Chapter 9

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In the past chapter i think i got some things mixed up, sorry if i did its been a while since i watched season one)

As everyone slowly came in i looked around for my smaller friends. I didn't see them. If they dont make it by the end of this time i will personally kill who ever was in charge of this game very fucking slowly. Getting up i don't feel like hiding my tail anymore, not like im the weirdest person here.

Walking over to hisoka playing with his cards i sit in front of him. "Whis is cool." I said smiling. Smirking he showed me a couple card tricks. I even tried one, i didnt do to well but i did not do to well. After a couple more minutes of him doing tricks them me trying to do one. I gave him his cards i was using and moved next to him. Laying against him. " You remind me of a friend i have short of"

" Is that so?" Looking at my tail i wrap it around my waist.

"Yeah." It was quiet for a while between us. " Hes a little bitch to."

" Why you little-" He was cut off my the sound of the speaker.

' Number 99, 405,403,404,and 16 have passed.' I look over remembering the first two card numbers and see that gon, killua and there little group have passed. Smiling to myself i lean against the wall, cant wait for the next task of this wonderful exam. 

(Do you guys what flirtying or something wholesome more?)

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