Sudden Kiss - Chapter 39

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I watch the sky with full of stars with different shines. For me stars are just like us people, we are all stars but each of us shines differently in different ways. I keep wondering when will my star shine on me.

Lately I keep on facing problems I don't know how to solve. Growing up the challenges I have to face alone grows too.

I almost hit my head when the driver of the taxi I'm currently in, took a sudden break.

"Ajushi? What's that?" I complained.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I think I have to drop you here. I just received a message from my wife that she is about to give birth." He says.

I have to get off even if I don't want to but I also want to. What if he drives me home with him if I get stubborn. After all that's his wife, his priority.

Thankful but I feel sorry that I didn't get to pay him. He was really rushing.

The house is just few walks away. I better just walk home.

Why is it freezing cold right now? Is it about to rain. "Oh hell no." Just then drops of water from the sky poured.

Damn. I don't have an umbrella. Everyone passing by has umbrella with them. Why am l the only one who didn't know it's going to rain?. Even the weather forecast has favorites now huh?

"So I'm only one who didn't bring an umbrella?" I muttered.

I look up above the sky and decided to get wet there. I was standing alone. Maybe the sky cried because of me. Are they pitying me.

This is really annoying.

I lowered down my head and my tears started flowing out as the rain poured down on me. His mom doesn't want me anymore, Taeyung is avoiding me, Jennie was mad at me and now Bogum is.. I don't know what to say. I can't take this all alone.

I felt the rain stopped hitting me but I could tell it's still raining. A familiar pair of shoes is coming closer. I raised my head to see who was covering me with his black umbrella.

He took off his jacket to cover it to me. I was just standing there and can't utter a word. Suddenly I'm thinking I'm part of weather forecast favorites.

"Joohyun. Are you alright?" He looked at me with full of worries in his eyes. He was blocking the rain for me and got himself soaked in the rain.

"Junmyeon..... I- I'm okay... I just wanna feel the rain." He wiped the tears on my eyes. I'm sure I stopped crying when I saw his shoes but, how did these tears keeps on flowing.

"Lies." He pulled my face closer to his face by holding my chin using his thumb and index finger.

"Then what's with your eyes.?" He stared at me closely.

I pushed his hands away. I quickly wiped away my tears. He's kinda moving to close to me, I'm afraid of what could come next.

"Can't you see? it's raining.... It's just the rain. I got soaked." I looked away as I reasoned out.

"You can fool others but not me." He whispered as he pulls me and let my head rest on his chest.

I let my head rest on his shoulder. I can't let him see my tears. Because of his hug it made me sob even more. My tears just kept on flowing.

"I'm sorry." He said as he pats my back.

I don't know why his sorry but I don't have an energy to ask.

"I'm sorry, you're in all of this mess because of me." He added embracing me tighter.

I tried to move away from his embrace but he didn't let me.

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