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TW: blood, stabbing, death, trauma, clowns, knives

...enjoy >:)

Alex's POV:

Ever since Pip turned 3 in January, Eliza has been begging me to let her take him trick-or-treating. I was very hesitant about it. When I was younger, James and I were never allowed to go trick-or-treating.

Instead, we stayed home with our box of expired candy (that's all we could afford) and watched scary movies that we had on VHS tapes. Then, once momma had put James and I to bed, James would get a flashlight and we would hide under the blankets and tell scary stories.

But once when I was nine, my dad let James and I go trick-or-treating for the first time. I was so excited and I put on my costume that I made myself. I was dressed as Batman but it wasn't very good. Anyway, James and I went out but when we got back...

My dad had stabbed momma in the leg and fled the scene. James called the police while I was having a panic attack in the corner. Momma tried to calm me down the best she could but I could tell she wanted to scream in pain.

Once the police arrived, James and an officer helped calm me down while the paramedics took momma to the hospital. She lived, luckily, but I've hated Halloween and trick-or-treating ever since then. If I hadn't gone, momma wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Currently, Eliza was, once again, begging me to let Pip go trick-or-treating while Pip was clinging to my legs. I sighed and gave in. "Fine. But if he gets scared, he's coming straight home. Understand?" I said sternly. Eliza nodded and hugged me quickly before picking up Pip and going to change into their costumes.

10 minutes later, Eliza and pip were in their costumes. Eliza was dressed as Moana and Pip was Pua. I was supposed to be Maui but I haven't dressed up since I was nine and I swore to never dress up again.

"Alex, please put your costume on." Eliza begged. "N-no I c-can't..." I mumbled as memories started to flood back faster than that hurricane swept over Nevis.

The screams. The sirens. The blood. The the flashing lights. The people laughing loudly in the streets because they had no idea what was happening. The smirk on my dads face when he came home a week later and saw my mom with crutches and an extremely large hospital bill. The deafening silence for weeks while my mom healed. Everything.

I sat down and tried to control my breathing. Eliza sat with me and helped me until I calmed down. "I'm sorry..." she whispered. Pip can ebb and hugged me, making me smile a little.

"You two go have fun. I'll stay home and hand out candy." I said and kissed Pips head. Eliza nodded and kissed my chin (cause she's short) before getting up and leaving with Pip. I handed put candy to kids but kept watch of the time.

10 minutes passed... then 30.. then an hour... then 2... I was starting to get worried since it was almost 10pm and Pips bedtime was at 8.

Then I heard the sounds I dreaded most. My wife's scream, and the sirens of the police fat in the distance. I rushed outside and down the street only to see someone in a clown costume pulling the knife from my sons back. My wife laying next to him, dead from the same wound.

I froze. "I shouldn't have let them go..." I mumbled too myself as the police and paramedics arrived. They couldn't save them...


620 words :)

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