Getting There

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Tessa's POV: 

We finally got onto the plane and let me tell you the service at the airport was horrible! They were rude and they got my starbucks order wrong. We are wearing comfortable clothes because this is going to be a long flight. Im wearing black shorts and a white skull tank top with black vans and a grey beanie (it looks way better than it sounds) and Kaitlyn is wearing white shorts with a black muscle tank top with a black beanie and black converse. The guys are wearing sweat pants and fitted shirts and may I saw Sean looks mighty fine in what he's wearing. Yea Alex looked good but he always does, but Sean oh my god don't even get me started. We boarded the plane and we found out we wouldn't be sitting together. Sean and I were sitting in front of Kaitlyn and Alex. "Tessa you can do this. Just listen to music and drown the world out or you can draw while listening to music, i'm gonna attept to draw. Eventully you will fall asleep." She knows me too well. I sit in the window seat and plug in my headphones while getting my sketch book out. Of Mice and Men start playin and I got insperation. I draw two girls just sitting together on New Years. They are supposed to resemble Kaitlyn and I because when we spent New Years together I had tried my first root beer float, we went bowling and were screaming at each other right when the other was going to throw the ball so they would mess up. When we had a Glee marathon and we spilt root beer everywhere. We tried prank calling people but they eventually found out. God i miss those days but there's nothing we can do but make new memories like the old ones. I put my sketch book away and "rest my eyes". The last thing I rember is falling asleep on Sean's shoulder. 

Kaitlyn's POV:

We finally frikin board the plane and i'm so mad. God I hate airplanes and airports. Good thing i'm a morning person as you can tell. The slightest bad thing happens and boom my whole day ruined. We get to our seats and oh look another good thing I don't get to sit next to Tessa, but NOOOO they have to sit me next to Alex. Just frikin great. I get into the window seat and imeaditly put my headphones in so I don't have to talk to Alex. It's not like I don't want to but as you can tell i'm pissed off so oh frikin well. I get out my less impressive sketch book and start drawing a butterfly. The thing is it's bleeding. It's blue and black, with blueish and blackish streaks you could say are coming out of the wings. I don't know why i'm so obsesed with this perticular thing but I mostly draw butterflies. I put my book away and look in front of Alex and I with a sight to see. Tessa sleeping with her head on Sean whilst his head is on hers. Like before on prom night. I wanted to do something funny so I drew on Sean's forehead. It said "I love Tessa" with little hearts around it. I woke up Tessa and told her not to move. I let her go back to sleep once I told her not to tell Sean once we get off the plane. I sat back down but I forgot that Alex was sitting next to me and the sneaky little devil took my phone and head phones so I couldn't listen to anything. Making me talk to him, WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS MAKING ME TALK AND CRAP DOES HE NOT REALIZE I AM MAD AND CRANKY AND NOT A MORNING PERSON! God why couldn't I be as lucky as Tessa and sit next to someone who isn't happy like him. I don't know how he is happy, it's like 9:00 a.m in the frikin morning. He's probably nocturnal. "Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn are you even listening to me?" Oops. "Sorry Alex what do you want? I know what I want... MY MUSIC!" 

"Well that's too bad Kaitlyn because I have it and I have your sketch book so you have to talk to me." God i hate it when he's right. 

"Well I hope you step on a lego!" Ha that got him goin. "My dear sweet Kaitlyn, you know you didn't have to take it that far. That hurt right here" he said hitting his chest with his fist where his heart would be. "Whatever Alex, i'm going to sleep." I close my eyes and let darkness consume me. 


(still Kaitlyn speaking) 

"Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn wakey wakey." I recongise that voice as Tessa and I notice Sean and Alex have taken our bags off except our awesome back packs becasuse we are too cool for non-unique purses. We walk off the plane and find a person holding a card with our names on it. We go over to the guy and I recongize him, he's my old best friend from Disney. I run up to him and hug him. "Oh my god Dusty what are you doing here?' "Well your mother has requested me to pick you and your friends up so I can drive you to your hotel, but I will only be able to see you for today." Dang it, I haven't seen Dusty since my brother died. I could tell he was happy to see me but sad because of what happened to my brother. It's kinda weird because I remind myself of my brother everytime I look into the mirror. I'm like the girl version of him. He died in a fatal car crash and he was buried here so I'm gonna visit him while i'm here. I haven't talked to him in a while and I have a lot to talk to him about. I miss my brother but I can't do anyting about what happened to him, and I wish I could trade places with him every day. I was in that car with him the day it happened. We were laughing and talking and singing along to the music when all of a sudden a drunk driver came out of no where. He slammed into my brothers side and he died on impact. I remeber screaming for my brother to wake up but he wouldn't open his eyes, and I knew, I knew i would never hear my brother talk, laugh, or comfor me anymore. He was gone and it was all becasue I wanted to go to a frikin party. If I hadn't wanted to go to that party he wouldn't have died. So yeah it is my fault. Everyone thinks i'm happy and i'm okay but i'm not. I feel like i could have done something to help one of the closest people in the entire world that I loved but i couldn't, and i regret it everyday. He didn't deserve this, and I feel like I failed my father. He was captured when he was in Iraq and he never came home MIA and then announced KIA. My mom is the only family I have left. I'm interupted from my thoughts when Alex calls my name. That is when I realize tears are streaming down my face and we are about to pull up into the hotel. I get out of the car once it's parked and say good bye to Dusty. We exchange phone numbers and emails and promise we will stay in touch. Sean and Alex go to check us in and Tessa pulls me over to the side. "Kaitlyn what were you thinking about in the car?" and since there is no hiding anything from Tessa I just come out and say it. "My brother and my dad." 

"Oh, honey you know you couldn't have done anything about those two things. They wouldn't want you to cry about it. Come on we'll visit your brother and dad later. We came here for a vacation so let's have some fun and stop stressing about everything. Have some fun, let loose, show me the old Kaitlyn." Bravo nice pep talk. I nod my head and meet the guys in the room, let's just say it's huge and it's right on the beach. Hey it's awesome when your mom is a very succesful buisness woman. We dump our still grab our phones and everything we will need for the day and grab our swim suits to change. I grab the black one and Tessa grabs the teal one. We change get our ray banes and run to the beach before the  guys can. We lay out or towls and then i realize something. "Tessa we forgot the surf boards!" We had sent our boards ahead of time so it would be here for us when we get here. We race back but see the guys. Luckily they didn't have thier boards either so we are in the lead. I get my teal board while Tessa gets her White fads to black one. We walk calmly until we see the guys running back. Then we start to laugh and run. We finally stop running and at that moment I am happy we run track. I sit down on the towel and we wait for the guys to catch up. This day will be fun. 

Hey guys, i know i haven't updated in a while and i apologize for that. My account hasn't been working and neither has my internet to I had to wait for this chapter. So what do you think? sound fun? And when sean and tessa and alex talk about knowing what really happend to Kaitlyn's brother what do YOU think happen? give me your thoughts and comment. Thanks for reading

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