Chapter 13 Welcome back home!

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Saturday April 19, 2013

(Kyles pov)

The hospital released sage last night. but she was so tired that she slept the entire ride home. given she was feeling the effects of the medication and the fact that it was 4 in the morning. so lets just say that we all slept in today.

I was the first up so I decided to make a welcome home breakfast for sage and the others. not to brag or anything, but I'm the master in the kitchen.

I made sages favorite. chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes (with syrup duh) with bacon and a side of strawberries and orange juice.

Surprisingly sage got up after I made everything. everyone else was asleep. I thought the meds would keep her asleep for a while longer? oh well. that's when I got an idea.

" Hey sage how are you?"

" Tired. but better. you?"

"Same. hey I got an idea. you wanna get the others up?"

" Sure. but lets make it a little interesting."

" You read my mind."

We both say there trying to think of a way to get them up.

" I got it! tyler and I got some paintball guns once because we were having a paint ball war. we still have tons of ammo and the guns."

She gave me a devilish grin.

" Oh fuck yes! go get them. ill keep an eye out to make sure they stay asleep."

" Okay. brb."

And with that she ran to the basement.

In two seconds she was back up with tons of ammo and the guns.

We tip toed to the guest room where everyone was sleeping for some weird reason. well, everyone except for sage. she slept in her room.

" Ready?" sage whispered.

" Yeah."

" Okay. one....... two................ THREE!"

We walked in.

Sage yelled.

As everyone groggily opened their eyes we rapid fired. thats when they scrambled for safety. and we didn't stop till the ammo ran out.

" What the fuck, Kyle! why!" screamed tyler.

" Hey I made breakfast and we wanted to get you guys up. the paintball guns were sages idea." I said while running to the stairs.

" Sage!", tyler screamed creepily, " where are you."

I didn't even realize she ran off. I looked over into the dark bathroom and see her in between the crack of the door and the doorframe. she held her finger to her lips. I gave a tiny nod. Trying to not give her position away.

Tyler still found her though. he walked in turning on the lights and grabbing sage by her waist, putting her over his shoulder.

" I gotcha! your in a hell of a lot of trouble! ya hear!" tyler screamed in the same creepy tone.

Sage screeched. she punched tyler in the back and kicked trying to escape. but he had her in a death grip.

Tyler plopped her on the couch and sat on her back.

" TYLER! FUCKING GET OFF OF ME!" sage screamed.


Adam ran over and sat on her legs.


" Neeevvvvveeeerrrrrr!" screamed Adam in his stupid kid voice.

" Guys get off her, seriously. let's eat." I said.

They finally got off her. When she got up she grabbed tyler and adam by the ear like a mom and dragged them to the table.

" Now you too behave or ill send you to your rooms for the rest of the day!" she said like a tired pissed off mom.

" Yes 'mam we're sorry." they said in a sad toned unison.

" Good. now eat your breakfast."

We all started laughing hard. I'm glad things were back to normal.

The girl with scars (a munchingbrotato fanfic) (MAJOR EDITING UNDERWAY)Where stories live. Discover now