Chapter 5: The One Dream On Tour.

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Chapter 5: The one Dream On tour.

Justin's POV:

We arrived at the hotel and Kelsey's face was just in awe!

"Yo, Moshe do we have the whole floor to our self?" I asked him getting excited like a big kid hoping to be pulling pranks on everyone.

"OF COURSE!" Moshe shouted back.

However there were only two suits because they were so incredibly huge! So the girls stayed in one, and the boys in the other. Everyone went off to choose their rooms and then we all met back down in the lobby half an hour later ready to head out for something to eat before the fans started arriving in their hundreds.

We headed off to a fancy italian restaurant, I was so excited because this meant I could have my favourite meal! A lovely polite woman came over to our table to order our food.

"Hi guys! I'll be your waitress today! Can I take your orders?"

Of course I was quick to reply seen as I knew what I wanted.

"Spaghetti Bolognese please!" I replied before everybody else.

Most of the team chose pizza because we was at an Italian. As we was waiting for the food Kelsey kept getting strange calls coming through. She kept quiet about it first until she got fed up of it and gave the phone to Carly. As she passed it over I tried to see the caller ID. It said something like 'Alfie'. I really wanted to ask her who it was but I felt like I would be being too nosey so I left it.

After we all ate out meal I forgot all about it, until he decided to call her back at the hotel. Kelsey had left her phone on the side of the table while she went to have a shower and everyone was busy in the front room talking and watching TV. I noticed it ringing so decided to go and answer it.


"WHO THE HELL IS THIS? Where's Kelsey?! I want to speak to her?! I need to speak to her! Put her on now!"

"This is Justin Bieber and who might you be?" I replied with a sarcastic tone.

"So you're the 'man' she's gone touring with. Oh I see. Now you're answering her phone?! Well let me tell you something Mr Justin. ME AND KELSEY ARE NOT OVER!!" And he slammed the phone down. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. It was the guy who kept ringing her at the restaurant the Alfie guy.

After Kelsey got out of the shower, I asked her who 'Alfie' was. She just broke down into floods of tears right in front of me. I felt really bad. I didn't know what to do, what had I said? What had I done?

I decided to sit her down on a chair and comfort her a little, as I have her a hug she cried even more.

"Kelsey, you'll be fine come on, wipe those tears away!" I said calmly wiping her tears from her face.

"He broke my heart. I told him I was coming on tour with Carly and...and you. And then he said that we shouldn't be together anymore, that we should just be 'friends'." She cried out even more.

"It's okay, it's okay." I assured her. "He's not worth it kels! Just ignore the guy! Come here, give me a hug."

I felt her embrace as she hugged me tightly. I could smell her gorgeous perfume. It reminded me of a certain smell that I'd smelt before. Then it clicked! It was my new fragrance Girlfriend!

"Kelsey are you wearing my perfume?"

"Erm...y-e-s..." She replied all embarrassed.

I couldn't help but smile at this. I knew my perfume smelt really good, but not that good!

"Justin, thank you! You're such a great guy! I wish there was more guys like you out there. You know. That help people and actually care about people's feelings." She said ever so politely as she leaned in and gave me another big hug.

As Kelsey walked off to get ready, I went off into the from room. Everyone was gathered together and were all talking. As I walked through the door my mom jumped up and looked at me.

"Justin will you go and open the door for me there's someone there, room service. Thank you love"

As I walked to the door I couldn't help but feel sorry for Kelsey.

"JUSTIN!!!! SURPRISE!!!!" Scream Jazzy, Jaxon and my Dad.

"OH MY GOD!!! HEY GUYS! Come in!" I shouted as I have Jazzy and Jaxon the biggest hugs in the world! It felt like forever since I'd seen them! I've missed them so much!

"Yo Justin! You to old to give your dad some love yet?"

"Nope! I've missed you all!" I replied giving my dad a hug.

"MOM MOM MOM! LOOK WHO'S HERE!" I shouted. I always get so excited when they come and visit me because I don't get much time with them. Everyone greeted them when they walked through to where everyone was sat.

"Hey Kelsey! Get in here! Come and meet my brother and sister! Oh and dad!"

Kelsey came rushing in minutes later to see Jazzy and Jaxon running round being mischievous as usual.

"Hey guys!" She said as she point at Jaxon and said " must be Jazzy!" And then pointed at Jazzy. "And you must be Jaxon! Nice to meet you guys! I'm Kelsey's one of Carly's bestfriends."

They bother looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"NO! I'm Jazzy! And he's Jaxon." Said Jazzy still laughing at what Kelsey said.

"Oh, is that right?"

"YES" they both shouted at me smiling.

"Hey, Kelsey come and meet my Dad, Jeremy."

"Hi Jeremy! Nice to meet you!" I said greeting him whilst shaking his hand.

"Hi! I believe you're Kelsey right? On of Carly's close Friends? Justin's been telling me how excited he was to have you joining the tour!"

"Oh WOW. I never knew that! Aha, I'm just so grateful and excited to be here!"

After spending a few hours with Jazzy and Jaxon it was time to do the sound check. They stayed back at the hotel while me, Kelsey my mom and the rest of the team headed off to do the sound check. I was so excited for tonight's show knowing my brother and sister and my dad would be here watching and supporting me! As we was walked into the arena about to get ready my grandparents walked in! I was so shocked!

"GRANDPA GRANDMA! Wow! It's great to see you!! Thankyou for coming!!" I was nearly crying with happiness at this. I looked over to my mom to find her smiling at me. SHE'D SET IT UP. SHE'D SAID FOR THEM TO COME! I was so so so happy today.

"JUSTIN! Hi how are you?!" They both said giving me a huge hug.

"I'm great thank you! And yourself?"

"We're both great! And super excited to watch the show tonight!" Said my grandma.

"WHAT YOU'RE STAYING FOR THE SHOW?! This is just great! My dads back at the hotel with Jazzy and Jaxon they're coming to watch tonight to!"

I had a good feeling that this show was going to be special.

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