Okay... so now what?

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Hey guys how's it going? well i'm bored and i have like 10 mins so if this is a short chapter is isn't my fault. I have a math test and i hate math and i don't know anyone who does so I am just gonna put my opinion out there..... MATH SUCKS! and so does my teacher she is horrible mean and she never explains the work so we have to do it for ourselves and that is just a recipe for disaster. Anyway lets get back to the story.

Tessa's POV

I look over at Kaitlyn and Alex and smile. Anyone can see the love in thier eyes for each other they are just to stubborn and dense to notice it themselves. I look back at Sean and I can see him smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. You know the feeling you get when someone really attractive smiles at you and you can't help but smile back? Well yea that's what I'm feeling right now. I have to admit tonight has been pretty fun and now as i'm looking around the room I see Kathleen and Eva crying and Dylan trying to comfort them. HA that's what they deserve and I'm glad Kaitlyn came to her senses and dumped thier butts. They looked like lost puppies and now that they don't have Kaitlyn I think they will just become a distant memory. I burst out laughing and people stare but I don't care becasue right here and right now no one can ruin this moment. I ask Sean if i can go talk to Kaitlyn for a second and he aggrees so he comes with me and I pull Kaitlyn away from Alex and make Sean and Alex start dancing and I dance with Kaitlyn. All the people are laughing in the gym and Alex and Sean's faces have turned redder than a tomato. "Kaitlyn look around the room for a crying rainbow and a confused pink dude.' " Tessa what are you talking abou..." She stops in the middle of her sentence once she sees them and we burst out laughing and everyone follows our eyes and again they laugh along with us and Sean and Alex laughed and looked realived that the attention is away from them. I let go of Kaitlyn but pushed her towards Alex and he caught her just in time by now everyone was watching them and Alex ended up dipping her. Oh. MY. GOD! If you could see her face it was all red and she looked so embarassed but you could tell that she liked being in his arms. Sean came up behind me and started spinning me around from the back. The problem is that I can tell when someone likes Kaitlyn and if she likes someone but I can't tell worth a crap if someone likes me or I like someone. I need Kaitlyn for that and, Kaitlyn is clueless in the department so she despretley needs me in that department. I think I like Sean but I could be wrong. I'll just ask Kaitlyn when we get back to her house, us meaning Sean, Alex, and I. The DJ announced that there would be two more dances one fast and one slow. Slow was the first one and we all danced to the before we left.

(Kaitlyn's House)

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Kaitlyn is so stupid in letting us three pick since we where going to scare the crap out of her. Alex went over and got out the movie "The Ring" oh god shes going to be scared. About half way through the movie both Kaitlyn and Alex had fell asleep and her head was on his shoulder and his head was on hers. They looked so cute together so I motioned for Sean to be quite and I got up and took a picture of them with my phone and put it in our "Dance" album on Kaitlyn and I's phones. I think the boys have one two because Sean had taken a picture too. I think they really bonded both of them being Kaitlyn's best guy friend. I sat back down and started watching the movie again until I was consumed by darkness with my head on Sean's shoulder. 

Kaitlyn's Pov (NEXT DAY) 

I woke up and my head had a weight on it. I attepted to look up and I saw Alex. All of it was coming back to me now. Winning prom queen i think it was. Tessa getting princess, pranking Dylan, Eva, and Kathleen. Alex winning prom King and Sean prince. Dancing then finally falling asleep watching "The Ring". I look up again and notice Alex starting to move so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt his head move down and I could tell he was smiling, i pretended to wake up and I opened my eyes. "Good Morning" i said in my most convincing morning voice i could munster. "Hi SO breakfast?" 

He knew me so well. "Yea that would be great." He kissed the top of my head and I looked over at Sean and Tessa. They where sleeping and her head was on her shoulder and his was on top of hers. I smiled and took a picture while putting it in all four of our phones when I noticed a picture of Alex and I sleeping. I guess minds think alike. I didn't want to wake them up and I knew the smell of bacon would wake them up since they love food. Wow now that I think about it they are like the boy and girl verson of each other. Which makes them even more perfect for each other.  My phone started to blare "Rock and Roll" by avril Lavinge and i answered it before it could wake up Tessa and Sean. it was my mom.

"Hey sweetie, I just wanted to tell you some good news, I just won a trip of four to go to Florida for a two weeks at Disney world. NowIi know you are going to bring Sean and Tessa but I know Alex is here and I will tell you about that later but I need you to take him with you as well. Now I don't have time to explain but just do this for me sweetie. Have fun and don't worry about this. I'm sending the tickets today and they should arrive tomorrow so hurry and pack. I'll see you when you get back, Bye I LOVE YOU." 

Okay I guess we are going to Florida then. 

Hey Guys so i had a chapter but then it deleted half of it so i made it longer and put in more and made it more mysterius. Why are they going to Florida? and why is Kaitlyn's mom so secretive? Comment and i'll update soon

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