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It's Halloween, Baby!

Peggy's POV:

"Babe! Come downstairs! We have to go trick or treating before bedtime!" I called up to my husband while fixing the Tinkerbell costume on our 4 month old daughter. I was dressed as Wendy and John was dressed as Peter Pan. Very cute.

I heard my husband run down the stairs, missing the last one as always, and face plant into the couch. That's why the couch is there.

"I'm good!" He said and got up, fixing his own costume and making his way over to us. "You're just the cutest thing!" He cooed over Annabella.

"I know I am but look at the baby!" I teased and kissed Annabellas head. John laughed and picked her up. "Alright, let's get trick or treating babes." He said and grabbed a bag and walked out the door, immediately walking back in to get coats because it's always freezing in October.

"Good call. Now let's go!" I smiled and followed him to each house, helping him with Annabella. One house had a bunch of scary decorations and he tried to assure me that nothing would jump out at me.

So, we went up to the house, grabbing a candy from a bowl, when a zombie jumped out and started chasing John.

I quickly grabbed Annabella from him before he could drop her and he SPRINTED far away from the house while I stood there in shock, trying to calm down my crying baby.

"What the heck, John! You said nothing would jump out then left me and Anna for dead!" I laughed at him and kissed his cheek when he came back, gaining an apology from the guy dressed as a zombie.

"Well I'm sorry but I didn't expect it!" He said and took Annabella again, kissing her head and holding her close.

"Let's just finish the street and head back to get this little fairy in bed, ok??" I suggested and he nodded, walking with me to all the houses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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