first day of school

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AN: I could not be bothered to write Lauren she wasn't really that important of a character anyway I think I might just write her in when la push happens make it seem like she hangs out with a couple of friend groups

'Holy fuck it's so cold here' Lyric thought while stepping on the freezing tiled bathroom floor to have a shower then change for school, even though they had only gotten to forks yesterday they still had to go to school that day because they were skipping half a grade and couldn't afford to miss any days.

Lyric got in the shower and turned the heat almost all of the way up wanting to warm up having not been used to the cold mornings in forks, Lyric started scrubbing everywhere almost like they were trying to scrub off a layer or two of dead skin but in truth they were currently disassociated in a far corner of their mind still absentmindedly going through the usual steps of a shower and washing their hair Lyric was imagining scenarios of what the school would look like and what types of people lived in small American towns.

Lyric had lived in a small rural farming town in Australia till they were eight before moving to a more populated coastal town near a bunch of city's but she thought people would be a bit different here to small hot farm townsfolk because it was cold and there were still beaches here and no farm in sight so it would definitely be different to rural Australia. But it also wouldn't be like the city it was so cold and there were no shops or trendy restaurants or small hippy café's, in fact the only store or restaurant Lyric remembered seeing was that diner that they had gone to for dinner last night which was so surreal and overwhelming for Lyric the only place they had seen anything remotely like that place was in American movies or tv shows.

Sighing lyric got out of their daze after completing their shower routine and stood in front of the bathroom mirror while drying off. 'Wow I look like shit' they thought while staring at their reflection witch consisted of dark eye bags, old thin white scars on their thighs and arms, their eyes looked tired, Lyric didn't like the stretch marks that lined their thighs hips and breasts and personally lyric thought they had too much of a pouch on their stomach for them to be considered sexy or beautiful and it always made them hesitate to wear crop tops but if Lyric wanted to make an impression they knew they had to be at last a bit out of their comfort zone.

So lyric got dressed their outfit consisting of:

stockings to go under their pants to hopefully keep them warm

black high waisted cargo pants with a chain to fiddle with when anxious

white and black platform boots

a black and white crop top with tarot cards on it and long black and white striped sleeves attached to it

a multitude of silver/black/white rings also to fiddle with

their trusty headphones on one ear and not the other

And then they finally did their makeup with black eyeliner and bright purple lipstick just to do something different and fun.

Lyric looked back in the mirror one more time before building up the courage to go downstairs.

"Mornin' Charlie" they said silently cursing the way the ar sound made their accent more prominent knowing its gonna be hell today trying to fit in

"good morning, grab a quick bite then I'll drive you to school you'll be a bit early because I have to get to work if that's ok"?" Charlie unsurely askes the very jet-lagged teen

"Yeah that's fine I'll just grab a muesli bar for brekkie" Lyric said "I like going to school early anyway" Lyric got a muesli bar and a glass of water and took a pill for their ADD they didn't actually need it and usually don't bother with it only taking it on important test days or starting a new job it didn't do much just helped them focus but the effects were loss of appetite and it makes anxiety levels spike, but Lyric needed them because god knows they will have a lot to catch up on.

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