Chapter 14: The One Dream On Tour.

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Chapter 14: The one Dream On tour.

It was morning. Time pack away our stuff and head to the bus. We only had an hour to get ready, ourselves and our belongings. As I got out the shower and walked into our room Justin noticed I didn't have his necklace on.

"Where's your necklace?" He asked looking at me worriedly.

"Don't worry Justin, it's here!" I said picking it up off the dresser. "I took it off to have a shower." I replied smiling, and handing it to him to put it on me. As I lifted up my long hair he placed it round my neck and fastened it.

"There." He said as he squeezed me tight and kissing my cheek. After I'd finished getting ready I gathered my bags together and went out into the front room. Me and Justin headed to our bus and on the ride to Las Vegas Carly and Alfredo were going to join us. All of the team had gone to their buses while Moshe checked us out in the lobby.

The drive to Las Vegas was going to take all day so we made sure we had everything we needed. Including a huge pile of sweets.

"Is everyone ready?" Said Alfredo before we set off.

"YES!" We all shouted smiling at each other. As we drove out of the hotel there were thousands of fans waving goodbye. Some where screaming. Some where crying. However we didn't stop to say goodbye. Justin went to the front of the bus and stood at the front window waving bye to his fans. He hated times like this. Having to leave them behind even though he knew he was about to meet thousands more at the next place.

"Who wants a bash on COD with me?" Shouted Alfredo as he tuned the Xbox on hoping someone would join him.

"MEEEEE!" Shouted Justin as he ran to pick up the remotes. He handed one to Alfredo before sitting down on the sofa. "IMA BEAT YOU BRO." He said looking and laughing at Alfredo.

"AHAHAHAH! In your dreams!" Joked Alfredo.

I went into one of the bedrooms at the back end of the bus. I got my purple beats headphones out of my bag and plugged them into my phone. I hadn't listened to music in days. Well apart from the concerts, but I thought it was about time. Music was and is my life. If we didn't have it I don't know what I would do. It explains everything. There is always a song to match your mood and explain your feelings no matter how depressing or happy or sad it is. I flicked through my albums and decided to create a 'favourites' play list. I added all of the Believe album, all of Kiss album and a few other songs. I loved these albums because no matter what, I always caught myself singing along to every word.

After an hour or so went by Justin came in the room to see what I was doing. I was still sat on the bed with my headphones on listening to the music and on twitter.

"Hey babe, what you doing?" He asked as he sat next to me. I noticed him as he sat down but didn't quite fully hear what he said over the music.

"Sorry, what was that Justin?"

"What you doing?" He repeated.

"Oh nothing listening to music and on twitter. Trying to follow back all of the beliebers that are asking me. My mentions are never dead anymore!" I said laughing.

"Well think how mine are then." He said looking at me and smiling. "Anyway, what you listening to babe?" He said as he put his hand around my back.

"Oh just erm, know...all the new stuff..." I said trying to hide that I was listening to his and Carly's albums.

"I can here it sound song off believe...I know I know, it's 'Be Alright'? He asked looking at me and smiling.

"Maybe..." I said blushing.

"Well you know, I wrote that song because I hoped it would help people when they are down. I've had many fans say its helped them through depression, I find that quite touching, knowing my music has helped them." He said as he smiled and started to tear up a bit.

"Well before I met you, and before I came on tour with you, well it was actually when the album came out, my sister always played it like she has done with them all. I heard this song, and it helped me. A lot. I was suffering from depression, and I tried self harming a few times, but just couldn't find myself let me do that. It was a hard time for me because one of my friends had passed away. I listened to this song every day. Every night. None stop. Since I've been on tour I've not been having depression because its so fun and I'm happy it's just faded away. You all here have made me back to myself. That's the whole reason Carly invited me to come along. I was so excited about this, and my parents thought it would be a great thing to take my mind off things." I said before tears started pouring out my eyes. I looked up at Justin to see tears rolling down his face. It seemed that he had listened to every word I said to him.

"Babe, I don't even know, I can't even, look I'm so so so so glad that you don't you know, have depression, and that you don't self harm. If you did I'd do anything to help you and to stop you. You're my everything Kelsey, my world id die if I ever lost you! I don't know what I'd do. I'm just so please that my music helped you through it. I'm glad that it helps people. I feel like I have achieved something more in life then being just a 'popstar'" he said giving me a hug, I felt his embrace as he squeezed me tight. I kept my arms around his neck never letting go. I cried into Justin's neck as he held me in his arms.

Justin POV:

Kelsey cried into my neck. Half an hour went by and we was still hugging. I moved away and noticed Kelsey had fallen asleep on my shoulder whilst crying. I pulled back the duvet on the bed trying not to wake her. I lifted her up and placed her into bed.

"Alfredo, bro, I'll finish the game off later yeah? Or you and Carly can carry on playing? I'll tell you later bro." I said as I walked back into the room.

"Yeah that's fine bro." Replied Alfredo as he put his thumb in the air.

As I walked back into the bedroom I removed my tee and changed into my shorts, I climbed into bed next to Kelsey and laid her on my chest. A few minutes later I found myself drifting off to sleep.

An hour later Kelsey woke up and was sick everywhere. She became extremely sick, and I made her stay in bed for the rest of the journey and try and sleep it off. I laid with her all the time making sure she was okay. Every ten minutes she kept getting up and going to the bathroom to be sick. We were all really worried about her so I decided to call Allison and scooter. We arranged to pull up somewhere nobody would notice that it was us and where we couldn't of been followed by paparazzi. Allison and scooter came into our bus to see what was wrong.

"I don't know whats wrong with Kelsey, she keeps being sick every ten minutes. I'm really worried about her Allison." I said worriedly.

"Don't worry Justin, we will get her to the doctors as soon as we get into Las Vegas. Just make sure she sleeps and drinks plenty of water." Said scooter. Scooter and Allison went back to their buses and we carried on to the next venue.

A few hours went by and me and Kelsey slept, cuddling each other. I made sure she was okay and looked after her well. As soon as we arrived at Las Vegas we went straight to the doctors to find out if she was okay...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2013 ⏰

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