Chapter 10 Happy 18th birthday, sage!

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Wednesday April 2, 2013

( I know I skipped christmas, New Years, and valentines day. but I'm lazy and I went right for the birthday. yes hate me all you want. but maybe ill do it later for 2014 if I get there. okay on with the chapter!)

I woke up. the sun was barely rising. weird I never wake up this early. I looked at my alarm clock. TODAY IS MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! SHIT, YEAH!!!!!!! I got up quietly and decided to make breakfast for me and tyler. we always sleep late so I was positive he was still sleeping. I was going to make us special chocolate chip pancakes. but when I got down the stair and turned on the light there were decorations and presents and all sorts of stuff everywhere. and tyler, Mitch, Adam, alesa, Kyle, and the rest of team crafted jumped up and yelled,

" happy 18th birthday, sage!".

I screamed.

"Guys! oh my god! thank you so much!"

I looked around at everyone and stopped at Ty. he looked confused. more than usual.

" Ty, whats wrong? you look more confused than usual."

He looked at me and came back to reality.

" We all planned on yelling surprise when you got down here. so when you turned on the lights I said ' super-appy 18th birthday, sage!'. what the fuck guys! you made me look like an idiot on her birthday!"

We all laughed.

" But Ty, your always an idiot." I said.

We all laughed harder. even Ty started laughing.

"Okay, well I owe you a lot of birthday. so lets get this birthday started." said Mitch.

we all agreed.

Me and alesa made us all chocolate chip pancakes, which were delicious if I do say so myself, and we watched some Big Bang theory ( one of the best tv shows ever!!!!!!!). After we all finished, the guys really wanted me to open my giant mountain of presents. I pick out a small silver box with white ribbon tied around it for my first present.

" 'From your big bro Mitch. have a good one, baby sis.' Aw. Mitch!" I said getting up and hugging him.

" Your welcome, sis. Now, hurry up and open it!" he begged.

I untied the ribbon and lifted the top of. inside the box laid a silver heart shaped locket on a silver chain. I took it out and opened the locket. inside was two picture. one side had Mitch in it. and the other side had mom. My eyes started to well up with tears.

" Mitch, this is amazing! I love you so much! thank you!" I said.

A few tears of joy escaped from my eyes. I wiped them away.

" Hey, your welcome, and I love you too. but there's something else." he said.

he got up and sat next to me.
He flipped over the locket revealing something on engraved on the back. It said ' I love you sage. we both did. and never forget that! - Mitch'.

I hugged him again. he helped put the locket on me. I set the box aside and opened my other presents.

( to lazy to write these individually so ill just list them off)

Tyler- a black beanie and a silver plated batman signal bracelet

Kyle- a black tank top with a gothic looking Ariel on to and a 50 dollar hot topic card

Alesa- a poster of Harley Quinn and a pair of pokèball gauges

Adam- a of batman bra and panties
(and second pair that had white and red diamonds and hearts for harley quinn)and a 50 dollar gift card to Victoria secrets.

" Wow Adam. thanks, but way to be a perv."

" Hey to make me less of a perv I made alesa get them for me!" said Adam trying to defend himself.

We all laughed.

Ty- a pair of bright green converse

Ian- pon and zi plushies (YES BITCH!)

Jerome- little mermaid themed make up palette and little mermaid perfume (the bottle that's has the shape of the top half of a mermaid)

Jason- a white hakkuna mattata lion king tank top and a red and black plaid dress

Quintin- black army boots and a 75 dollar iTunes card (shit yea!)

Ryan- a black phone case with a skeleton bunny that said 'cute as hell'

I had gotten through all of my presents (excluding the little birthday cards in a separate stack) except for one big one. really big. it took up the entire coffee table.

"That ones from all of us" said Ty.

I took of the wrapping paper and lifted the lid. it was I giant picture in a black frame. it was a picture we all took at minecon. we all looked like idiots, doing different weird poses.

Adam and alesa were kissing with their cheeks puffed out like little kids. Ian and Jason acted like two little kids and made disgusted faces at them. Ty and quintin were on the right looking like they were about to start beating each other up and that Kyle and Ryan were trying to break it up.

Mitch was carrying Jerome bridal fashion next to me and tyler. speaking of, I was on Tyler's shoulders in the middle of the chaos sticking my tongue out and my hands on my knees leaning forwards and tyler looked like he had the shit beaten out of him and he was two seconds from collapsing and dying. right then and there.

On the bottom in the middle of the frame there was a little silver plaque thingy that said 'our weird family'.
I laughed.

"Guys, this is amazing! this is the best birthday I've ever had. you really didn't have to do all of this for me! but I love all of you so much for caring about me and thinking of me!"

" Yes we did have to do this, and this is just the beginning. we still have a few things we're gonna go do! so go get dressed we're heading out in 20 minutes." said alesa.

"Okay, thank you guys so much! I love you guys so much! ill be back in a minute."

I ran up to my room and changed into my new hakunna mattata shirt and a black jacket, new green converse, black ripped skinny jeans, new black beanie and pokèball gauges, and put on the little mermaid perfume and make up, and I put on the batman bracelet.

I quickly ran downstairs everyone was dispersed everywhere doing different things to get ready. Mitch walked up to me.

"Hey I wanted to show you something, I got myself a matching watch to your locket. it's matching because the watch can open and inside it has a picture of you and mom."

"Mitch that's so cool! where did you get it?"

" A good friend of mine knows a guy who's wife works with jewelry and watches and stuff."


"Hey is everybody ready to go?" I yelled.

"Yea!" everybody yelled back at the top of their lungs.

"Hey where are we even going?" I asked Mitch.

" First we are going to go to lazer tag. then lunch, then we are going to go have paint ball gun war, then go roller skating, come back home and order pizza and watch a movie or two."

"SWEET!" I sang.

Today was by far one of the best days of my life EVER!!!!!!!

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