. We are just that skilled. This plan is flawless and since we are older and I must say we look pretty hot and cute that we can pretty much get away with anything. Plus since Kaitlyn played almost every sport except basket ball and I did as well we where also very athletic so that helped in these situations as well. I'm glad that Kaitlyn has realized that none of these people are actual friends and sure they can be nice at times but that is only when they really need something or need a favor to ask of her. I believe Sean and I are her only true friends and I feel so bad for her because she did have many true friends back in Kansas but then moves here and is all alone except for two people. Well that's about to change, since Kaitlyn had helped me with my problems I am going to help her get true friends so she can have someone around other than Sean and myself. She needs this and I am going to help her no matter what.

(Next Day)

So today is the day. The day that we get back at the people who have hurt and damaged my sister Kaitlyn. Today is the day we get even and even get a good laugh about things. So here I am at gym waiting for the two girls to get out of the bathroom so I could do what needed to be done. About 15 minutes after they where finally done and after they had left I locked the door and set the plan in motion. I got the red/green hair dye and mixed it together so it would look like highlights. Then I saw a vent and I removed it and started to move towards the boys room. Luckly no one was in there so I locked the door and I went to Dylan's stuff. I got the neon pink dye and the pink clothes and took all his stuff and replaced it with what I had. Good thing I had on gloves of else they would totally get this stuff checked for prints of any kind. I really hope KAitlyn had started their lockers because this is last period before they all get ready.

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