Chapter 23 The date

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I dedicate these last few chapters of this book to my good friends on here, itzsafeenaYO and Smiling_Mind_Changer. They are amazing and you HAVE to check them out. They've supported me and my work for a long time and are astonishing writers. ON WITH THE STORY!!!!

Yesterday was amazing. after we visited her. we went back to the house and played games, watched tv and movies, and had fun. it was one of the best times of my life.

Carrie was allowed to spend the night, yay!

We stayed up all night talking.

" So, how's you and Tyler?" She asked.

I laughed.

" Still the same. we are still together." I replied.

" You guys have just been distant recently. I was just getting worried."

" Okay, the only reason we are distant is because Tyler has been trying to work really hard on his channel for the past few months. he wants to make them happy, like he did you and me. and I've been trying to find a job to support us besides YouTube, but it's pointless. I think I'll just stick to YouTube as a full time thing. and if I do I will have to work hard on the channel." I said.

She took a minute to process it all.

" Oh......... okay. I guess that makes sense."

" Besides, me and Tyler do still spend alone time together."

" Yea."

" So, what else do you want to do?"

" Childhood movies marathon till we fall asleep?"

" Deal."

We got a bunch of movies and put them into the disc player. we watched movie after movie till we fell asleep.
I woke up before carrie. I slipped out of the room and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Tyler was watching tv in the living room eating cereal in his pajamas.

" Hey, babe." I said.

" What's up, beautiful?" He said as I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat next to him.

" Carrie is still asleep. we watched movies all night till we fell asleep." I said.

" Good. cause I have to ask you something."

" What's up?"

" Well. its coming to the end of summer and I was wondering................ would you like to go on a date?"

" Yes! I'd love to, tyler. What time?"

" I was thinking 6:30 tonight. is that okay?"

" Yea. sure."

" Cool. then I'll see you later tonight. I have to go record." he said.

We gave each other a quick kiss.

He went to go record and I went to do some extensive prepping.
" He asked you on a date tonight?!?!?!?!?" Carrie said, obviously freaking.

" Yes. it's not a big deal. I need your help getting ready. can you do my hair and make up for me? Your amazing at that kind if stuff."

" Girl, go take a long, thorough shower. I will take care of everything." she said.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

" Thanks, carrie. I owe you. big time." I said as I rushed into my bathroom.

" Don't sweat it." she yelled as I closed the door.
" Okay. I've laid out an outfit for you, once you put it on I need to put on your makeup and finish off your hair, then finally do your nails quickly. your gonna be drop dead gorgeous tonight, girl." Carrie explained hurriedly to me.

I had just gotten out of the shower and Carrie used a blow dryer to quickly dry my hair. she's gone up and beyond what I asked her to do. she is the absolute best friend EVER.

I quickly got my outfit on and let Carrie take full control.

I looked at the clock while Carrie got my eyeshadow out. 4:50. SHIT!!!!

" Carrie, we need more hands. it's almost time and I'm not even close to ready!!!!! Go run and get alesa. I would, but I want to surprise Tyler and he might see me if I go."

" Shit your right. I'll be back in a flash." she said as she ran out of the room.

In a quick moment later Carrie was back with alesa.

" Aw!!!!! sage you look gorgeous!!! What do I need to help with?" Alesa said.

" As I'm putting on her makeup I need you to get the next thing of makeup I will need. when we are done with makeup we will do her nails. I'll do one hand and you do the other. then we will top it all off with some perfume I bought for this occasion." Carrie explained to alesa.

" wait. you spent money on me? CARRIE I DONT LIKE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT." I whined.

" Hey. I wanted to make this the best date ever. and you will use it and keep it. and I mean it. take it as a very early Christmas present. Carrie said.

I gave in and let them finish working on me. we had gotten everything done and just sprayed the perfume on me. it had sparkles in it so I was really shimmery all over.

" Guys. this. is. a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I couldn't ask for anything better. thank you guys SO much!!" I said.

" Your welcome, baby girl. it's time to see what Tyler thinks. lets go." alesa said, hugging me tightly.

I walked out of my room, all of the others were downstairs watching tv.

" MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE." alesa yelled above the noise.

Everyone silenced and listened to alesa.

" Thank you. me and Carrie would like to show you................... sage."

I walked around the wall and down the stairs. all eyes were on me. especially Tyler's.

Tyler walked up to me and took both of my hands in his.

" You look gorgeous." he said.

" You look handsome yourself." I said back.

Mitch and Kyle walked up to us.

" Don't stay out too late and stay safe." Mitch said mainly to me.

Mitch gave me and hug and whispered in my ear.

" Have fun."

Kyle gave me a hug too.

He turned to Tyler and went serious.

" If you hurt her, I will murder you. if you let anything happen to her, I will hurt you so much. I want you to have fun but please keep her and yourself safe and don't do anything stupid." he said.

" Okay, Kyle." is all Tyler said.

Kyle gave me a kiss on the forehead.

" Now. go off and have some fun." he said.

" Wait!!!!! I want to take pictures before you go!!!!!" Yelled alesa.

My and Tyler quickly posed and let her have her pictures.

And with that me and Tyler walked out to the car. Tyler, obviously, opened the door for me. and we drove off.

The girl with scars (a munchingbrotato fanfic) (MAJOR EDITING UNDERWAY)Where stories live. Discover now