Chapter 8

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I did not want to get up, I was too comfortable ignoring the person saying my name. That was into what I was laying on got up, well more like someone. I open my eyes and look up to see Hisoka. " My apologies, I didn't mean to end up sleeping on you." I say getting up and bowing.

"We are at the next phase of the exam. And you purr in your sleep." was all he said with a smirk before walking off.

" I what-" I could feel the heat rising to my face. Master never said I would get the ability to purr! Why did no one tell me this? I know I have fallen asleep in front of them at least once before. Shaking my head hoping he will forget about that night all together I fix myself up before walking out.

Upon leaving the ship, Aircraft thing I got on top of a tall tower. Getting off I walk forward a little before falling. Down through the floor. Lucky me. " Greetings player 002. You have found your way down here early. Please continue forward into the tunnel as you make it to the bottom. You will face obstacles, good luck." A voice said.

"Understood." i said before walking down the tunnel.

After a while of just walking I came upon a slightly bigger opening. It fully lit up and I could see another person. " Hello." I said before the voice came back.

"This is a prisoner here. You have to fight him and survive. Him winning will be your death and his freedom. Your winning will be moving on and 10 years added to his sentist." Nodding my head I stopped listening to the voice unwrapping my tail letting it move behind me.

" I know you..YOUR THE LITTLE RAT! You got me put in here!" He yelled.

"Correct and now I'm going to finish my only ever not finished job. And kill you." With my words being said i put my right hand behind my back, his anger getting the better he charged at me.

"Did you not learn from last time?" I said digging my claws into his heart. (Killua move there- lol) " I have never failed a mission now. Thank you for that, and you deserved it." Before I walked more until I saw someone walking closer a card was thrown at me.

Just barely moving from it. "If it isn't my favorite hot clown boy." I said kissing his hand.

"If it isn't my favorite kitten," he said, kissing my hand as well.

"I guess we are together until the end now." he smirked down at me.

"Guess so." bowing and wrapping my arms around his i drag him along with me on to the next task we will face.

Flirts and small talk and killing 4 people later we reach the last task. " This is a trust game. YOu must trust your partner to guide you blind folded across the obstacle, fail and fall to your death. You have ten minutes until the lights go out and 30 into time is up. Begeain."

" I'm trusting you, better not try and kill me.'' I said putting on the blind fould. He didn't say anything about being able to hold on if I were to fall. Standing at the start I listened to hisoka.

"Move straight..stop!" He yelled stop each time I was about to over step, and I took slow steps to help him. Before I knew it he told me to take off the blind fold. Doing as told I see I made it to the other side. Helping him do the same and we made it little over 3 minutes to spare. Taking his hand I drag him to the next tunal. Were we found a slide,

"Yes! I love slides me and king would always use the big one we have!" sitting down a pat behind me waiting for the clown. "never gone down with a partner? Taller person sits behind idiot." he sat down and pushed us down.

Laughing at him wrapping his arms around me, I saw a light and realized we reached our end. I wish I could say we walked out first with pride but we did not. We fell. Lucky the only person who was was the tall weird man who I got his name. Laughing, I pushed hisoka off and helped him up. "Scared?"

"Nope, I just wanted to be closer to you~" he smirked, smirking back I replied.

"Could have just asked babe." kissing his cheek I walked off over to a nearby tree and sat in it watching the other players slowly come in. Not realizing i never put my tail away.

pretty outside, ugly inside {~ hisoka x m. reader~}Where stories live. Discover now